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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Oh willfull ignorance, my ass.


When the Irish and Italians came to America they faced similar discrimination and "phobias" that was founded on NOTHING. You can certainly call that ignorance. The influx of Muslims, however is coming against a prism of 9/11, "Londonistan", people being jailed for incorrectly naming teddy bears, heads hacked off, people stoned to death, fatwas calling for the murder of apostates and anyone who puts a bad word about Islam into text, women in bondage. What people see is a complete intolerant and psuedo-facist, brutal, sexist ideology of conquest. THAT is the "religion of peace" that the "willfully ignorant" have thrust upon them day after day. THAT is the Islam most know becuase that is the Islam people see with their own two eyes. Dont act as if those who may indeed be "phobic" about Islam are pulling it out of nowhere. Such a statement is WILDLY disingenuous.

Edited by RkFast
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Heres another good one....


Liberals today feel that Glenn Beck should move the rally he plans to have in DC, which happens to fall on the anniversary of MLK's famous speech. Why? Get this..... "out of respect for history and the struggle which made it happen, it might be a the right thing to reconsider the timing and location of event coming up."


Those are the SAME liberals call those who want the Mosque moved two blocks or so every name in the book.


They dont even hear themsevles.

I was watching someone from ABC News last night interview a niece of MLK, who is going to speak at Beck's gig. It was painfully embarrassing to watch."Does your family call you and give you a hard time about speaking at this event? Do you think your uncle would like Glen Beck? What do you think he'd say about this event?"


This was followed by excerpts of The Reveral Al giving Beck all kinds of crap about coinciding with the date of MLK's speech.


It's about as embarrasingly comical as you can get without being conner.

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Oh willfull ignorance, my ass.


When the Irish and Italians came to America they faced similar discrimination and "phobias" that was founded on NOTHING. You can certainly call that ignorance. The influx of Muslims, however is coming against a prism of 9/11, "Londonistan", people being jailed for incorrectly naming teddy bears, heads hacked off, people stoned to death, fatwas calling for the murder of apostates and anyone who puts a bad word about Islam into text, women in bondage. What people see is a complete intolerant and psuedo-facist, brutal, sexist ideology of conquest. THAT is the "religion of peace" that the "willfully ignorant" have thrust upon them day after day. THAT is the Islam most know becuase that is the Islam people see with their own two eyes. Dont act as if those who may indeed be "phobic" about Islam are pulling it out of nowhere. Such a statement is WILDLY disingenuous.


Well, this should make you happy.


I was watching someone from ABC News last night interview a niece of MLK, who is going to speak at Beck's gig. It was painfully embarrassing to watch."Does your family call you and give you a hard time about speaking at this event? Do you think your uncle would like Glen Beck? What do you think he'd say about this event?"


This was followed by excerpts of The Reveral Al giving Beck all kinds of crap about coinciding with the date of MLK's speech.


It's about as embarrasingly comical as you can get without being conner.


I am really starting to think that Connor has been taking us for a ride for a long time. If so, Crayonz has to give up his crown (crayon?).


Beck was someone I liked at one point. He seemed reasonable. Something happened and he either chose to become the man he is today intentionally, or he simply snapped.

Edited by Booster4324
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You truly are living the cliche....... :wallbash:


I have seen opinions from you that I agree with and some that I disagree with. This is one that makes me think you have just run out of things to say. Quite a shame 3rd, as I do have some amount of respect for you.


As far as growing a pair, I don't believe in going on anonymous message boards and just attacking people......

You know Adam, I didn't intend to just attack you and what I said came out rather harsh. For that I will apologize. It does seem to me though that you stradle the fence a lot and never take a real stand. .JMO

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You know Adam, I didn't intend to just attack you and what I said came out rather harsh. For that I will apologize. It does seem to me though that you stradle the fence a lot and never take a real stand. .JMO

Thank you, I appreciate that. It seems as if I straddle the fence, because I try to find the wisdom on both sides of the aisle- and I also try to find the flaws. Sometimes people seems wishy-washy or like a wingnut on here, because argumentative discussion,particularly where anonymity is allowed can lead to that.


