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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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How about the idiot paster not burn the books, and the idiot imam find another building a few more blocks away that wasn't hit by the landing gear of a commercial jet filled with innocent people that was being used as a bomb to demolish lower manhattan killing as many Amercians as possible.


Well, the entire area south of Canal Street was barricaded after 9/11. I think everything that was inside that blocked area should be off limits to anyting Muslim.

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Didn't math & the alphabet predate Mohammed? Unles they claim squatters rights to zoroastrians?


"Algebra" derives from al jabr, either "the counting" or "to count" (forget which, exactly). Until Islam invented it, all else was either bookkeeping or, if you were Greek, geometry.

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Maybe at the purple mountain majesties above the fruited plains?

The fruited plains have rotted out, while the democrats, republicans and zealots argued over nothing.....or in better terms, while we fiddled, rome burned


This thread reminds me of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky fiasco. Although the issue was whether he committed and suborned perjury, the double digit IQ crowd (and the willfully stupid political allies) kept talking about adultery.

It was boneheaded all around. Clinton shouldn't have lied- only an idiot would disagree with that. Never should have been asked about it though, until he allows himself to be blackmailed about it. It is one of the best examples of how far our country has fallen and is very non-partisan. But there are those who just want us to close our eyes and keep chanting about how America is made from the best stuff on Earth.....


How about the idiot paster not burn the books, and the idiot imam find another building a few more blocks away that wasn't hit by the landing gear of a commercial jet filled with innocent people that was being used as a bomb to demolish lower manhattan killing as many Amercians as possible.

Isn't there already a mosque there? And if there isn't, what is the problem- Muslims were lost there, as well as Christians, Jews and people of many other religions factions. People have to start realizing that we weren't attacked by Muslims, we were attacked by terrorists and thugs.


The guy burning the Korans is a plain hateful idiot. To be honest, I think he is trying to stir up retaliation.

Edited by Adam
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It was boneheaded all around. Clinton shouldn't have lied- only an idiot would disagree with that. Never should have been asked about it though, until he allows himself to be blackmailed about it. It is one of the best examples of how far our country has fallen and is very non-partisan.


And Kenneth Starr should have been B word-slapped for turning an investigation of a real-estate deal into some salacious tabloid-esque witch hunt for anything Clinton might have done wrong, ever.


A seriously !@#$ing embarrassing moment in American history.

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I saw the interview last night and wondered why it (moving the mosque) would upset the extremists and cause problems. So, who really wants the mosque there? The extremists? What is their purpose for wanting it there? I guess I'm just confused. He wouldn't have put it there if he knew how it would upset Americans but he can't change its location because it would upset the extremists? :rolleyes:

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It was boneheaded all around. Clinton shouldn't have lied- only an idiot would disagree with that. Never should have been asked about it though, until he allows himself to be blackmailed about it. It is one of the best examples of how far our country has fallen and is very non-partisan. But there are those who just want us to close our eyes and keep chanting about how America is made from the best stuff on Earth.....


I never actually blamed him for lying about trying to get some on the side any more than I blamed Nixon for not snitching on his friends. What I found interesting was how persistently and effectively the issue was reframed to be one of adultery rather than perjury, just the way the issue of the mosque is being reframed as the right to build a mosque (islamic center) rather than a question of good v bad intentions.

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I never actually blamed him for lying about trying to get some on the side any more than I blamed Nixon for not snitching on his friends. What I found interesting was how persistently and effectively the issue was reframed to be one of adultery rather than perjury, just the way the issue of the mosque is being reframed as the right to build a mosque (islamic center) rather than a question of good v bad intentions.

I think you have that last part backwards.

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