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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Gene, Really?


Coming from you, who basically ONLY talks about either religion or climate change is kinda funny. Just as you despise religious zealots, you are equally as zeal on the opposing side.


Even though I do agree with your comment. Amazing how people are attracted to these retard subjects.

The difference is I'm right.


But seriously, I don't like to think that I'm so one dimensional (cue the peanut gallery). Maybe I am, but I'm always most interested in the truth. Most of your posts have to do with economics so does that make you so different? Like it or not, this "retard" subject is a big deal to a lot of idiots right now. This whole ridiculous debate is being fed by religious zealots and I've never tried to hide my contempt for these types. They can all jump off a cliff for all I care, but the constitutionality of this issue is extremely black and white. Personally, I think they should open up another strip club instead of another mosque or church. Aren't these things supposed to be closing instead of opening anyway? I know of several Catholic churches in my area that have closed their doors recently. That seems to be a nice trend outside of the Bible Belt.


At least some portion of the population is waking up it seems, which unfortunately leaves only the zealots and truly true believers running the show at their respective fantasy land. In a way, that's even worse - from my perspective of course.

Edited by Gene Frenkle
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what's the problem with Cordoba as a Mosquee name? Cordoba was the greatest town and richest in Europe when muslims, christians and jews were living there together... Cordoba has been killed by chrstian intolerance in fact...

I was told it means victory over a conquered people. A quick search doesn't provide much in the way of results so that could be incorrect.


i have lesbian friends BTW...

Humor is lost on some people


I agree and if we truly care this little about the constitution, let's just scrap it and have a constitutional convention. We could start over and maybe all of the liberals and all of the neocons that think they are better than the liberals can go away somewhere

I may have missed a post or two along the way, but I'm not aware of anyone suggesting the government stop this from happening.


If you want to believe in Yahweh and Jesus or Allah and Mohammed be my guest, because if it weren't for all of that B.S., we might be talking about something that actually matters.

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not remotely religious. I just don't buy the story that these guys just innocently want a place for "outreach" and to pray. Sure it's their right to do it, that doesn't mean people have to like it, and I think they knew damn good and well what they were stirring up and I think it was the point. I suppose I could be wrong, but it's interesting to me how many of you (who really don't seem to know what you're talking about in the first place) are so damn certain of your position.

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I was told it means victory over a conquered people. A quick search doesn't provide much in the way of results so that could be incorrect.



Humor is lost on some people



I may have missed a post or two along the way, but I'm not aware of anyone suggesting the government stop this from happening.



Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not remotely religious. I just don't buy the story that these guys just innocently want a place for "outreach" and to pray. Sure it's their right to do it, that doesn't mean people have to like it, and I think they knew damn good and well what they were stirring up and I think it was the point. I suppose I could be wrong, but it's interesting to me how many of you (who really don't seem to know what you're talking about in the first place) are so damn certain of your position.


They have every right to go there, but in my opinion they are not right to go there. If they want to build a "bridge" then they should be sensitive to the majority of people who feel that their presence there is somehow wrong. I would hate for it to really be a "victory monument" where muslims made pilgimages to.

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They have every right to go there, but in my opinion they are not right to go there. If they want to build a "bridge" then they should be sensitive to the majority of people who feel that their presence there is somehow wrong. I would hate for it to really be a "victory monument" where muslims made pilgimages to.

It is inappropriate to have guys like Limbaugh and Olbermann, butu they are out there.


Muslims don't need to build a bridge or justify anything the do- they did nothing wrong. Victory monument? What does that mean anyways- it could mean anything from what you are thinking, or that they survived 9/11, just like the rest of us.


They should not have any rights that christians or jews don't have- and they should have all the same rights as well. One is not better than the other and all are deserving of respect.

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Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not remotely religious. I just don't buy the story that these guys just innocently want a place for "outreach" and to pray. Sure it's their right to do it, that doesn't mean people have to like it, and I think they knew damn good and well what they were stirring up and I think it was the point. I suppose I could be wrong, but it's interesting to me how many of you (who really don't seem to know what you're talking about in the first place) are so damn certain of your position.

Trust me, you will never disappoint me by not being remotely religious. In a perfect world there are no mosques, churches or religious zealots.


However, this case is cut-and-dry, so says the Constitution of the good ole' U.S. of A. - just as the Framers intended. I'll not pretend to know the motivations of any of the true-believing idiots involved on either side here, but their intentions have no bearing here. The Constitution is more important than your paranoia over some "Cordoba", imagined or real. To borrow a little right-wing rhetoric, love it or leave it, Rob.


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

- Benjamin Franklin

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It is inappropriate to have guys like Limbaugh and Olbermann, butu they are out there.


Muslims don't need to build a bridge or justify anything the do- they did nothing wrong. Victory monument? What does that mean anyways- it could mean anything from what you are thinking, or that they survived 9/11, just like the rest of us.


They should not have any rights that christians or jews don't have- and they should have all the same rights as well. One is not better than the other and all are deserving of respect.


They are the ones that are saying they want to build a bridge. All I have said is that they have the right to go there but if they are trying to build a "bridge", then maybe they should choose to go elsewhere. You don't need to lecture me re the rights of muslims being the same as christians or jews. I've already said that they have the right to go there. With your thinking it would be appropriate for the baptists to build a church at some site in Palestine 2 blocks away from a great christian victory aand call it the Crusade Initiative. Furthermore, what's the canard about Limbaugh and Olberman?

