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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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MSNBC is now reporting that the the Reverand Jones will not burn the Quran if the NYC mosque is moved to a different location.


This is awesome.


The only way it could get more comical is if Donald Trump somehow managed to get his publicity act into this ...

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Really? I think it's time for the "moderate" muslims to find a new PR person.

WTF are you talking about?

This "Islam is religion of peace" campaign in America kind of takes a beating when you're threatening violence against Americans.

I don't wonder at all how "Christians" would react if an Imam was planning on holding a Bible burning here in the good ol' USofA. Even if the dude was as much of a nutto as the clown in Florida or that Fred "God Hates Fags" guy.

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WTF are you talking about?


I don't wonder at all how "Christians" would react if an Imam was planning on holding a Bible burning here in the good ol' USofA. Even if the dude was as much of a nutto as the clown in Florida or that Fred "God Hates Fags" guy.


Threaten to kill him? No.

Chant death to muslims? No.

Burn him in effigy? No.


Comparing the violent factions between these two religions is shear lunacy.

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Threaten to kill him? No.

Chant death to muslims? No.

Burn him in effigy? No.


Comparing the violent factions between these two religions is shear lunacy.

How many Muslims do you know? How many Muslims have threatened to kill you personally? I'm going to go ahead and guess: 1. Very few or none. 2. None.


You a gun owner? If you are, you need to re-read your ridiculous "points" and realize they're EXACTLY the same ones that liberals try to use to outlaw ALL guns because a very few are used to do some very bad things.


Wake the !@#$ up.

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How many Muslims do you know? How many Muslims have threatened to kill you personally? I'm going to go ahead and guess: 1. Very few or none. 2. None.


You a gun owner? If you are, you need to re-read your ridiculous "points" and realize they're EXACTLY the same ones that liberals try to use to outlaw ALL guns because a very few are used to do some very bad things.


Wake the !@#$ up.



You're becoming incoherent. I was replying to your hypothetical Christian reaction to bible burnings.


As for your second point, comparing the ratios of muslims/radical muslims to guns/guns used in violence is like comparing apples to oranges.

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WTF are you talking about?


I don't wonder at all how "Christians" would react if an Imam was planning on holding a Bible burning here in the good ol' USofA. Even if the dude was as much of a nutto as the clown in Florida or that Fred "God Hates Fags" guy.

Maybe I should go greet some of the returning veterans with the requsite flag burning, which thankfully is VERY constitutional!

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My dear friends had premature twins during a period in a Pregancy when she was still "eligible" for an abortion. They are thriving.


Not "zygotes", sure....but continue to dehumanize them all you want to make yourself feel better, you heartless !@#$.

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My dear friends had premature twins during a period in a Pregancy when she was still "eligible" for an abortion. They are thriving.


Not "zygotes", sure....but continue to dehumanize them all you want to make yourself feel better, you heartless !@#$.

The government better not tell me what to do except when it comes abortion and drugs.

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You're becoming incoherent.

I'm incoherent because you can't answer simple questions while pretending you can speak for all the Christians in the world? Awesome.

I was replying to your hypothetical Christian reaction to bible burnings.

Uh gee, thanks for actually explaining that. As if your intellect is so superior that I was having a problem getting it.


Here's the thing: I moved on to the next facet because quite frankly I pretty much know what most responses are going to be. I get them every day from the dolts I'm forced to interact with, so seeing them here is just another chance to reinforce my belief on what percentage of the population is essentially sheep.

As for your second point, comparing the ratios of muslims/radical muslims to guns/guns used in violence is like comparing apples to oranges.

Thanks for trying to continue to hide behind a whiny, pathetic, fear mongering argument by pretending it's not exactly that. How completely unexpected. <_<

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A 9/11 firefighter, a hero who lost his son (also a firefighter) in the building collapse, simply asks both sides to not protest on 9/11 and for BOTH sides to stop with the hate...


Read the comments section, its disgusting what some so-called "Americans" are calling him, my personal favorite being "Stupid liberal" being used repeatedly.


It's so sad.

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This topic really required 738 posts? Really? 63% of Americans think Muslims should enjoy their reduced right nation wide? Congrats. This is your topic and lets see how arch conservatives are viewed historically. :oops:


I think I might have agreed with that, if it had made sense.

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