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Whitner done with Twitter


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He was put in a no-win situation when the Bills made him an eighth pick. This was a dumb move on Marv's part, and Whitner has never been able to live up to expectations of a #8 overall. OK, he's not a bad player. Still, the dude seems bi-polar with his I'm quitting twitter, NO "I'm not gonna run from twitter...I'm here to stay" routine. Donte, sometimes you just need to stop craving attention.

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That's a new attribute! Is that measured qualitatively or quantitatively? :bag:


Qualitative. I should have said passion an drive to learn and play teh game, heart if you will..



I didn't do it...



:lol: sure, sure, thats what they all say.

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oh bc you're really living it up posting on a message board instead? what's the big difference?


coming to a message board to see if i missed any news and going to someone's twitter page trying to read their broken English is two completely different things


sorry you dont understand that...i guess you need to read about what other people you dont even know personally are up to every minute of the day

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coming to a message board to see if i missed any news and going to someone's twitter page trying to read their broken English is two completely different things


sorry you dont understand that...i guess you need to read about what other people you dont even know personally are up to every minute of the day



Wht u Tlkn bt? :bag:



As much as i am game for new media, i still am not fully on board with Twitter, Mainly because you see things like the above statement.

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You know, I've been a Bills fan for over 40 years now. I used to think Bills fans were overdue and deserving of having a championship come to the city. I no longer think this. Oh, there are many Bills fans who DO deserve to see the Bills win a Super Bowl, but a sorry majority on this board do not deserve to ever savor such a victory. Seems at least 50-60% of posters on this board thrive on ripping the organization and the players apart. Sure, some of the criticism is deserved, but to call a player a "retard" along with many of the other barbs that have been tossed out around here on a daily basis. It's sad.

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You know, I've been a Bills fan for over 40 years now. I used to think Bills fans were overdue and deserving of having a championship come to the city. I no longer think this. Oh, there are many Bills fans who DO deserve to see the Bills win a Super Bowl, but a sorry majority on this board do not deserve to ever savor such a victory. Seems at least 50-60% of posters on this board thrive on ripping the organization and the players apart. Sure, some of the criticism is deserved, but to call a player a "retard" along with many of the other barbs that have been tossed out around here on a daily basis. It's sad.



Agreed with a lot of your post but I don't think it's fair to lump a lot of Bills fans into that category. A lot of people feel that you are free to say whatever you want behind a computer screen. You can hide and never have to face the consequences for calling people names. There are many good Bills fans you don't feel the need to insult players because they don't perform up to their expectations. On gameday, there are a ton of fans who deserve to see this team win.

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Agreed with a lot of your post but I don't think it's fair to lump a lot of Bills fans into that category. A lot of people feel that you are free to say whatever you want behind a computer screen. You can hide and never have to face the consequences for calling people names. There are many good Bills fans you don't feel the need to insult players because they don't perform up to their expectations. On gameday, there are a ton of fans who deserve to see this team win.

You are probably correct. My 50-60% estimate is certainly not scientific. I've just never seen so much negativism spew forth so consistently on this board. It probably just SEEMS like 50-60% of the fan base goes around calling players "retards", but it does get old.

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No, it's not Whitner's fault for being picked #8...who gives a sh-t...People who talk bad about him do so because he runs his mouth as if he's Ed Reed or Troy Polamalu. I would think the same of him if he was a 3rd round pick. His play on the field is blahhhhhhh...but yet he runs his mouth like he's the baddest mofo people have ever seen.


To the guy who gave him credit for crying after getting beat and tackling that Raider after he scored. LMFAO!!!!! What a loser's mentality!


God damnit I wish the Bills were a good team.

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Agreed. He's a good player. Worth the number 8 pick, perhpas not, but not his fault. He always puts his 100% in, and like you said, actually appears to care about winning--which is amazing when Dick Jauron is your coach. I'm looking forward to seeing what this team does w/ a real HC. And, it's not like he pulled a Santonio Holmes and basically told all the fans to go f' off.


