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I cannot begin to imagine that this is an issue that requires a completely separate bill.


And they had !@#$ing congressional hearings on it, too. :rolleyes:

  Picnic Table F said:
Why the need to use derogatory terms for proposed bills? Is that a marketing tactic or something to get people to hate a bill without them even understanding it? It seems this tactic is used a lot these days.



It's actual title is "Restroom Gender Parity in Federal Buildings Act"




This coming from someone named Picnic Table fcuuker is quite funny. :rolleyes:


So men are going to be punished because they can pee more efficiently? As always, liberals trying to bring us down to the LCD.









  KD in CT said:
So men are going to be punished because they can pee more efficiently? As always, liberals trying to bring us down to the LCD.










The world is our toilet.

  Joe In Macungie said:
So nice to see our legislators conquering the truly pressing issues of the day.




Really, Joe...just like I support anything that keeps them from staging the useless political kabuki theater of "congressional investigations", I'd have thought you'd support anything that keeps them from legalizing gay marriage. :thumbsup:

  DC Tom said:
Really, Joe...just like I support anything that keeps them from staging the useless political kabuki theater of "congressional investigations", I'd have thought you'd support anything that keeps them from legalizing gay marriage. :thumbsup:



Good point, :D

  KD in CT said:
So men are going to be punished because they can pee more efficiently? As always, liberals trying to bring us down to the LCD.









Not really.....


The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings Wednesday on the "Potty Parity Act," a bill that seeks to address the unequal number of restroom facilities for women in federal buildings by requiring at least a 1-to-1 ratio for toilets, including urinals, in women's and men's restrooms.


They are going to install a bunch of urinals in Ladies' rooms. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


That's like installing colleges in Canada. Useless.


Won't this skew the equality of pooping and pottying in favor of the ladies?


They'll have an equal number of toilets which they be able to go either #1 and #2 in. Men's bathrooms will be split between toilets and urinals. So they'll be able to pee as much as the ladies, but they will be second class citizens when it comes to pooping. Nevermind the fact that to reach equality in the peeing arena that men will be forced to squat to pee.


Who's looking out for my equal right to poopy? Why are my poops treated as second class poops?


Also nevermind the fact that women's bathrooms are way cleaner than men's.


This is an outrage.

  Picnic Table F said:
When you google "Potty Parity Act", I think any news agency showing up with that in the headline should be banned from doing news. Aren't they supposed to report information and not take sides?

Blame the "teabaggers". I hear they're an angry bunch.

You'd be too if they put their scrotums in your mouth.

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