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Chan Gailey profile on NFLN


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All i know is the following.


1) We didn't draft 220 pound linebackers.

2) We didn't draft Safeties to be Linebackers.


Score in my book.



Hellz yes. I'm relieved too. I noticed that Polian drafted Pat Angerer, LB 6-1 235 lbs in the 2nd round. That surprised me due to his weight. Overall i'm happy we're going bigger and meaner.

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Hellz yes. I'm relieved too. I noticed that Polian drafted Pat Angerer, LB 6-1 235 lbs in the 2nd round. That surprised me due to his weight. Overall i'm happy we're going bigger and meaner.

Cato June and Freddy Keiaho, two former Colts OLBs, neither gets above the 220s. Its the Dungy system, and it works when you have athletic defensive linemen like they have. Polian selects players according to that system-- which happens to basically be the system we had. It works for them. Our lack of success was never about size it was about talent.

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This is a useless debate. Only time will tell if Wilson hired the right people to build a winner. There were certainly candidates out there with more credibility than Nix and Gailey but there are plenty of reasons to think that these guys will get it done. Yeah, Marv was a washed up nobody from the CFL but that doesn't mean that lightning will strike twice in the same place. His success didn't exactly start a stampede of coaches being hired from the CFL for a reason. I am not sure what is sillier, the rants of those convinced that these guys will fail or those who mock them because their superior sage like wisdom is just as certain that we have a bright future.


Guys, we just don't know.

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-A 70+ yr old GM, who has never been a GM before, and was the only canidate interviewed for the job, and no one - no one - knows exactly how his draft boards have looked in the past. He is given a lot of credit as a great talent evaluater guy, but reality is we have no idea who he has and hasnt liked. He may not have even been in the draft room on draft day in SD - a lot of teams operate that way.


- Our head coach is a guy no one wanted. He has been fired from every job he has ever had without much, if any, consistant success. Then, he brings in a RB coach to be OC from a team that couldnt run the ball, and 90% of his sh*tty staff at GT - a staff that couldnt get it done at the college level.


For me its not what the organization is trying to do, its how they are going about doing it.



In other words it wasn't the popular way to go. So therefore they are doing it all wrong.

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At first when the Bills hired Gailey I thought what everyone else did. Who the hell is this guy? The more I listen to him talk the more I hear his passion about turning us around and at least he's honest and doesn't say it's going to happen right away. I love the comment about building the team from the lines out. If you don't have a good OL or DL you're in rough shape in this league. We saw that last year. I don't think they're done with the OL in free agency yet BUT would Jauron make moves right now... NO. So even though he's a no namer , I appreciate the fact that they realize where they need help.

He studied Brohm in the minicamp because he knows that sometime ago in College he was a superstar but lost it along the way evidently. Maybe he can bring that back maybe not but at least we know that he has experience in making players better and coaching superstars like Aikman. I don't believe we'll make the playoffs this year but I do believe we'll be more exciting to watch and we will be better than last year. Let's beat the F**king Patriots once this year for god's sake. If we go 1-15 but the 1 win is against the pats its fine with me.

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-A 70+ yr old GM, who has never been a GM before, and was the only canidate interviewed for the job, and no one - no one - knows exactly how his draft boards have looked in the past. He is given a lot of credit as a great talent evaluater guy, but reality is we have no idea who he has and hasnt liked. He may not have even been in the draft room on draft day in SD - a lot of teams operate that way.


- Our head coach is a guy no one wanted. He has been fired from every job he has ever had without much, if any, consistant success. Then, he brings in a RB coach to be OC from a team that couldnt run the ball, and 90% of his sh*tty staff at GT - a staff that couldnt get it done at the college level.


For me its not what the organization is trying to do, its how they are going about doing it.


I was starting to get a bit optimistic with the possibility of us acquiring Gaither....then I read what you posted here...and I am back to earth. God this is gonna suck.

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I was starting to get a bit optimistic with the possibility of us acquiring Gaither....then I read what you posted here...and I am back to earth. God this is gonna suck.

Yep, it was really windy in WNY over the weekend...

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Man I was really with you until you wrote that last sentence.


If 2 of our 6 glaring needs are going to have to wait until next year to be addressed thats fine with me. There will actually be QBs that will be worth making plays on. If Levi Brown looks good so be it but I'm sure we will be making QB and LT our top 2 picks next year.


I guess I was talking more as a fan on the QB situation. The Edwards-Fitzpatrick-Brohm triumvirate is hard to get excited about. What do you lose if you cut one of them and bring in a wildcat QB for special packages? It is hard to see a situation where 1 of the 3 creates any separation in the QB competition. I just don't see the need to keep all 3 around. It is hard enough to go with the right guy when there is an open QB competition between 2 guys.

