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Rules for not renewing

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This does not apply to anyone outside fifty miles of Orchard Park.


If you are one of those people who goes on these boards and writes about how bad we are and how you are not renewing your season tickets because the Bills have been so mediocre, you are a complete idiot. We are extremely lucky to have the Bills here when you consider the lack of large business, moderate average household income, and diminishing demographics.


If you are having financial difficulties or you have family/kid things you are doing during those Sundays it is ok not to renew. Besides that, shut the !@# up and appreciate what you have because if you are reading this, you are a diehard and if you are a diehard you should support your team and not brag about not supporting it. How easy would it be for the Bills to leave Buffalo? Pretty darn easy and then where are you?


"Oh I'll be just fine." "i don't need football in Buffalo".



Yeah right.


Negativity is not a problem as long as you can back up your points, but don't brag about how you are not renewing your tickets because we are extremely lucky to have them here.

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This does not apply to anyone outside fifty miles of Orchard Park.


If you are one of those people who goes on these boards and writes about how bad we are and how you are not renewing your season tickets because the Bills have been so mediocre, you are a complete idiot. We are extremely lucky to have the Bills here when you consider the lack of large business, moderate average household income, and diminishing demographics.


If you are having financial difficulties or you have family/kid things you are doing during those Sundays it is ok not to renew. Besides that, shut the !@# up and appreciate what you have because if you are reading this, you are a diehard and if you are a diehard you should support your team and not brag about not supporting it. How easy would it be for the Bills to leave Buffalo? Pretty darn easy and then where are you?


"Oh I'll be just fine." "i don't need football in Buffalo".



Yeah right.


Negativity is not a problem as long as you can back up your points, but don't brag about how you are not renewing your tickets because we are extremely lucky to have them here.



Hell yes! I've been thinking this but couldn't have said it any better. I drive 3.5 hours to get to the Ralph every damn Sunday and look forward to it. I won't stop coming and nobody else should stop either. I would rather they suck than not have them.

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This does not apply to anyone outside fifty miles of Orchard Park.


If you are one of those people who goes on these boards and writes about how bad we are and how you are not renewing your season tickets because the Bills have been so mediocre, you are a complete idiot. We are extremely lucky to have the Bills here when you consider the lack of large business, moderate average household income, and diminishing demographics.


If you are having financial difficulties or you have family/kid things you are doing during those Sundays it is ok not to renew. Besides that, shut the !@# up and appreciate what you have because if you are reading this, you are a diehard and if you are a diehard you should support your team and not brag about not supporting it. How easy would it be for the Bills to leave Buffalo? Pretty darn easy and then where are you?


"Oh I'll be just fine." "i don't need football in Buffalo".



Yeah right.


Negativity is not a problem as long as you can back up your points, but don't brag about how you are not renewing your tickets because we are extremely lucky to have them here.


Well said. :doh::doh:


I am extremely critical of the Bills these days. However we had season tickets for the Bills in our family from the time I was about 8 years old in 1967, at the real Rock Pile, until I finally gave my own seats up the year Jimbo and Kent Hull retired in 1996. There were some pretty horrible years we suffered through between '68 and '96, but not once did we ever even consider "not renewing our seats because the Bills sucked." And I have friends and family members, a tad younger then me, who bought their first season tickets together in 1980, and have renewed every one of the past 30 seasons themselves, and still wouldn't think of giving them up today.


I'm just an old guy now, with two teenagers at home and our Sundays are pretty hectic. Neither my wife nor myself will ever forget the years we went to every game and loved every minute of it, but we are beyond the season ticket scene, and have been for years.


But even with that said, I can agree with you that after 28 consecutive years of my life having season tickets for the Buffalo Bills, anyone that cancels their tickets because of a bad year or even because of 10 consecutive bad years, while they still want to and can go to the games, are not real fans at all.

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Hell yes! I've been thinking this but couldn't have said it any better. I drive 3.5 hours to get to the Ralph every damn Sunday and look forward to it. I won't stop coming and nobody else should stop either. I would rather they suck than not have them.



+1. I drive 3 hrs each way to watch. I'm critical a bunch about this team, but we are much better w/ the team than without.

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Me and my friend live near Boston but have 4 Rockpile seats. Which by the way are not that cheap anymore. I agree that we are lucky to be in the "Club of 32". People in NYC can boycott teams for being sucky. We don't have that luxury.



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After having to give up my season tix when I moved away from WNY, I decided to jump back in this year and will be flying back for a few games. Had to go for club seats just to get decent seats, but I feel good about supporting this institution.


Anyone who abandons their own personal family tradition to make some kind of a "statement" to the team is only cutting off their nose to spite their face. I think each of them will regret it, especially when the footballs start flying in September.


It may be that WNYers who've had to relocate to another area of the country are in the best position to appreciate how truly special it is for a city the size of Buffalo to have the Bills. The small size of the market makes for an intimacy between the team and the fans that is unmatched in the NFL, with the possible exception of Green Bay.


After spending most of the year away from WNY, when I pull in to the RWS parking lot on a Sunday and see the sea of blue jerseys, flags and (Labatt's) blue beer cans, I get the feeling of being "home" in a way that no other activity can provide.


There will be no do-overs - if the team is forced to leave WNY, they will never be back and an institution will be lost forever.

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We're extremely lucky just to have them? That's loser talk if I've ever seen it. The Bills are an embarrassment to Buffalo. I rather they simply move away than put up with another decade like the last one.


