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Watch and educate yourself on just how much YOU fund and promote animal abuse/cruelty...







You want me to watch a one hour and 36 minute video in order for me to justify my hatred of someone who tortures dogs, and if I don't I'm a PU$$Y?


Nice try.


Get me something I can watch in less than ten and maybe I'll watch it.

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You want me to watch a one hour and 36 minute video in order for me to justify my hatred of someone who tortures dogs, and if I don't I'm a PU$$Y?


Nice try.


Get me something I can watch in less than ten and maybe I'll watch it.

It is a movie and I guarentee if you watch it, it will change your life...in some way, shape or form.

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It is interesting for those who have no clue especially how the food industry works. With that said it still doesn't excuse Vick for his actions, of which he served time for. The More deplorable actions of man, don't excuse the still but less deplorable actions of others. 30 minutes of that was all I could stomach. I'll watch the rest sometime today.

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Please post a link to how sewage treatment plants work.

Maybe we'll all think twice the next time we're taking a dump.


Oh, and Michael Vick is a worthless piece of human excrement in shoes.

Keep him in Filthydelphia where he belongs.

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Watch and educate yourself on just how much YOU fund and promote animal abuse/cruelty...








I don't abide factory farming. I shoot my own venison (the ultimate free range speed beef) buy organic and invest yearly in a quarter of a grass feed cow for meat. So how does that make Vick any less of a bastard dog torturer and killer POS? If you want to preach against animal abuse I'm with you. But don't use a "we're all as bad as Vick" argument!

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So I clicked the link for giggles


Initial thoughts, the guy at the beginning looks and sounds like a granola eating hippie




Speciesist! (Is that even a word?)



Master and Slave!


Animals are Earthlings too you know!





That reminds me, I have to take some steaks out of the freezer

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Watch and educate yourself on just how much YOU fund and promote animal abuse/cruelty...







Really not a big relationship between this and what Vick did, IMO.

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While I detest what Vick did he has paid a price for it and will continue to do so. At some point people who error and honestly look to make amends should be forgiven and allowed to move on with their lives. I am no fan of what was displayed in the video nor what Michael Vick did but to proclaim we are in the same boat is simply wrong.

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It is a movie and I guarentee if you watch it, it will change your life...in some way, shape or form, assuming you are as much of a weak minded simpleton as I am.




Really not a big relationship between this and what Vick did, IMO.

But if he puts "Watch this PETA video" the the title, no one will click. :thumbsup:


He's a good example of someone who grew up in the age of the "say anything to get their attention" media.

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When I drive down the road every day that takes me to the I-10, and I see the cows, I honestly think of how many delicious steaks could be made, and what type. And yet, I come home, and let my dog lay on the couch next to me and don't necessarily consider if he would make a nice center cut fillet.


Maybe I should buy a Vick jersey. I'm just like him.

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That was cool!!


I think I'll have a double Cheesburger for lunch today.


mmmmmmmmmmmmm, good!!



Yeah, this has totally inspired me to go to the new burger place around the corner today. It's expensive and the line is long but hey, it's Friday, I think I'll treat myself! :thumbsup:

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havent watched the video and im not going to. i can already surmise by the other posts that it's about the way animals are kept and slaughtered for the FOOD industry.


if these factories were processing the cows and then just burying the carcasses in the backyard, THEN i could see comparing them to Vick for the senseless, and pointless killings. but that isnt the case.


as an animal lover who has rescued pitbulls myself, ive forgiven Vick. I still think he is a scumbag at heart, but he's paid his dues for his past misdeeds. but the horrible acts he committed were purely for his own entertainment and benefited NO ONE. IMO, there is no logical connection between the food industry and what Vick did.





also, almost time for lunch!!

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As a vegetarian I have to say few things annoy me more than vegetarians trying to convert. Nothing more irritating than guilt based conversion: politics, religion, basic life decisions....all obnoxious.


I haven't watched the video since I find PETA to be a useless organization that only turns people off the cause. But there is a major difference to a piece of garbage choking and drowning dogs for his own amusement and an industry that provides food

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