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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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One could say it's the most incredible example of Roman engineering, though I think the Pantheon, created hundreds of years before, was far more impressive.


I have a hard time comparing them, given the eastern influence evident in the Hagia Sophia (vs the clean classical design of the Pantheon).


Still - and no slight intended to the Pantheon, which is amazing as well - my preference is the Hagia Sophia.

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"Cordoba" is a word that bothers you? Probably one of the most intellectually and religiously diverse regions of the world in the middle ages where most of Western philosophy and science came from?


Search Avicenna, Averroes. Moses Maimonides, and Thomas Aquinas.


Although I think most of us get the sensitivities, these aren't the minarets around Hagia Sophia.


I know that they have the "right" to build there. I just think it is foolish of them to do so. Why stir up resentment and hostility when building somewhere else is feasible? It doesn't appear as if there is any good reason to build that close to the WTC site. Naming it the Cordoba Center and refusing to look at alternatives certainly makes it look like a smack in the face and a victory monument. This isn't the way to build a bridge.

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I know that they have the "right" to build there. I just think it is foolish of them to do so. Why stir up resentment and hostility when building somewhere else is feasible? It doesn't appear as if there is any good reason to build that close to the WTC site. Naming it the Cordoba Center and refusing to look at alternatives certainly makes it look like a smack in the face and a victory monument. This isn't the way to build a bridge.


They're not building a bridge, they're building a mosque.

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Apart from Chrysler not making very good cars in the 70's. What is wrong with "Cordoba Center" as a name?


Cordoba was conquered by Muslims at one time and of course they built, IIRC something like the "Great Mosque". Maybe it wasn't a "victory monument" and maybe it was, but it is rumored that when conquering a foe Muslims build a mosque in celebration. It just seems like an added insult to those that are already offended by the Imam that has stated we brought on the attack ourselves, and Osama was "made in the USA".

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I know that they have the "right" to build there. I just think it is foolish of them to do so. Why stir up resentment and hostility when building somewhere else is feasible? It doesn't appear as if there is any good reason to build that close to the WTC site. Naming it the Cordoba Center and refusing to look at alternatives certainly makes it look like a smack in the face and a victory monument. This isn't the way to build a bridge.


It's not even called the Cordoba Center anymore...it's called Park 51. Or will that offend you because of the resemblance to Area 51 - the scene of untold atrocities carried out on aliens?

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They're not building a bridge, they're building a mosque.

There are so many churches around where I live now. This is no way to make me feel safe. They need to explain things to me. This is no way to build a bridge- I am worried that I might have enhanced interrogation performed on me, or see pedophilia taking place......I am worried for my own safety. They should move- NOW.

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What's great about this whole mosque fiasco is Obama took an issue on which he had absolutely no authority to do anything and still managed to stir up controversy and put himself at odds with the public. I'd follow this guy through a mine field any day.


:thumbsup: Nice


It's not even called the Cordoba Center anymore...it's called Park 51. Or will that offend you because of the resemblance to Area 51 - the scene of untold atrocities carried out on aliens?


If he can shoehorn it into his theories, sure.

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The Sacred Dust joke is cute, but a total red Herring. At least for me. I never used where the dust or anything else landed as any kind of criteria. I simply used proximity to the WTC.


And yet you refuse to tell us what you consider an acceptable proximity for building a mosque.


What was that about a red herring??

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Cordoba was conquered by Muslims at one time and of course they built, IIRC something like the "Great Mosque". Maybe it wasn't a "victory monument" and maybe it was, but it is rumored that when conquering a foe Muslims build a mosque in celebration. It just seems like an added insult to those that are already offended by the Imam that has stated we brought on the attack ourselves, and Osama was "made in the USA".


either way....you should consider that Cordoba was a model of progressive Islam, regional self-rule, and more a territorial conquest than a religious one. (the Visigoths were known as smelly, and mostly Arian Christians, but closer doctrinally perhaps to Muslims than any modern Protestant. )


Anyway.....Cordoba was a place that famously snubbed its nose at the Caliphate in the Middle East and created a economic and intellectual Golden Age where Christians and Jews had great autonomy.

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Anyway.....Cordoba was a place that famously snubbed its nose at the Caliphate in the Middle East and created a economic and intellectual Golden Age where Christians and Jews had great autonomy.


Which is really kind of ironic in the context of the current discussion, when you think of it.

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One could say it's the most incredible example of Roman engineering, though I think the Pantheon, created hundreds of years before, was far more impressive.

I've been to the Pantheon, but one could say all domes are somewhat derivative. ....but the floating dome on Hagia Sophia probably would get the trump card. It was probably the coolest constructed thing in the world until the Ming dynasty some 8-9 centuries later.

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And yet you refuse to tell us what you consider an acceptable proximity for building a mosque.


What was that about a red herring??



Far enough where they can not use the victory mosque to promote islman and sharia law off the backs of 2976 murdered Americans. Which is what they are doing...



"We want to leverage our location and proximity of that sight to bring people to islam." "20 year tipping point of muslim dominance"




Anyone here with daughters and grand daughters willing to trust this imam isn't a radical muslim pretending to be a peaceful muslim to further his 20 year plan of muslim dominance and sharia law in America? That this isn't more about using the memory of 2976 murdered Americans to promote islam conversion and sharia law than it is about providing a place of worship for muslims in lower manhattan?


However many blocks long the twin towers were tall would be a good measuring stick.

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Far enough where they can not use the victory mosque to promote islman and sharia law off the backs of 2976 murdered Americans. Which is what they are doing...



"We want to leverage our location and proximity of that sight to bring people to islam." "20 year tipping point of muslim dominance"




Anyone here with daughters and grand daughters willing to trust this imam isn't a radical muslim pretending to be a peaceful muslim to further his 20 year plan of muslim dominance and sharia law in America? That this isn't more about using the memory of 2976 murdered Americans to promote islam conversion and sharia law than it is about providing a place of worship for muslims in lower manhattan?


However many blocks long the twin towers were tall would be a good measuring stick.


Holy ****. :thumbsup: You really are a bloody fool.

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