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Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body


By Daily Mail Reporters

Last updated at 2:48 AM on 15th May 2010


Scientists have created microscopic robots out of DNA molecules that can walk, turn and even create tiny products of their own on a nano-scale assembly line.


The ground-breaking devices outlined in the journal Nature, could one day lead to armies of surgeon robots that could clean human arteries or build computer components.


In one of the projects a team from New York's Columbia University created a spider bot just four nanometres across. This is about 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...l#ixzz0o4HiqXbF


That's very cool. :unsure:

In one of the projects a team from New York's Columbia University created a spider bot just four nanometres across. This is about 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

Bah.. I made one in my garage that small out of things you can find around the house. But it's so small you can't see it, so don't bother asking to see it.

Bah.. I made one in my garage that small out of things you can find around the house. But it's so small you can't see it, so don't bother asking to see it.


Is that what you say to your girlfriend?

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