Not quite that vulgar, but Donte did say something along the lines of "there are 31 other teams to root for" a couple of years back.

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Whitner is an idiot.... Anyone using twitter and not able to handle the negative repercussion is a retard.


WHitner is a retard.


I'm glad he quit twitter. His tweets that ended up being reposted on forums where pathetic, and he needed to shut up



What's funny is if he really threatening us to not resign because we didn't message his gentle ego on twitter.


maybe if he made a few plays once in awhile eh ?


agreed. whitner is a fat slob-bust!

anyone who doesn't agree at this point is a dum-ass

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He was put in a no-win situation when the Bills made him an eighth pick. This was a dumb move on Dick's part, and Whitner has never been able to live up to expectations of a #8 overall. OK, he's not a bad player. Still, the dude seems bi-polar with his I'm quitting twitter, NO "I'm not gonna run from twitter...I'm here to stay" routine. Donte, sometimes you just need to stop craving attention.

Corrected :bag: If you don't know that Marv was just a figurehead GM with the exception of hiring Jauron, you must've just gotten out of a coma or something


You know, I've been a Bills fan for over 40 years now. I used to think Bills fans were overdue and deserving of having a championship come to the city. I no longer think this. Oh, there are many Bills fans who DO deserve to see the Bills win a Super Bowl, but a sorry majority on this board do not deserve to ever savor such a victory. Seems at least 50-60% of posters on this board thrive on ripping the organization and the players apart. Sure, some of the criticism is deserved, but to call a player a "retard" along with many of the other barbs that have been tossed out around here on a daily basis. It's sad.
Well said...quite honestly, I'm ashamed to see the big mouths who launch personal attacks at players labeled as Bills fans
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coming to a message board to see if i missed any news and going to someone's twitter page trying to read their broken English is two completely different things


sorry you dont understand that...i guess you need to read about what other people you dont even know personally are up to every minute of the day



sorry you don't understand how twitter works. if you want to say the above is all that twitter is, that's like saying all this forum is people repeating ad nauseam how much the bills suck. and in an oh so eloquent way to boot.


they're both forms of online entertainment (and info exchange) and they are not 'completely different.' reading a newspaper and taking a bath are two completely different things. an oven and an elbow are two completely different things...


i guess you need to read about what other people you don't even know personally think about the bills every minute of the day (it's ok, i do too).

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Do you really want players get to the point where they don't want to play in Buffalo because of the fans? I know that many of you don't like Whitner but this guy put himself out there on Twitter for YOU the fan.


Don't make Bills fans the dumbest fans in America.


Whitner does nothing that doesn't benifit himself. He did it for his EGO and nothing more. The world is better off without the moron twitting things.

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Whitner does nothing that doesn't benifit himself. He did it for his EGO and nothing more. The world is better off without the moron twitting things.



Whitner did NOT QUIT TWITTER -- just like he didn't give away the superbowl tickets he promised. He is still tweeting away...


He's an absolute idiot. He must have the lowest IQ of anyone on the team. He can't even follow through on his pledge to quit a social networking site -- and yet some believe he's going to follow through on his guarantee to make the playoffs...


I can't understand why anyone would defend him...

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1. Whitner is not a bust; he was drafted #8 by idiots. He's a respectable player at his position.

2. I think the Buffalo fans who "hate" him are being unfair.

3. I think Whitner is wrong by "threatening" to go somewhere else, and asking if he's appreciated.

4. McNabb was booed, literally, from the second he was drafted until he took his last snap in Philly. The fans were wrong; and McNabb was nothing but professional throughout.

5. I think Buffalo fans (the ones "hating") and Whitner could learn from what happened between Philly fans and McNabb.


All we are saying .. is give peace a chance!


Go Bills! (and that includes Donte Whitner!)

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