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works pretty well!



First of all, I'm offended at calling these fella's "Rednecks". At least thats what I assume you meant. Why not "Southern Rural Organic Harvesters"? Hey, if muslims and every other special interest can be miffed at every little thing, why can't southerners? Difference is these guys probably don't give a **** what they are called and get on with their lives. Too much work to do. Anyway I digress. I have no idea whether this idea has merit or not but I like that these guys are trying. :thumbsup:

Great idea. Now is there enough hay on the planet to sop up all the oil?






How many hay crops can they get a season? Even this non-hayshaker knows in a good year a field may yield 3-4 harvests. Am I wrong? Is it lower?

I remember hearing about the idea of using hay and hair to soak up the oil. They have been talking about this and similar ideas for a while now.



That brings up the company in OP that makes the booms for such spills like this... People keep calling asking if they are accepting hair. :worthy::wallbash: I think Fantastic Sam's is doing a hair collection from clippings... :thumbsup:


Not that that I am against this natural thing... But people are strange... The want to be eco-friendly and help out I understand... Yet they go and do other things like dump fertilizer all over their lawn or help and push jobs overseas where there are less enviro regs (yet cheaper consumer prices in the end)... Or use CF bulbs and then ditch them in the garbage... Then drive around in a hybrid on their way to work basically saying look at me, look at me... While their poorly disposed of garbage on garbage day is blowing all over the place!


We (our society) are pretty effed up when it comes to common sense... It is all show. All NIMBYism.


People can rail against the rednecks all they want...


/end enviro rant against what I call: "The North Face Enviros."

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