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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Do you believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization?


I do. And just a little FYI since you like to go off on tangents. I think the Tamil Tigers are also terrorists and I am Tamil. But I guess since I don't go on Fox News or CNN and announce that I think they're terrorists according to RK I'm part of the problem...

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Sadly there are liberals who want to use government force to ban fast food chains and/or tax them out of existence. It's really disgusting. A bunch of self-righteous a-holes who can't be satisfied with their own pathetic lives making a desparate grasp at some sort of meaning adopt some b.s. cause that does nothing but inconvenience people, destroy jobs, and take away happiness and freedom from people who thought they lived in a free country.


The worst part is they think they're doing their fellow man a service. They think they've tapped in to some enlightened state of thought that the rest of us, the knuckle dragging neanderthals that we are, are either too stupid or morally depraved to "get". I'm curious to hear what that crowds' take on the mosque is.


I'd be willing to wager it's !@#$ me and my right to eat whoppers and get my daughter her beloved chicken nuggets, but God forbid anyone offend a bunch of religious nuts who have failed to evolve from a primitive obsession with their favorite invisible man in the sky.


*disclaimer - I don't think we should stop them from building the mosque. I just don't like it.

I like this post, because the liberals and neocons don't see this on themselves- they just use it to demonize the other side. +1 on this post RH


Do you believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization?

I don't think that anyone doubts this, but as a political organization that is in power, it will be interesting to see if it ends up splintering.

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So ALL Muslims hate Jews...gotcha...


Do you really want to list the crimes of so-called "Christians" and paint an entire religion as crazy and violent?


As for NEVER hearing about Muslims decrying extremist acts and reaching out to mend bridges is because it's not 'sexy' for the media to cover such stories with any objectiveness. There are plenty of prominent Muslim leaders that have spoken out against terrorism, just type it into Google and have yourself a field day of information. But that would be too easy and counterproductive to the hissy fit you're throwing here.


You didnt read...shocker.


I didnt say "they dont speak out." I said they dont speak out UNCONDITIONALLY.


And spare me the old, tired "Christians did it too." defense. People label "all priests as pedophiles" and "all christians as whackos" on a daily. Forget Google. Just look here on TSW. But that would be too easy and counterproductive, wouldnt it?

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I do. And just a little FYI since you like to go off on tangents. I think the Tamil Tigers are also terrorists and I am Tamil. But I guess since I don't go on Fox News or CNN and announce that I think they're terrorists according to RK I'm part of the problem...


I didn't go off on a tangent. Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf refused to categorize Hamas as a terrorist organization. He also said that we (USA) are partly the cause of 9/11 and that we created Osam Bin Laden. It is my belief that a mosque located 2 blocks from the TC site will be used for anti-American propaganda and a motivational tool for jihadists. I don't like the idea of having possible jihadists making pilgramages to their "victory monument". With that said, they have the right to build there. Most everybody agrees on that. I just hate the idea and think if Rauf was trying to "build a bridge" like he claims, that he would realize that building a mosque/community center there is a provocation and is insensitive.

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I didn't go off on a tangent. Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf refused to categorize Hamas as a terrorist organization. He also said that we (USA) are partly the cause of 9/11 and that we created Osam Bin Laden. It is my belief that a mosque located 2 blocks from the TC site will be used for anti-American propaganda and a motivational tool for jihadists. I don't like the idea of having possible jihadists making pilgramages to their "victory monument". With that said, they have the right to build there. Most everybody agrees on that. I just hate the idea and think if Rauf was trying to "build a bridge" like he claims, that he would realize that building a mosque/community center there is a provocation and is insensitive.

A lot of liberal organizations and people share that opinion. They have the right to express that opinion as does Imam Rauf.

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So ALL Muslims hate Jews...gotcha...

Absolutes are the easiest to disprove. Obviously not ALL muslims hate ALL jews, but I've met more than a few muslims and none of them care too much for Jews as a whole. Doesn't necessarily make them bad people, they just don't like each other.


Do you really want to list the crimes of so-called "Christians" and paint an entire religion as crazy and violent?

I don't want to paint with too broad a brush and demonize the whole Islamic world, but if we're making the comapison to christianity, yes you can go back in history and find atrocities done in the name of the religion. However, if you look to more modern times, say the last 100 years, you'd be hard pressed to find too much violence (relatively speaking) done in the name of Jesus, especially in comparison to the amount of violence done in the name of Allah. I'm just sayin

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Absolutes are the easiest to disprove. Obviously not ALL muslims hate ALL jews, but I've met more than a few muslims and none of them care too much for Jews as a whole. Doesn't necessarily make them bad people, they just don't like each other.



I don't want to paint with too broad a brush and demonize the whole Islamic world, but if we're making the comapison to christianity, yes you can go back in history and find atrocities done in the name of the religion. However, if you look to more modern times, say the last 100 years, you'd be hard pressed to find too much violence (relatively speaking) done in the name of Jesus, especially in comparison to the amount of violence done in the name of Allah. I'm just sayin


Yes, I haven't heard too many "God is Greats" right before an explosion.

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You didnt read...shocker.


I didnt say "they dont speak out." I said they dont speak out UNCONDITIONALLY.


And spare me the old, tired "Christians did it too." defense. People label "all priests as pedophiles" and "all christians as whackos" on a daily. Forget Google. Just look here on TSW. But that would be too easy and counterproductive, wouldnt it?

They don't have to prove they aren't terrorist.....that's preposterous. Why would someone who has done nothing wrong have to waste their time and energy doing that. We don't make all christians prove they don't love terrorism, despite their religion was founded on it.

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Damn, I missed it. Any of it directed at me that you know of?



We didn't lose anyone did we?

Not sure if any was directed at you- some guy was trying to find you, so he could send you a check for $1,000,000. Must have been deleted


Yes, they have the right to express their opinion. So does Imam Rauf. So do I.

I never have said otherwise

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Meanwhile, Edina Lekovic, director of policy at the Muslim Public Affairs Council, is helping to organize a grassroots Muslim Day of Service planned for Sept. 11. The group coordinated more than 3,500 service projects in the past year as part of President Obama's National Day of Service initiative, but Lekovic says the push is especially important now.


A separate grassroots initiative called "My Faith My Voice" also launched an advertisment this week featuring Muslim-Americans saying they renounce terrorism and do not want to take over the country or impose their faith on anyone.


And only 62 percent of Americans think Muslims should have the same right as other groups to build places of worship in their communities, a Pew Research poll found.

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I guess the precedent was set with Germany's yearly variety show: "Hey Jews, our bad...We cool now?" so RK expects the same from Muslim-Americans.

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