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-A 70+ yr old GM, who has never been a GM before, and was the only canidate interviewed for the job, and no one - no one - knows exactly how his draft boards have looked in the past. He is given a lot of credit as a great talent evaluater guy, but reality is we have no idea who he has and hasnt liked. He may not have even been in the draft room on draft day in SD - a lot of teams operate that way.


- Our head coach is a guy no one wanted. He has been fired from every job he has ever had without much, if any, consistant success. Then, he brings in a RB coach to be OC from a team that couldnt run the ball, and 90% of his sh*tty staff at GT - a staff that couldnt get it done at the college level.


For me its not what the organization is trying to do, its how they are going about doing it.


We are leaps and bounds ahead of what was here the last 3 years !! You have to look at the talent you have to work with and the infusion of new talent , & surprise , surprise i totally disagree with your thoughts on the direction the team is going & the people that have been put in position to change it. Yes we may need some more parts to this puzzle but i believe that you along with all the other nay sayer's are the same ones that thought Trent Edwards was the best when JP was running the O & believe that you along with the rest will flip flop back when the positives start to show this season .

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-A 70+ yr old GM, who has never been a GM before, and was the only canidate interviewed for the job, and no one - no one - knows exactly how his draft boards have looked in the past. He is given a lot of credit as a great talent evaluater guy, but reality is we have no idea who he has and hasnt liked. He may not have even been in the draft room on draft day in SD - a lot of teams operate that way.


- Our head coach is a guy no one wanted. He has been fired from every job he has ever had without much, if any, consistant success. Then, he brings in a RB coach to be OC from a team that couldnt run the ball, and 90% of his sh*tty staff at GT - a staff that couldnt get it done at the college level.


For me its not what the organization is trying to do, its how they are going about doing it.


Seriously all I have to say is I'm so happy and proud to see some of you stand up to this ^ kind of CRAPPY negative attitude. The attitude needs to change, I'm sick of the pessimists out there that do nothing but WHINE with ignorant comments. It does get old after awhile when your whining just whine about something. Atleast have a reason. Rob Johnson starting over Flutie was a reason. Keeping Dick Jauron for a fourth year was a reason. Getting a GM that actually knows what he is doing is not. Getting a Coach that knows how to run an offense and teach is not.

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All i know is the following.


1) We didn't draft 220 pound linebackers.

2) We didn't draft Safeties to be Linebackers.


Score in my book.

1/ We didn't draft quality offensive tackles

2/We didn't draft a quality quarterback


I just loved his comment that it all begins with the lines. Well, if it does...GET US A FRIGGEN OFFENSIVE LINE!

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1/ We didn't draft quality offensive tackles

2/We didn't draft a quality quarterback


I just loved his comment that it all begins with the lines. Well, if it does...GET US A FRIGGEN OFFENSIVE LINE!


That's a general statement of knowledge. He also said that he would draft guys and expect them to start right away. In other words, he obviously did NOT see somebody that could come in and start. AND are you really going to argue with Nix, that he didn't have "higher grades" on all of our draft picks? I'd tend to look at the roster and think, not only are we better for the future. We are better for the NOW with all the competition everywhere. Competition we did NOT have the past years with Jauron. Atleast not on this level. I would not be worried at ALL if one of our defensive guys went down with an injury. I can say the same thing for most of the offense as well. You can't hamper the whole team to reach for a need though. I can see if you were GM though this team would be spinning the tires as well.


Edit: I also must add this. Did he not start with "a" line? It starts with the line and your upset for him doing it on the wrong side of the ball.

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For me, the questions and answers...it's all rhetoric…the same conversations we have here every day.


The most interesting thing for me is just listening to Gailey talk and reading his face and trying to figure out the sort of person that he is.


Can he lead? Can he motivate? How does he choose his words? Is he smart? Does he have integrity? Is there any phoniness?


As you get old, those tend to be the things that you take from interview packages like this.


Thanks for posting, Heitz.

Probably the most sensible post I have read on this often discussed subject. Or maybe I'm just getting old too.

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That's a general statement of knowledge. He also said that he would draft guys and expect them to start right away. In other words, he obviously did NOT see somebody that could come in and start. AND are you really going to argue with Nix, that he didn't have "higher grades" on all of our draft picks? I'd tend to look at the roster and think, not only are we better for the future. We are better for the NOW with all the competition everywhere. Competition we did NOT have the past years with Jauron. Atleast not on this level. I would not be worried at ALL if one of our defensive guys went down with an injury. I can say the same thing for most of the offense as well. You can't hamper the whole team to reach for a need though. I can see if you were GM though this team would be spinning the tires as well.


Edit: I also must add this. Did he not start with "a" line? It starts with the line and your upset for him doing it on the wrong side of the ball.

