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Outrage: Union Pension Bailouts are Coming

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Not quite False - there's a growing chance that AIG will repay the money.

I don't believe they will. They are in the process of selling their "crown jewels", plus this last quarter reflected earnings that in my view are unsustainable. Let's see their earnings over the next year before we make any wild predictions on their ability to pay back the entire amount.

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I should probably go to Iraq or Afghanistan and really pad my "high three" as a federal worker. I know some that did/doing just that... Some 3-4 times/stints going over there... I am not sure how much they made, but it is a ton more than their normal base pay stateside.


I am not sure if this is actually possible... But it has to be one of the reasons.

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1. The banks paid back the bailout money.

2. $165 billion in taxpayer dollars vs $0 in taxpayer dollars.

3. California, New York, New Jersey and the US are all broke.

4. Unions need to wake and and realize this isn't the 1950s we're living in.

5. US taxpayers will not stand for bailing out ridiculous fat cat union contracts so that they can sit on their fat lazy asses.



SOME of the banks paid back their bailout money. Either way some of that bailout money was used for exec golden parachutes and huge bonuses.


Sorry, if I sucked at my job I wouldn't get a bonus. They shouldn't have either. Just sayin'

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SOME of the banks paid back their bailout money. Either way some of that bailout money was used for exec golden parachutes and huge bonuses.


Sorry, if I sucked at my job I wouldn't get a bonus. They shouldn't have either. Just sayin'


The government bailed out the companies and assumed the risk: How would anyone know if they sucked at their jobs?


Government intervention.

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SOME of the banks paid back their bailout money. Either way some of that bailout money was used for exec golden parachutes and huge bonuses.


Sorry, if I sucked at my job I wouldn't get a bonus. They shouldn't have either. Just sayin'


Have you ever heard of the name Franklin Raines? You should google it sometime. Time to get off the phony bank executive outrage and find out what a real American thief looks like. He was literally caught stealing tens of millions of taxpayers' money and was given a slap on the wrist thanks to his Washington buddies. Please spare us with the bank exec crap.


Oh yeah, like the bank execs, he also had a big hand in the current collapse of the US economy. Did I also mention that he's best buddies with Obama?

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Have you ever heard of the name Franklin Raines? You should google it sometime. Time to get off the phony bank executive outrage and find out what a real American thief looks like. He was literally caught stealing tens of millions of taxpayers' money and was given a slap on the wrist thanks to his Washington buddies. Please spare us with the bank exec crap.


Oh yeah, like the bank execs, he also had a big hand in the current collapse of the US economy. Did I also mention that he's best buddies with Obama?




Okay !@#$ it, you're an idiot.

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Okay !@#$ it, you're an idiot.



Here you go dumbass...





"Franklin Raines...forced out as C.E.O. of Fannie Mae in 2004 after an investigation determined that the government-sponsored enterprise had overstated Fannie Mae’s earnings by as much as $10.6 billion between 1998 and 2004 in order to trigger executive bonuses. In his six years at Fannie Mae, Raines’s compensation was more than $90 million, of which $52 million came from bonuses tied to earnings."


"the government found Fannie Mae had engaged in “extensive financial fraud,” and fined it $400 million. O.F.H.E.O. sued Raines and two other Fannie executives for $115 million, seeking to recover $84.64 million in stock options, bonuses, and other payments from Raines alone. The suit was settled in April 2008, with Frank giving up near-worthless stock options, making a $1.8 million donation to charity and a $2 million fine to the government that was covered by Fannie Mae’s insurance policies."

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Here you go dumbass...





"Franklin Raines...forced out as C.E.O. of Fannie Mae in 2004 after an investigation determined that the government-sponsored enterprise had overstated Fannie Mae’s earnings by as much as $10.6 billion between 1998 and 2004 in order to trigger executive bonuses. In his six years at Fannie Mae, Raines’s compensation was more than $90 million, of which $52 million came from bonuses tied to earnings."


