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Happy B'Day to KzooMike, SageAgainstTheMachine

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Now that you have come of age, I am sending code name Ennifer to Ithaca to also make you a man. Look out for her. She is not too bright and sometimes gets lost.


Happy Birthday.


Don't act rashly, BF. What if this action comes to light? - you know it's always touch and go with Lee.

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Don't act rashly, BF. What if this action comes to light? - you know it's always touch and go with Lee.

First of all, who is BF?


Second of all, although often true I find your touch and go comments about Lee quite vulgar. And the rash wasn't really her fault. It was a combination of things.


Third of all, why would sending Ennifer to help Sage clear one of life's little hurdles offend Lee?


Fourth of all, I haven't seen Lee in years so thanks for bringing back all the sadness.


Lastly of all, trying to explain a GPS to Ennifer is difficult enough without you distracting me.

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Now that you have come of age, I am sending code name Ennifer to Ithaca to also make you a man. Look out for her. She is not too bright and sometimes gets lost.


Happy Birthday.


Wow, I don't know what else to say, besides thank you. It is obviously greatly appreciated and I will not forget this favor.


Having said that, a couple questions...


1. How will I know Ennifer when I see her? Will there be a color coding scheme?


2. I understand you're helping her to program a GPS for Ithaca. Should I use the same methodology to return her home?

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Wow, I don't know what else to say, besides thank you. It is obviously greatly appreciated and I will not forget this favor.


Having said that, a couple questions...


1. How will I know Ennifer when I see her? Will there be a color coding scheme?


2. I understand you're helping her to program a GPS for Ithaca. Should I use the same methodology to return her home?

she looks like this


Happy birthday ya putz.


You too Kzoo!

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Wow, I don't know what else to say, besides thank you. It is obviously greatly appreciated and I will not forget this favor.


Having said that, a couple questions...


1. How will I know Ennifer when I see her? Will there be a color coding scheme?


2. I understand you're helping her to program a GPS for Ithaca. Should I use the same methodology to return her home?



1. Beerboy violated the rules and posted a picture. He has done this before but it's your present so what the heck. It's your birthday so if you're into a color coding scheme then go for it. Just a warning, and this goes for all chicks, but really really really for Ennifer. Earplugs. Before and during optional. After mandatory. You're welcome.


2. It is your Birthday dude. Don't worry about any GPS BS or technical details. Good thinking on getting rid of her though. You're making real progress. Here's the deal: I'm having her find her own way up there so she gets good and worked up. That should spare you from any formalities on your special day. You'll barely have to speak. After you're done I'll have the Googlebot warp her back home. If I had her zapped there you would have to chat her up for 15 minutes or so. I decided to spare you. You're welcome. And don't worry, the Googlebot is not spying or filming or anything. There is a sensor on Ennifer that picks up your vibe and deals accordingly. If you're just taking a break, it'll know. If you have had enough, it'll know. Like many other things, Ennifer is oblivious to this.

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she looks like this


Happy birthday ya putz.


You too Kzoo!





1. Beerboy violated the rules and posted a picture. He has done this before but it's your present so what the heck. It's your birthday so if you're into a color coding scheme then go for it. Just a warning, and this goes for all chicks, but really really really for Ennifer. Earplugs. Before and during optional. After mandatory. You're welcome.


2. It is your Birthday dude. Don't worry about any GPS BS or technical details. Good thinking on getting rid of her though. You're making real progress. Here's the deal: I'm having her find her own way up there so she gets good and worked up. That should spare you from any formalities on your special day. You'll barely have to speak. After you're done I'll have the Googlebot warp her back home. If I had her zapped there you would have to chat her up for 15 minutes or so. I decided to spare you. You're welcome. And don't worry, the Googlebot is not spying or filming or anything. There is a sensor on Ennifer that picks up your vibe and deals accordingly. If you're just taking a break, it'll know. If you have had enough, it'll know. Like many other things, Ennifer is oblivious to this.


Its his 21st....by the end of the night it might not matter if Ennifer was the thing in my avatar.

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First of all, who is BF?


Second of all, although often true I find your touch and go comments about Lee quite vulgar. And the rash wasn't really her fault. It was a combination of things.


Third of all, why would sending Ennifer to help Sage clear one of life's little hurdles offend Lee?


Fourth of all, I haven't seen Lee in years so thanks for bringing back all the sadness.


Lastly of all, trying to explain a GPS to Ennifer is difficult enough without you distracting me.


Don't be rebellious or contrary. Have I not given you sage advice through the years?

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Don't be rebellious or contrary. Have I not given you sage advice through the years?

Why would I need Sage advice? He's a kid. I give Sage advice. He doesn't always listen but that is part of the learning process.


BTW Sage, Ennifer is back and said you brought another chick into the mix. Normally I'd frown on that without prior notification, but Happy Birthday. Also, I am impressed. Ennifer had a good time. Now if she'd only shut up about the song that was playing or something. I don't really get what she is saying.

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Why would I need Sage advice? He's a kid. I give Sage advice. He doesn't always listen but that is part of the learning process.


BTW Sage, Ennifer is back and said you brought another chick into the mix. Normally I'd frown on that without prior notification, but Happy Birthday. Also, I am impressed. Ennifer had a good time. Now if she'd only shut up about the song that was playing or something. I don't really get what she is saying.


Have I not given you clever advice through the years?


That's clever, not Cleaver. Leave Ward, June, Wally, and The Beaver out of this.

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