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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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No...you're a halfwit because the last two links you provided were chock-full of obvious half-assed assumptions and horseshit that you failed to grasp, busy as you were feeling self-justified. It's the same issue of complete intellectual dishonesty (or deficiency, as the case may be) that I have with conner. It has nothing to do with agreement or disagreement.




Better...the horseshit is far more subtle in this one.


You know DC, I often agree with you on matters. I form my opinions from a variety of sources and sometimes from just putting two and two together, or even sometimes straight from the gut. Those links weren't posted to prove anything but to more clearly state how I felt. I thought I made that clear. I'll be sure to let you know whenever I do agree with your thinking or line of reasoning so you can feel comfortable in the halfwit society.

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This was inevitable... http://thinkprogress.org/2010/08/25/driver-stabbed-muslim/



Waiting for the 'attaboy' from Wacka or 3rdning.


I have no problem with muslims. I do have a problem with radical muslims who want to impose sharia law or commit acts of terror. I have no problem with a mosque 2 blocks from the TC site if it truly is going to be a mosque. If it is going to be a symbol of a conquest I don't much like the idea of it. I also wonder why the groundbreaking is scheduled for 9/11/11. My thoughts are that if they are truly trying to build a "bridge" then they might want to rethink its location since 70% of americans oppose it being located there.

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I have no problem with muslims. I do have a problem with radical muslims who want to impose sharia law or commit acts of terror. I have no problem with a mosque 2 blocks from the TC site if it truly is going to be a mosque. If it is going to be a symbol of a conquest I don't much like the idea of it. I also wonder why the groundbreaking is scheduled for 9/11/11.


How exactly do you define a "symbol of conquest" and what evidence do you have to show that this building would be such a symbol, you know, given the fact that a mosque already exists on the site. Is there going to be a big mural of OBL giving a thumbs up sign or something?



My thoughts are that if they are truly trying to build a "bridge" then they might want to rethink its location since 70% of americans oppose it being located there.


And what % of Americans thought blacks should have just kept using separate bathrooms and eating at their own damn lunch counters in the early '60s? Maybe these guys are looking for a little of that 'freedom and justice for all' crap that we like to brag about.

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How exactly do you define a "symbol of conquest" and what evidence do you have to show that this building would be such a symbol, you know, given the fact that a mosque already exists on the site. Is there going to be a big mural of OBL giving a thumbs up sign or something?


Read what I said. If it truly is going to be a mosque and not a symbol of conquest then I have no problem with it being located there. Regardless, they have a right to locate there. Since 70% of americans aren't enamored with the idea that they are locating there (note I didn't say that 70% of americans think that they shouldn't be allowed to locate there)then maybe their stated purpose of building a bridge would not be served very well. Any thoughts on the possibility of there being a little symbolism going on with the groundbreaking being held on 9/11/11?




And what % of Americans thought blacks should have just kept using separate bathrooms and eating at their own damn lunch counters in the early '60s? Maybe these guys are looking for a little of that 'freedom and justice for all' crap that we like to brag about.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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You know DC, I often agree with you on matters. I form my opinions from a variety of sources and sometimes from just putting two and two together, or even sometimes straight from the gut. Those links weren't posted to prove anything but to more clearly state how I felt. I thought I made that clear. I'll be sure to let you know whenever I do agree with your thinking or line of reasoning so you can feel comfortable in the halfwit society.


For future reference: if you (or anyone else for that matter, this isn't personal) agrees with me on a topic, but your logic is specious and sources are laughable...halfwit.


It has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not. Even conner agrees with me sometimes. Since when he does he usually backs into it blindly...still a halfwit.

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For future reference: if you (or anyone else for that matter, this isn't personal) agrees with me on a topic, but your logic is specious and sources are laughable...halfwit.


It has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not. Even conner agrees with me sometimes. Since when he does he usually backs into it blindly...still a halfwit.


I clearly stated thinking or line of reasoning.

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This was inevitable... http://thinkprogress...stabbed-muslim/



Waiting for the 'attaboy' from Wacka or 3rdning.