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Trust me, you will never disappoint me by not being remotely religious. In a perfect world there are no mosques, churches or religious zealots.


However, this case is cut-and-dry, so says the Constitution of the good ole' U.S. of A. - just as the Framers intended. I'll not pretend to know the motivations of any of the true-believing idiots involved on either side here, but their intentions have no bearing here. The Constitution is more important than your paranoia over some "Cordoba", imagined or real. To borrow a little right-wing rhetoric, love it or leave it, Rob.


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

- Benjamin Franklin


What is the issue with your total intolerance for believers of all religions. I find your attitude very strange.

Edited by Chef Jim
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They are the ones that are saying they want to build a bridge. All I have said is that they have the right to go there but if they are trying to build a "bridge", then maybe they should choose to go elsewhere. You don't need to lecture me re the rights of muslims being the same as christians or jews. I've already said that they have the right to go there. With your thinking it would be appropriate for the baptists to build a church at some site in Palestine 2 blocks away from a great christian victory aand call it the Crusade Initiative. Furthermore, what's the canard about Limbaugh and Olberman?


Please link me to the negative connotation of the word Cordoba.



In other words, it's just about the perfect name for a cultural center intended to bridge East and West.


From the Cordoba Initiative website:


Why Cordoba?

The name Cordoba was chosen carefully to reflect a period of time during which Islam played a monumental role in the enrichment of human civilization and knowledge. A thousand years ago Muslims, Jews, and Christians coexisted and created a prosperous center of intellectual, spiritual, cultural and commercial life in Cordoba, Spain.

Edited by Booster4324
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Please link me to the negative connotation of the word Cordoba.


Should be obvious: ragheads once lived there.


Serious addendum: no battles were ever fought at Cordoba, and the mosque "commemorating" the "great victory" supposedly at Cordoba was built some 300 years after the Moors defeated the Visigoths - and subsequently got their asses kicked by Charles Martel.

Edited by DC Tom
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They are the ones that are saying they want to build a bridge. All I have said is that they have the right to go there but if they are trying to build a "bridge", then maybe they should choose to go elsewhere. You don't need to lecture me re the rights of muslims being the same as christians or jews. I've already said that they have the right to go there. With your thinking it would be appropriate for the baptists to build a church at some site in Palestine 2 blocks away from a great christian victory aand call it the Crusade Initiative. Furthermore, what's the canard about Limbaugh and Olberman?

We are not talking about what goes on elsewhere to justify what we do here.


Limbaugh and Olbermann are idiots that beget more idiots. What they do is inappropriate.

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Should be obvious: ragheads once lived there.


Serious addendum: no battles were ever fought at Cordoba, and the mosque "commemorating" the "great victory" supposedly at Cordoba was built some 300 years after the Moors defeated the Visigoths - and subsequently got their asses kicked by Charles Martel.

Isn't it also the one that was hawked by Tattoo's boss and came w/ "fine Corinthian leather?'


If the call to prayers are all going to be started w/ a "ze plane, ze plane," I can see why people are up in arms about this.

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What is the issue with your total intolerance for believers of all religions. I find your attitude very strange.

I only have an issue when they try to impose their belief system on other people or our government. My view, as I've stated many times, is that most of the problems in the world today have direct roots in religion. Since I don't believe in any of that crap, I therefore believe that most of the worlds problems have roots in nothing but a bunch of fairy tales that the masses have been raised to believe in. There is a rich history of religious intolerance in the human story, but it's strange when the shoe's on the other foot? My view is strange because it disagrees with the majority? There are enough pro-religion voices out there and not enough policy and opinion based on critical thought and, you know, reality. Maybe we should start circumventing the Constitution based on Santa Claus.

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5. If you are trying to convince me of something, show me where in your teachings the justification lies for building this Mosque. Show how this is an example of "tolerance".


Depends...are they protesting the gay bar (the Bobbin Turban) across the street? How about the BBQ pork place on the corner? The strip club a block away? The street sketch artist selling Mohammad pictures ($7 each, 2 for $10) down the street? If the Muslims can live with that, we can live with the Mosque.

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I just don't buy the story that these guys just innocently want a place for "outreach" and to pray. Sure it's their right to do it, that doesn't mean people have to like it, and I think they knew damn good and well what they were stirring up and I think it was the point. I suppose I could be wrong, but it's interesting to me how many of you (who really don't seem to know what you're talking about in the first place) are so damn certain of your position.


Or at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this is a plain old real estate debate that's gotten out of hand.


If I needed to find space for a house of worship, where the congregation comes from all the spots in NYC, there's no better place than Lower Manhattan, given the intersection of virtually every single subway line within a three block radius. You also have very easy access to Staten Island & NJ.


Then I would look at spaces that are big enough. Again, Lower Manhattan is probably the best spot, as it was the forgotten region even in the real estate buildup post 9/11.


Lastly I would look at price.


So, when I find a big enough spot that's ideally located and can be had for a song because the widow needs the cash to settle an estate, I jump on it in 2006.


The brouhaha started only last year when the organizers realized that they became too successful and wanted to convert AN EXISTING AND OPERATING mosque into a bigger cultural center.


Repeat - the mosque has been operational for years, and no one has given a damn and nobody cared about the mosque trampling on sacred dust. Just like nobody cares about the strip club a block away.

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