I'm at a loss how you could say we are better now than we were. We had a pretty good team last year but suffers a rash of injuries on defense, a poor qb. We lost TO, Reed from the receivers, Incognito from a weak and understaffed offensive line, and went to a new defense where Schoble and Kelsay would play new positions, Stroud may not fit, and with mostly rookies on the d-line. The additions on the offensive line is a guy with a history of offsides penalties and no re real basis to think of a quality replacement and the defensive lineman we brought in was let go and failed two team physicals before coming here. I think even a casual observer would have to say let's get a few games into the seaon before we make such a statement. I'm a bills supporter, but I can't see drinking this brand of Kool-Aid without some evidence that things are improving.

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This is a useless debate. Only time will tell if Wilson hired the right people to build a winner. There were certainly candidates out there with more credibility than Nix and Gailey but there are plenty of reasons to think that these guys will get it done. Yeah, Marv was a washed up nobody from the CFL but that doesn't mean that lightning will strike twice in the same place. His success didn't exactly start a stampede of coaches being hired from the CFL for a reason. I am not sure what is sillier, the rants of those convinced that these guys will fail or those who mock them because their superior sage like wisdom is just as certain that we have a bright future.


Guys, we just don't know.

You could throw in a few more, like Shanahan, fired in Oakland; Belichick, fired in Cleveland; Dungy, fired in Tampa; Schottenheimer, fired in KC and SD (and how many of you argued to sign him!); Pete Carroll, fired from the Jets and Pats; Mancini, fired from the Jets; Wade Phillips, fired in Denver and Buffalo....and so on.

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Look around the NFL. Most GM's were never GM's before. Bill Polian who we revere was never a GM before he was hired. So I don't understand your point.



No one wanted a reject head coach from the CFL and USFL either. His name was Marv Levy.



What I think you mean is this organization isn't hiring the names that you hear on ESPN and NFLN. Because what you really want is approval from the media. You want media people to slobber over the Bills in order to validate the team. Well guess what? Media people tend to be wrong most of the time. You just forget that because no one grades the experts after they shoot their mouths off.




This is an outrageous post. The point is not that he's a first time GM, it's that he's a 70 YEAR OLD first time GM. How convenient to disregard that. He'd make sense as a senior adviser, but running the show for the first time at 70? You think that makes sense?


Secondly, I love the insistence that low probability events are the norm. People no one wants have a low probability of success. How wonderful of you to find the one or two instances where the opposite occured. Of course, this does not somehow invalidate the proposition that someone no one else wanted is less likely to succeed than someone other teams wanted.


Finally, I get this aversion to the views of the national media and appreciate your point about commentating rather than doing, but how many years in row of the media ridiculing the Bills' picks and the media being right before you accept that the Bills' decisions have been so wrong so consistently that second-guessing the Bills is like shooting fish in a barrel for these guys that know little about the team? "Just know the Bills don't know what they're doing, make some points criticizing them, and you're all set" is really all a national commentator needs to know.

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This is an outrageous post. The point is not that he's a first time GM, it's that he's a 70 YEAR OLD first time GM. How convenient to disregard that. He'd make sense as a senior adviser, but running the show for the first time at 70? You think that makes sense?


Secondly, I love the insistence that low probability events are the norm. People no one wants have a low probability of success. How wonderful of you to find the one or two instances where the opposite occured. Of course, this does not somehow invalidate the proposition that someone no one else wanted is less likely to succeed than someone other teams wanted.


Finally, I get this aversion to the views of the national media and appreciate your point about commentating rather than doing, but how many years in row of the media ridiculing the Bills' picks and the media being right before you accept that the Bills' decisions have been so wrong so consistently that second-guessing the Bills is like shooting fish in a barrel for these guys that know little about the team? "Just know the Bills don't know what they're doing, make some points criticizing them, and you're all set" is really all a national commentator needs to know.


SO WHAT that he is 70 years old? The man has been around football all his life. As far as I am concerned, being 70 makes him MORE qualified because he has had more time to learn and gain experience in everything that is football. Almost every older person i have met is wiser than some young buck. getting older and gaining experience is a GOOD thing. :thumbsup:

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SO WHAT that he is 70 years old? The man has been around football all his life. As far as I am concerned, being 70 makes him MORE qualified because he has had more time to learn and gain experience in everything that is football. Almost every older person i have met is wiser than some young buck. getting older and gaining experience is a GOOD thing. :thumbsup:


Do you know any 70 year olds? Interact with them at work? To the extent they're still in the workplace, they've obviously lost something off of their fastball.


Yes, he's had success and he knows players. That's why he'd be a great consultant/senior adviser. But running the show? A 70 year old around the auto biz his whole lief wouldn't get a job as GM of an auto parts plant. But as GM of an NFL team it makes perfect sense? COme on.

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