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Field trip for black students

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Principal Madison could also take away the white kids' books.


That would be sweet!


If this were the other way around, this dude would be lucky to be drawn and quartered. Al Sharpton would be up in his grizzle with a microphone. As it stands, he might get a slap on the wrist, and there's ~ a 15 percent chance he'll be invited to a White House beer summit.

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Wow...dude sounds like a complete scumbag. Big surprise to see him running a public school.

Those that have a total lack of integrity will exercise power for their own special interests, whether it involves race, friendship, business association, religion etc...they can justify anything in their minds. Sounds like many a politician.

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Principal Madison could also take away the white kids' books.


That would be sweet!


If this were the other way around, this dude would be lucky to be drawn and quartered. Al Sharpton would be up in his grizzle with a microphone. As it stands, he might get a slap on the wrist, and there's ~ a 15 percent chance he'll be invited to a White House beer summit.


I said here before that Obama's plan to close the racial gap in healthcare would be to degrade the healthcare of white americans instead of vice versa. Looks like I was right.

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Principal Madison could also take away the white kids' books.


That would be sweet!


If this were the other way around, this dude would be lucky to be drawn and quartered. Al Sharpton would be up in his grizzle with a microphone. As it stands, he might get a slap on the wrist, and there's ~ a 15 percent chance he'll be invited to a White House beer summit.


“In hindsight, this field trip could have been approached and arranged in a better way," Madison wrote. "But as I reflect upon the look of excitement, enthusiasm and energy that I saw in these children’s eyes as they stood in the presence of a renowned African American rocket scientist in a very successful position, it gave the kids an opportunity to see this type of achievement is possible for even them.


That is pretty sad right there for a guy to say that. Even them? Even them? We are all created equal; but I guess this guy doesn't think so.


The last thing the black kids need is a black principal telling them they are capable of less. The white kids don't benefit from feeling like they are having blockades thrown up. A white kid can't look up to a black rocket scientist?


Being a rocket scientist is a tough but achievable goal for all of the kids in Ann Arbor, black white or otherwise. Even them? Geez. It's not like bringing a bunch of Canadian kids on a trip to meet a dentist or something.

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