I think the mosque should not be blocked, but I do understand the apprehension of some. It is just that they shouldn't let apprehension guide their actions. If the mosque is used for something illegal or wrong against our country, then take action- this country is supposed to be guided by innocent until proven guilty. I apply the same thing to Glen Beck's rally- I probably would agree with some of what he says and disagree with other things- but unless he does something wrong, he has the right, whether people find it offensive or not.


Another thing I have been saying ad nausem. It is time for the american people to stop blaming the politicians (ie Bush and Obama) and look in the mirror at themselves. The Republicrats have the power because we allow it to be so. That is my biggest stand.

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You know Adam, I didn't intend to just attack you and what I said came out rather harsh. For that I will apologize. It does seem to me though that you stradle the fence a lot and never take a real stand. .JMO


There are no apologies on PPP.....EVER!

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Beck was someone I liked at one point. He seemed reasonable. Something happened and he either chose to become the man he is today intentionally, or he simply snapped.

I'm just tossing this in here because I think what happened this weekend is a perfect example of just how messed up this country has become politically.


All week long you could find headlines about Beck's big gig this weekend because it coincided with MLK's speech on the same day in the same place, and civil rights activists are yelling it's not right, and The Rev. Al is yelling it's not right, and ultimately ABC News runs a big headline for 24 hours about the rally and how its not planned to be political, but it will surely be political, and this is going to be a pretty political gig with blacks versus whites and all this gooey stuff...


Over 100,000 people show up, I'm waiting for all the fighting and yelling, and as I go through all the various media sites online this morning, from ABC to MSNBC right into the gutter of places like Huffington Post, all the headlines are virtually the same: Beck Talks Religion. Nevermind. :lol: :lol:

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I'm just tossing this in here because I think what happened this weekend is a perfect example of just how messed up this country has become politically.


All week long you could find headlines about Beck's big gig this weekend because it coincided with MLK's speech on the same day in the same place, and civil rights activists are yelling it's not right, and The Rev. Al is yelling it's not right, and ultimately ABC News runs a big headline for 24 hours about the rally and how its not planned to be political, but it will surely be political, and this is going to be a pretty political gig with blacks versus whites and all this gooey stuff...


Over 100,000 people show up, I'm waiting for all the fighting and yelling, and as I go through all the various media sites online this morning, from ABC to MSNBC right into the gutter of places like Huffington Post, all the headlines are virtually the same: Beck Talks Religion. Nevermind. :lol: :lol:


And y'know...if Martin Luther King Jr's legacy can be weakened in any way by a yahoo like Beck holding a rally at the same place 4 decades (or 5...or two centuries if you're VABills)...then MLK's legacy wouldn't be worth **** anyway, now would it?

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Oh willfull ignorance, my ass.


When the Irish and Italians came to America they faced similar discrimination and "phobias" that was founded on NOTHING. You can certainly call that ignorance. The influx of Muslims, however is coming against a prism of 9/11, "Londonistan", people being jailed for incorrectly naming teddy bears, heads hacked off, people stoned to death, fatwas calling for the murder of apostates and anyone who puts a bad word about Islam into text, women in bondage. What people see is a complete intolerant and psuedo-facist, brutal, sexist ideology of conquest. THAT is the "religion of peace" that the "willfully ignorant" have thrust upon them day after day. THAT is the Islam most know becuase that is the Islam people see with their own two eyes. Dont act as if those who may indeed be "phobic" about Islam are pulling it out of nowhere. Such a statement is WILDLY disingenuous.


Interesting little piece. $70 million grant?



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Yeah, this about nails it. :lol:




Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"

Edited by RkFast
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Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"


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Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"

Angry, irrational and stupid is no way to go through life.


Your religion is crap, but mine is the best! rolleyes.gif

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Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"

There is a big difference between muslims and terrorist organizations. Personally, I don't care what Glen Beck does- he is as much of an idiot as Rush Limbaugh, Mike and Mike, and all the other talk radio guys......he is supposedly an entertainer, but isn't entertaining. Anyone who gets up in arms over him, the onion or moveon.org is an idiot.


There is no "Religion of Peace"....not Islam, not Judiasm, not Christianity. People are either peaceful or not peaceful.

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