I had season tickets for years before deciding not to spend a dollar on this organization four years ago. That's thousands of dollars saved.


Face it, after the first few home games where false hope still prevails, Bills football is nothing more than a social drinking festival.

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We're extremely lucky just to have them? That's loser talk if I've ever seen it. The Bills are an embarrassment to Buffalo. I rather they simply move away than put up with another decade like the last one.


I had season tickets for years before deciding not to spend a dollar on this organization four years ago. That's thousands of dollars saved.


Face it, after the first few home games where false hope still prevails, Bills football is nothing more than a social drinking festival.

Okay. So after the Bills leave town you're saying 72,000 people will keep showing up Sundays just to drink?



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I would rather they suck than not have them.

That's cool. But it is just as cool for someone else to say:

I would rather not have them then have them suck for another decade.


If you don't want people telling you how to spend or not spend your time and money, you should extend the same courtesy to them.. Just sayin ...

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That's cool. But it is just as cool for someone else to say:

I would rather not have them then have them suck for another decade.


If you don't want people telling you how to spend or not spend your time and money, you should extend the same courtesy to them.. Just sayin ...

These will be same people on TBD begging for spare tickets by midseason.



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That's cool. But it is just as cool for someone else to say:

I would rather not have them then have them suck for another decade.


If you don't want people telling you how to spend or not spend your time and money, you should extend the same courtesy to them.. Just sayin ...

Thank you. That's all I'm saying. I have nothing against people that spend their money on the Bills. That's their money and they are free to spend it on whatever they'd like. But don't tell other side they should spend money on a crappy team just to keep that crappy team around. That's no incentive for me.


Okay. So after the Bills leave town you're saying 72,000 people will keep showing up Sundays just to drink?



No, Saturdays at UB Stadium will have to do I guess. <_<

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Yep.. I love Bills Football so much my invoices are mailed to Orlando (where I live)........ and I fly to Buffalo for games





Do you go up for every game? That's intense! Even one game from Orlando is intense. You must have a lot of frequent flyer miles!

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as someone who recently posted a thread regarding my family dropping our tickets, i can tell you that it had nothing to do with us trying to "take a stand" or "send a message". rather, it was us who FINALLY got the message the Bills were sending. for the past decade, they have not been as serious about winning as the fans have been. it's not only a major financial investment, but also an emotional investment. and when they piss it away, year after year, it's only a matter of time until fans start to say "ok, i get it, fool me once shame on you, fool me for 10+ years..."


my family would love to still have the tickets. but when we looked at how much we've paid each year, and over the course of all these years, we've gotten very little return on our investment from the actual team. the ONLY thing that has made it worthwhile has been the social aspects, and we can get that WITHOUT spending just under $3000 per year.


so thank you, but after 30+ years, we don't need to be told how to be fans. we've been there through the bad, and the good, and the down right horrible. we're not giving up on the team, just making smarter investments.

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as someone who recently posted a thread regarding my family dropping our tickets, i can tell you that it had nothing to do with us trying to "take a stand" or "send a message". rather, it was us who FINALLY got the message the Bills were sending. for the past decade, they have not been as serious about winning as the fans have been. it's not only a major financial investment, but also an emotional investment. and when they piss it away, year after year, it's only a matter of time until fans start to say "ok, i get it, fool me once shame on you, fool me for 10+ years..."


my family would love to still have the tickets. but when we looked at how much we've paid each year, and over the course of all these years, we've gotten very little return on our investment from the actual team. the ONLY thing that has made it worthwhile has been the social aspects, and we can get that WITHOUT spending just under $3000 per year.


so thank you, but after 30+ years, we don't need to be told how to be fans. we've been there through the bad, and the good, and the down right horrible. we're not giving up on the team, just making smarter investments.


Your sensitivity serves you well because my post was specifically directed in response to you and three grand is alot of dough. No question about that. But accept these facts that many may argue with. You are not as big of a fan now that you have the option to buy season tickets, you've been doing it, and now you aren't because your emotional investments have not paid you the dividends you were expecting. Second, like I noted bragging about it on a Bills forum blog is not cool. It is a free country and you can get mad when Royal takes a giant step out of the end zone or any other of many stupid plays by players and coaches but don't bite the hand that feeds you. But a real fan sticks with the team when the team is going good and bad. It is real easy to be a fan when the team is winning.


You and others like you aren't as good as you used to be. Don't worry though. There is always someone to take your place.

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I did not renew. But last year was my first year as a season tix holder. I have a 3.5 hour drive each way. I know people drive further, but it was just too much money. It is a wonder I was allowed to hunt this past fall.


I am not trying to send a message or anything. I will take another crack at it when my boys are older. I just hope the team is still here. I was born and raised in WNY/CNY, and have always been a Bills fan.

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Have there been a lot of those posts recently? The timing on this one seems incredibly strange to me.

I just love these posts too. People that are fairly new to the board telling people that they should/should not purchase season tickets, when they don't know what everyones financial situation is, or how far they travel, or how long they've had seasons to begin with.


This is my 11th year, I travel about 3 hours each way to the games. These are my tickets and I'll do what I want with them, whether it's go to the games, sell them, or burn them in my back yard.

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I just love these posts too. People that are fairly new to the board telling people that they should/should not purchase season tickets, when they don't know what everyones financial situation is, or how far they travel, or how long they've had seasons to begin with.

doesn't look like you read the post very closely by that comment

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