Ah, the fruits of 24-hour xenophobic journalism. This feels a little bit like Muslim radicals trying to impose Islamic Law by throwing acid on schoolgirls to keep them from learning too much.


Way to go wingnut retards. Let freedom ring!

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I clearly stated thinking or line of reasoning.


No, you provided links to stories that were counter-factual and full of unfounded xenophobic assumptions to demonstrate your opinion.


Big difference. In fact, you specifically avoided stating, thinking, or reasoning anything. Thus, again...halfwit.


This was inevitable... http://thinkprogress.org/2010/08/25/driver-stabbed-muslim/



Waiting for the 'attaboy' from Wacka or 3rdning.


Well...it was an Islamic cab in Lower Manhattan. He should have been more sensitive, and picked up fares a few blocks farther away.

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So it turns out the attacker was a liberal.


Nevermind, everyone!!!!!!


So I changed my tune. I say let them build the damned thing.


But there are caveats:


1. If it turns out this Rauf really IS promoting Sharia, "we" get to have the wives/partners (some of you fit into this...admit it) of all you really tolerant folks fitted for burquas first.

2. If there is ANY "bragging" in the Muslim world about this being a "victory mosque", "we" get to line up all you tolerant folks and kick you...AND your burquad wives, in the nuts. Mayer Herr Bloomberg get TWO solid kicks in his cu-t.

3. If this turns out to become a mosque that promotes terrorism or anti-American sentiment, all you "tolerants" get a 1st class ticket on the plane the hijackers plan to pump into their "target" at 460 knots.

4. If "we" are wrong about Rauf and this thing and everyone whistles Kooombaya out of their !@#$s after its built, Ill apologize.


I think this is a great deal and only fair.

Edited by RkFast
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So it turns out the attacker was a liberal.


Nevermind, everyone!!!!!!


So I changed my tune. I say let them build the damned thing.


But there are caveats:


1. If it turns out this Rauf really IS promoting Sharia, "we" get to have the wives/partners (some of you fit into this...admit it) of all you really tolerant folks fitted for burquas first.

2. If there is ANY "bragging" in the Muslim world about this being a "victory mosque", "we" get to line up all you tolerant folks and kick you...AND your burquad wives, in the nuts. Mayer Herr Bloomberg get TWO solid kicks in his cu-t.

3. If this turns out to become a mosque that promotes terrorism or anti-American sentiment, all you "tolerants" get a 1st class ticket on the plane the hijackers plan to pump into their "target" at 460 knots.

4. If "we" are wrong about Rauf and this thing and everyone whistles Kooombaya out of their !@#$s after its built, Ill apologize.


I think this is a great deal and only fair.

Link? (this should be good)

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Anyone who still opposes the building of the Muslim community center (it's not a Mosque) should watch this interview from 'This Week' last Sunday with the wife of the Imam and the director of the Jewish community center who is helping with the planning, and whose facility is what the Muslims are trying to copy. I expect it will give you a new perspective on what is proposed.


This Week interview

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So it turns out the attacker was a liberal.


Nevermind, everyone!!!!!!


So I changed my tune. I say let them build the damned thing.


But there are caveats:


1. If it turns out this Rauf really IS promoting Sharia, "we" get to have the wives/partners (some of you fit into this...admit it) of all you really tolerant folks fitted for burquas first.

2. If there is ANY "bragging" in the Muslim world about this being a "victory mosque", "we" get to line up all you tolerant folks and kick you...AND your burquad wives, in the nuts. Mayer Herr Bloomberg get TWO solid kicks in his cu-t.

3. If this turns out to become a mosque that promotes terrorism or anti-American sentiment, all you "tolerants" get a 1st class ticket on the plane the hijackers plan to pump into their "target" at 460 knots.

4. If "we" are wrong about Rauf and this thing and everyone whistles Kooombaya out of their !@#$s after its built, Ill apologize.


I think this is a great deal and only fair.



Keep your friends close and your enemies closer


...another way to look at it

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