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  DFL said:
was she giving him a blumpkin?


Dude that is so out of line in this thread. :sick: (I know it's his avatar but still)


That royally sucks dude. Don't do anything rash and stupid. It's a good thing you found out now instead of after the wedding. You are, I hope, going to dump her and get back the engagement ring because if she did this once she'll probably do this again.


I wasn't engaged but I was living with a chick who did that to me. Get out, get out now.

  Stl Bills said:
probably fuggin skank



Look at it this way: at least you weren't married to her.


No divorce lawyers or alimony to worry about, just kick her out into the street!


I'll say a prayer for ya, man, but don't do anything stupid. No woman is worth that.

  Stl Bills said:
I literally think I could kill a motherf*cker right now...........


Man, that's gotta be tough. Sorry to hear that.


Get the ring back and kick her the f*** out of your life, JMO.


Sorry to hear that man. Like everyone else said, ditch the B word and be glad you found out now before you tied the knot.


I guess it was better to find out now than later.....just pissed bc both our parents as well as myself have spent a lot of money on a wedding now that won't happen. Selfish biatch.

  Stl Bills said:
I guess it was better to find out now than later.....just pissed bc both our parents as well as myself have spent a lot of money on a wedding now that won't happen. Selfish biatch.


If the money has already been spent and there's no refund, turn it into a big party for yourself and your friends/family. Why let the food and good times go to waste?


(obviously don't put up any wedding decorations or anything :sick: ).


Dude, that sucks. I'm very sorry to hear it.


If you don't mind me asking...did she come clean herself out of guilt, or did you find out in some other way? Forgiveness might be an option for me if she genuinely confessed...otherwise, I'd kick her to the curb.

  SageAgainstTheMachine said:
Dude, that sucks. I'm very sorry to hear it.


If you don't mind me asking...did she come clean herself out of guilt, or did you find out in some other way? Forgiveness might be an option for me if she genuinely confessed...otherwise, I'd kick her to the curb.

No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).

  Stl Bills said:
No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).



Give her an invoice.


I always think of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer says marriages are like prisons...the longer I am married, the more I agree. Consider it a blessing (which I know seems like a cold thing to say now). You'll be happier in the end....

  Stl Bills said:
No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).



At least you have the opportunity to sell the crappy investment at a small loss now, rather than invest even more into a losing investment until you are flat broke. Lady luck was shining down on you today.


Sorry to hear, man. Life experence's can be pretty good. you'll look back on this day or weeks and realize, It was a good thing.




I wont go into mine as yours are more important right now. Think things through, stay calm, stay focused. No more venting. think of clearing your thoughts of that misiarable B word.


Vaction, Vacation, Vacation. Get away, get away, get away!!!

  Fezmid said:
If the money has already been spent and there's no refund, turn it into a big party for yourself and your friends/family. Why let the food and good times go to waste?


(obviously don't put up any wedding decorations or anything :) ).

I agree with this. Take some of the money allocated and hire the best hooker(s) and town and have your own kind of honeymoon.

You really are fortunate to find out now. Although it is terrible this happened at all. Good luck man.


As a guy who will have 10 years of happy marriage come this saturday my advice is to simply let go of the anger and it sounds as though it is time to move on. Obviously I do not know either one of you, nor the circumstances, so far be it to me to suggest the "final answer."


What I do know is that when the situation is right you will be at peace with both the person and the idea of getting married. It sounds like there was turmoil in advance of even this event. My experiience tells me that while you feel burned now you will be thankful down the road that this ended sooner rather than later.


At the same time having said all of that, I agree with Sage. If this was a one time mistake, a misjudgement at a moment in time perhaps you work at reconcilliation. I have two friends who married under this exact scenario. They have two kids and a great marriage (now going on 20 years).


You will know what is right in your gut based on what you have shared with your fiance over the length of your relationship.

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