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  uforesircher said:
1. that is a pathetic stance - pathetic.


2. some studies shows that it takes years and years off of the back end of a lifespan - hmm wonder why is it banned now?


3. i really feel sorry for you if you can dismiss this point so easily - but then again with your weed comment it is clear why they call it dope.

1. Actually it's not a pathetic stance. Both are illegal narcotics. One relaxes you, the other allows you to workout longer and harder. Neither harm anyone but the user.


2. "Some" studies show that it has no such effect. Which is the point. Drinking takes years off your life. So does smoking. So does eating McDonalds. Point is, for every study you find that says steroids are bad, you can find just as many that say they're good for you. HGH is way different than anabolic steroids in terms of it's long term effects on the body. And used properly, can actually be quite beneficial to your overall health and well being. If this is really what makes you upset about PEDs then you should be way more concerned about boycotting the fast food and junk we shovel into our mouths every day because that's FAR worse for you.


3. You feel sorry for me if I take personal responsibility for teaching my kids what's right or wrong rather than let them learn it from an NFL player? Might need to rethink that critique. If you really cared about what values were being taught to your kids then you wouldn't watch the NFL at all considering how many players are arrested/cited each season for domestic abuse, DWIs, illegal fire arms etc etc. All of which are far more devestating than someone using PEDs. But keep standing on that soap box.


Point is, steroids in baseball is bad and criminal because of the history of the game and attachment to numbers. It cheapens the sport itself because of this. However, if the numbers didn't exist (in fairytale world ... like the one you're living in let's say), then would people complain about a sport where people are hitting the ball farther, fielding better and running faster? Nope. If you think that's wrong, look at how excited the whole country got when Sammy and Mark were hitting long balls every other at bat. America is obsessed with things being bigger, faster, louder and more violent. Especially when it's their entertainment. However, since the numbers are cherished in baseball steroids threaten to destroy that legacy and THAT is worth getting upset over. That is worth protecting.


But in football those attachments don't exist. The vast majority of fans only care about winning championships and the violence of the sport. Meaning that whether or not a player uses PEDs really has no effect on the history of the game, nor the perception of the team he plays for. Does it come down on the individual? Sure. But that's his fault for being stupid enough to get caught. There are countless designer drugs out there that don't show up on the NFL tests. Players know this and adopt their methods accordingly. Does this mean every NFL player uses? No. Of course not. But I think you'd be shocked to find out how many actually do.


Don't believe me? Pop in a tape of Super Bowl 25. Look at the size of the linemen. Then look at a tape from a super bowl this decade. In Super Bowl 25, despite both teams using 3-4 schemes with run-stuffing NTs -- neither had a NT that was over 300 pounds. Hell, even on the offensive line each team had one 300 pounder (House and Jumbo). 300 pounders were rare ... now? Not so much. Have we as human beings evolved that much in 20 years? Doubtful. Have training methods improved. Certainly. Has the presence of PEDs increased? Absolutely. The eyes don't lie.


Does this mean that the NFL should allow or legalize the use of PEDs? No. But they will continue to turn a blind eye to it as they have for decades because the use of PEDs has, in part, led to a better product on the field. Which, in turn, has led to more money for them. If a player is stupid enough to get caught then it's his own fault -- especially because there are designer drugs that are undetectible to NFL testing policies. But to claim that it cheapens the game or sport is just living in denial because that ship sailed a long, long time ago. And it ain't coming back.


It's a dirty league. It always has been a dirty league and will continue to be so regardless of the fake, self-righteous indignation you're expressing on a message board. So your choices are simple. Either accept it and continue to watch the sport you love. Or stop watching football.

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