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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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You are doing a poor job of making the correct argument.


Funny, I thought he was doing a poor job of making the incorrect argument. He's pretty much advocating for throwing religious freedom out the window for Muslims.


To turn his own analogy around, would all you guys also be outraged at the construction of a Christian Center near the OK Federal building site?


And finally, since having a mosque two blocks from the WTC is so disrespectful, can one of you guys educate us on the appropriate distance from WTC before one is permissible?

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Did you not see on tv the celebrations throughout the Muslim world when word and pictures got out regarding the destruction of the towers? It was sickening.


I only saw footage from Palestinian towns. And even then, there were mass protests of support for the US by Muslims throughout the Muslim world (including in Palestinian areas)

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Funny, I thought he was doing a poor job of making the incorrect argument. He's pretty much advocating for throwing religious freedom out the window for Muslims.


To turn his own analogy around, would all you guys also be outraged at the construction of a Christian Center near the OK Federal building site?


And finally, since having a mosque two blocks from the WTC is so disrespectful, can one of you guys educate us on the appropriate distance from WTC before one is permissible?



Let's start with a mosque who's Imam doesn't think that America was partly to blame for 911.

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Funny, I thought he was doing a poor job of making the incorrect argument. He's pretty much advocating for throwing religious freedom out the window for Muslims.


To turn his own analogy around, would all you guys also be outraged at the construction of a Christian Center near the OK Federal building site?


And finally, since having a mosque two blocks from the WTC is so disrespectful, can one of you guys educate us on the appropriate distance from WTC before one is permissible?

I misspoke.


His argument is the incorrect one. I made my point earlier in this thread, which is that the decision makers made a poor decision to build the mosque in this location. I'm not going to repeat myself again as to why, it was made on page 3.


And I'm right.

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Let's start with a mosque who's Imam doesn't think that America was partly to blame for 911.


Yeah, we have the Muslim version of Reverend Wright.


How about answering the other hypothetical. Should the US military leave Oklahoma City because of its tie to Timothy McVeigh?

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I'm pretty sure no one from WBC ever killed 3000 people in one shot, but whatever.



Yes, just the same way Christians didn't kill over a million innocent people back in South America back some time ago in the name of their own religion. :worthy:

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Let's start with a mosque who's Imam doesn't think that America was partly to blame for 911.

Not surprising that you'd duck the questions. Your position is pretty indefensible.


And for the record, I've heard a lot of Americans suggest that America was partly to blame for 911. I guess we should protest their houses of worship too?




I made my point earlier in this thread, which is that the decision makers made a poor decision to build the mosque in this location.

The flaw in your argument is your assumption that you understand all the reason for that decision. Maybe they decided to build there because of the cheap real estate. You could get stuff for a song in that area right after 911.

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The flaw in your argument is your assumption that you understand all the reason for that decision. Maybe they decided to build there because of the cheap real estate. You could get stuff for a song in that area right after 911.


Ding ding. We have a winner.

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The flaw in your argument is your assumption that you understand all the reason for that decision. Maybe they decided to build there because of the cheap real estate. You could get stuff for a song in that area right after 911.

No, because the reasoning the Imam gave was to build a bridge between Muslim and the American relations, to extend an olive branch. So it's not an assumption, it is going based on his words.


Also, David Patterson offered to pony up funds to relocate, so that pretty much blows that reasoning out of the water.

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So now we're afraid of buildings. Boogie Man 1, Americans 0


But they have no right to put up a building to replace their current building in a location that currently doesn't honor our esteemed victims who were heroically in the wrong place at the wrong time!



This whole "issue" makes me want to discuss carp with EII. :ph34r:

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Not surprising that you'd duck the questions. Your position is pretty indefensible.


And for the record, I've heard a lot of Americans suggest that America was partly to blame for 911. I guess we should protest their houses of worship too?





The flaw in your argument is your assumption that you understand all the reason for that decision. Maybe they decided to build there because of the cheap real estate. You could get stuff for a song in that area right after 911.


Who...DC Tom? Bill Maher? Rosie O'Donnell? Janeane Garofalo? Their opinions mean less than nothing to me.


As for your question, I would refuse any mosque, being built anywhere, in this country by an imam who thinks that America was partly responsible for 911 during an ongoing war. I consider that a radical opinion from a religious leader who's religion's radical factions mass murdered 2976 Americans that day.

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So now we're afraid of buildings. Boogie Man 1, Americans 0

Next thing you know they'll attack our imagination.


Quick, somebody give Al Gore a nukaler missile!



*Edit - For those with malfunctioning sarcasm detectors, that misspeeeling was intenshunal


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Who...DC Tom? Bill Maher? Rosie O'Donnell? Janeane Garofalo? Their opinions mean less than nothing to me.

Any mirrors in your world? It's ignorant as hell to pretend that the U.S. government isn't partially responsible for the blowback caused by decades of poor foreign policy decisions. Even the !@#$ing 9/11 Commission got that right but you're so !@#$ing smart that your opinion is the one that matters?

As for your question, I would refuse any mosque, being built anywhere, in this country by an imam who thinks that America was partly responsible for 911 during an ongoing war. I consider that a radical opinion from a religious leader who's religion's radical factions mass murdered 2976 Americans that day.

His radical opinion is no more radical than yours. And the Constitution guarantees his right to free speech and questioning the government the same as yours does, regardless of the results of 9/11 or any other !@#$ing day where innocent people somewhere in the world got killed for no good reason.

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