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Wegmans - Some People Won't Leave Them To Move To Calif.

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Please don't turn this into an Alec Baldwin, David Letterman or Cher bashing thread. It's about Wegmans, Thanks.




I've always felt kinda geeky when trying to explain Wegmans to people I've met down at my sisters when the subject comes up. I mean who really gets that excited about a grocery store. I'm glad to see that there are more people that are like me when it comes to Wegmans.


My sisters best friend moved from NJ about 6 years ago and Wegmans came up in conversation and very excitedly she says; "Oh I can't wait til they put a Wegmans here! (Hanover, PA) They had one in NJ and I really miss it."


What is it about Wegmans that inspires such emotion other than they're a great grocery store? I used to think it's because they started in Rochester and I love this city but when people from NJ are gaga over them there's more to it.


This is from a message board poster on the Albany vs Rochester (Buffalo, Syracuse, Ontario: buy, organic, living in) The information about Cher is accurate. The post is from 2007.


Wow what did you get dumped by a Wegmans checkout girl? Wegmans is the most amazing grocery store in the world and blows away anything else out there...here's a testimonial: stars come into Rochester and visit the Monroe Ave store and rant how they want one in Beverly Hills......Cher was here two summers ago and couldn't believe the selection of produce they had. That's what Weggies does best: brings the entire world to our doorstep. No better than Price Chopper or Stop and Shop???? It's them and every other grocery store in existence combined......

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My mother hated Wegmans. She would always go to a dumpy little Tops on Union road. Her reason was "I don't want to walk past a million aisles to get what I want".


She should shop at Aldi's. It's the anti-Wegmans, in a good way. They stick to the staples and do everything to keep costs as low as possible. Managers do everything from stocking shelves to cart-wrangling.


If you want to understand why there are just a ton of items from which to choose, watch

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It's a fact that most of the innovations in the grocery business came out of Wegman's. I have a friend who works at a pretty decent Maine-based chain and she says everyone in the biz knows what Wegman's does.



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i cannot stand alec baldwin's politics but as a performer he is so frigging entertaining......he is one of the few that i can put those two issues aside....someone had to derail the thread...


I don't mind the acting critiques it's the I hate him for his political BS that is sooooo annoying. If you haven't seen Glengarry Glen Ross you should. The cast is Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacey, Al Pacino, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris and Alec Baldwin. Baldwin is in the film for about 5 minutes and he's the best performance in the movie.


If your interested it's based on a David Mamet play and Mamet also wrote the screenplay. It's about a group of salesman who are literally selling swampland in Florida.

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The supermarket landscape seems to be changing (for the positive, mostly) based on my experience. While SF didn't have Wegman's, there were a number of very good grocery stores (Tower Market, Central Market) including some of the larger chains (my local Safeway was pretty nice). Plus there are a number of Trader Joe's there. :unsure: And there are also plenty of Whole Foods, Real Foods and stores of that ilk.


It is even more apparent here in FLA, where years ago the grocery stores were so bad we would get very angry, or laugh uncontrollably, while shopping in them. A friggin' local B-Kwik had a better selection than some of the bigger stores down here. Now, there are some very nice large Publix and Food Lion stores that almost compare to some of the lesser Wegman's stores. Still, I'd take a Wegman's, or even a big Tops International, over most of the markets down here.


By far, the best single grocery store I have ever shopped is Fairway Market (I frequented the one in Plainview, Long Island). There really is nothing to compare it to, except for maybe the Broadway Market when it was hopping years ago.


But the one place I feel really lost without is Trader Joe's. Those who know, know why. The TJ's in California can't be beat as they sell beer, wine and alcohol, along with Joe's terrific food inventory. It pains me to buy coffee or olive oil anywhere else.

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But the one place I feel really lost without is Trader Joe's. Those who know, know why. The TJ's in California can't be beat as they sell beer, wine and alcohol, along with Joe's terrific food inventory. It pains me to buy coffee or olive oil anywhere else.

I agree - Trader Joe's is really good. They sell Virgil's root beer really cheap too! :unsure:

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Who hasn't seen Glengarry Glen Ross?


For those who haven't seen it; (Baldwin plays Blake, Lemon plays Shelley Levene, Pacino is Ricky Roma, Harris is Dave Moss)


Blake: Put. That coffee. Down.


Blake: Coffee's for closers only.




Blake: We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize?

[Holds up prize]

Blake: Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired.



Blake: Your name is "you're wanting", and you can't play the man's game, you can't close them, and then tell your wife your troubles. 'Cause only one thing counts in this world: get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me you :unsure: faggots?




Shelley Levene: What the hell are you? You're a !@#$in' secretary. !@#$ you. That's my message to ya: !@#$ you and you can kiss my ass and if you don't like it baby I'm going across the street to Jerry Graff, period, :thumbsup: you.




Blake: What's the problem, pal?

Dave Moss: You -

[correcting him]

Dave Moss: Moss. You're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?

Blake: You see this watch? You see this watch?

Dave Moss: Yeah.

Blake: That watch costs more than you car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a ****. Good father? !@#$ you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here - close! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you !@#$? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? You don't like it, leave.




Blake: You got leads. Mitch & Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them. You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close :lol: , *you are* ;) , hit the bricks pal, and beat it, 'cause you are going *out*.

Shelley Levene: The leads are weak.

Blake: "The leads are weak." The :censored: leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business fifteen years...

Dave Moss: What's your name?

Blake: :censored: you. That's my name.

[Moss laughs]

Blake: You know why, mister? 'Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an eighty thousand dollar BMW. *That's* my name.



Dave Moss: We don't gotta sit here and listen to this.

Blake: You CERTAINLY don't pal, 'cause the good news is - you're fired.



Dave Moss: That guy's a !@#$in' !@#$. Anybody who talks to that !@#$ is a !@#$in' !@#$.

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aka Whole Paycheck

Nice stores but out of my league!


The processed food at regular stores is cheaper no doubt. When we started shopping there, our weekly grocery bill went up maybe $40. That's dropped some as we've weaned ourselves from just about any processed crap.

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