"the government found Fannie Mae had engaged in “extensive financial fraud,” and fined it $400 million. O.F.H.E.O. sued Raines and two other Fannie executives for $115 million, seeking to recover $84.64 million in stock options, bonuses, and other payments from Raines alone. The suit was settled in April 2008, with Frank giving up near-worthless stock options, making a $1.8 million donation to charity and a $2 million fine to the government that was covered by Fannie Mae’s insurance policies."


Then state your case properly moron. 10s of millions is distinctly different than this post. Millions mean nothing in today's economy. Oh, and you are still a moron for countless other posts.

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Here you go dumbass...





"Franklin Raines...forced out as C.E.O. of Fannie Mae in 2004 after an investigation determined that the government-sponsored enterprise had overstated Fannie Mae’s earnings by as much as $10.6 billion between 1998 and 2004 in order to trigger executive bonuses. In his six years at Fannie Mae, Raines’s compensation was more than $90 million, of which $52 million came from bonuses tied to earnings."


"the government found Fannie Mae had engaged in “extensive financial fraud,” and fined it $400 million. O.F.H.E.O. sued Raines and two other Fannie executives for $115 million, seeking to recover $84.64 million in stock options, bonuses, and other payments from Raines alone. The suit was settled in April 2008, with Frank giving up near-worthless stock options, making a $1.8 million donation to charity and a $2 million fine to the government that was covered by Fannie Mae’s insurance policies."


So is your point that Wall Street executives are guilty of the same theft, or Raines is just as entitled to his bonuses as Wall Street execs?


Booster, consider yourself officially deputized by me. Call him an idiot again, please.

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Have you ever heard of the name Franklin Raines? You should google it sometime. Time to get off the phony bank executive outrage and find out what a real American thief looks like. He was literally caught stealing tens of millions of taxpayers' money and was given a slap on the wrist thanks to his Washington buddies. Please spare us with the bank exec crap.


Oh yeah, like the bank execs, he also had a big hand in the current collapse of the US economy. Did I also mention that he's best buddies with Obama?




Yes, everything comes back to Obama and being his fault!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! :thumbsup:




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Yes, everything comes back to Obama and being his fault!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! :thumbsup:





Yeah, when you get pegged to be the CEO of a major corporation and can negotiate the terms of your employment contract with the board, you can demand insane severange packages. If the board's stupid (e.g. Disney's agreement with Ovitz), they probably grant it.


Don't like it? Buy a majority stake in these companies and vote in your own board.

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So is your point that Wall Street executives are guilty of the same theft, or Raines is just as entitled to his bonuses as Wall Street execs?


Booster, consider yourself officially deputized by me. Call him an idiot again, please.



Awwwww...you found a friend to play cowboys and indians with? That's so cute. :thumbsup:

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10s of millions brought down the US economy. Epic.



"He was literally caught stealing tens of millions of taxpayers' money and was given a slap on the wrist thanks to his Washington buddies."



C'mon Barney Fife...I know you libs like to lie, but it's kind of stupid to lie about what someone writes when every word here is documented.

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"He was literally caught stealing tens of millions of taxpayers' money and was given a slap on the wrist thanks to his Washington buddies."


"Oh yeah, like the bank execs, he also had a big hand in the current collapse of the US economy."


And no, he wasn't.

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"Oh yeah, like the bank execs, he also had a big hand in the current collapse of the US economy."


And no, he wasn't.

Okay, but ya gotta admit. Part of you now wonders if Booster walks around with a single bullet in his shirt pocket, yelling at 1billsfan "Ya gotta nip it. Nip it in the bud."

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Okay, but ya gotta admit. Part of you now wonders if Booster walks around with a single bullet in his shirt pocket, yelling at 1billsfan "Ya gotta nip it. Nip it in the bud."


Cute, have you recovered from the realization that everyone other than the other right wing partisan hacks consider you a right wing partisan hack? As I recall, you got all butt hurt when Simon pointed it out. I have an idea, try not being a partisan hack.

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