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Stl Bills

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Still waiting, the kid who files papers part time called and said he wants to eat one too......the waiting continues. He gets here around 2:30pm CT so not too much longer.



The eating should have started by now.

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nah, didnt even get that far. lost his keys and headed back to the couch. only to find 3 hours later they were in his hand the entire time.

It's like Christmas! The keys just appeared!

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Just saw some videos of people eating ghost chilis on Youtube - it is not pretty.....


I'll be impressed if Stl Bills cares to come back and type after that - he may be too busy tring to figure out how to rip out his digestive tract with his bare hands...

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Ok I'm alive and it sucked but I had psyched myself out so much I was expecting worse.....of course the lady using my ipod to record didn't hit record so I'll have to wait till my boss uploads his video to youtube to get you guys a link. All in all that shiit was hotter than hell.

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Ok I'm alive and it sucked but I had psyched myself out so much I was expecting worse.....of course the lady using my ipod to record didn't hit record so I'll have to wait till my boss uploads his video to youtube to get you guys a link. All in all that shiit was hotter than hell.



are you sure the heat's not still building?

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Just remember that the whole thing is just one crazy hallucination. The desert was just a sand trap, the crazy pyramid was actually the pro shop, and that talking coyote was really just a talking talk.


Find your soulmate, Stl Bills.

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the heat aside, how was it? were you able to taste the pepper? I love heat, but not for heat's sake, there has to be some flavor associated with it, but i suspect at this degree of heat, any flavor is probably not noticeable. if you ate 1/2 of a ghost chili, you are tough as nails, i have heard people that are pepper afficianados not be able to handle just a touch of one on their tongue

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the heat aside, how was it? were you able to taste the pepper? I love heat, but not for heat's sake, there has to be some flavor associated with it, but i suspect at this degree of heat, any flavor is probably not noticeable. if you ate 1/2 of a ghost chili, you are tough as nails, i have heard people that are pepper afficianados not be able to handle just a touch of one on their tongue

Yeah I ate half of one, two other guys ate two hole peppers, and the little stoner kid ate 3 of them but the third one really kicked his ass. They were dried peppers so the flavor was very similar to a chipolte pepper with a crap-load more heat. Its hard to get the real taste of the pepper because the smokiness from the drying process really takes over. I'm currently growing some and hope to have peppers by the middle of the summer. I'll send you a few if you want to try one bc I'm not sure what else I'm going to do with them. I cook with some hot peppers but these are just too much.....I love scotch bonnets, datils, and habaneros.

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I'll ask teh question everyone wants to know. Was there any afterburn, you know... "hours later"?

Haven't found out yet.....I think my body knows whats coming and kinda shut down my digestive tract. Not looking forward to it though.

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Just remember that the whole thing is just one crazy hallucination. The desert was just a sand trap, the crazy pyramid was actually the pro shop, and that talking coyote was really just a talking dog.


Find your soulmate, Stl Bills.




As for the challenge you are a brave man. My buddy once decided to brave it and have one the morning of New Years Eve. After he ate it, he became so sweaty from the pain that he had to sit outside...in -40 Celcius weather.


then the afterburn....he spent the hours between 9:00 PM and 1:00 AM running in and out of the washroom of the dingy nightclub we were celebrating at. He spent the actual countdown sitting on the john cursing his existence.

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