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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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This topic really required 738 posts? Really? 63% of Americans think Muslims should enjoy their reduced right nation wide? Congrats. This is your topic and lets see how arch conservatives are viewed historically. :oops:

I have to disagree. True conservatives are not against the mosque- although some are tentative about it. You can argue whether they are right to be tentative from now until the end of time.


This Jim Jones guy out of Florida has threatened violence in order to stop the building of the facility. He is a terrorist, just like Bin Laden. He is waging holy war against Islam. I believe it is high time he is charged with that.

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I have to disagree. True conservatives are not against the mosque- although some are tentative about it. You can argue whether they are right to be tentative from now until the end of time.


This Jim Jones guy out of Florida has threatened violence in order to stop the building of the facility. He is a terrorist, just like Bin Laden. He is waging holy war against Islam. I believe it is high time he is charged with that.


Then the US Army should be charged with waging war against Christianity because they burned bibles in Afghanistan?




Here's something that I think most here could get behind: The rebuilding of the only house of worship that was demolished in 911.

While the mosque/religious cultural center controversy debate rages into a tedious jammering of sloven and bigoted sloganeering, the fact remains that there's a hole in Manhattan's smile where its two front teeth used to be.

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Then the US Army should be charged with waging war against Christianity because they burned bibles in Afghanistan?




Here's something that I think most here could get behind: The rebuilding of the only house of worship that was demolished in 911.

While the mosque/religious cultural center controversy debate rages into a tedious jammering of sloven and bigoted sloganeering, the fact remains that there's a hole in Manhattan's smile where its two front teeth used to be.


Why is 60 million of public money being spent on a church for 70 families? :wallbash:

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Then the US Army should be charged with waging war against Christianity because they burned bibles in Afghanistan?




Here's something that I think most here could get behind: The rebuilding of the only house of worship that was demolished in 911.

While the mosque/religious cultural center controversy debate rages into a tedious jammering of sloven and bigoted sloganeering, the fact remains that there's a hole in Manhattan's smile where its two front teeth used to be.

I will have to read that when I am feeling a bit better.....nasty bug seems to be going around the area down here......


I know many will misinterpret this statement, but a lot of War is just an organized form of terrorism, made by big governments that can't figure things out. They kill civilians which mean nothing to them, then use them as statistics for propaganda and sympathy. Not saying there isn't ever a reason for war, but......

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Why is 60 million of public money being spent on a church for 70 families? :wallbash:


Ask the Port Authority. They're the autonomous multi-state agency that's running the show down there.

Seems they want to build their garage underneath the footprint of the old church first. The church wants to rebuild on the land it owns and not take the bribe to move elsewhere.



Maybe they should move it to 51 Park.

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At this point, here is my take, the Imam should move the Mosque. He should be the bigger man than the 60-70% of the US. Just move it and if there are consequences, so be it. Due to the way the media has spun this story, he has no choice. Yet another sad failing of our media IMO.


Maybe the guy is an an asshat terrorist. I know I do not trust our media to determine his true callings. Maybe he will bring in terrorists to train at this or yet another mosque as many allege. Making him move should make us safer... :doh:


The whole bit about a victory mosque has been debunked (Cordoba part at least).


Move it, show you are a bigger man. Our whole country has failed to prove itself. Not a shot at anyone, as I truly do understand why you feel the way you do.

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At this point, here is my take, the Imam should move the Mosque. He should be the bigger man than the 60-70% of the US. Just move it and if there are consequences, so be it. Due to the way the media has spun this story, he has no choice. Yet another sad failing of our media IMO.


Maybe the guy is an an asshat terrorist. I know I do not trust our media to determine his true callings. Maybe he will bring in terrorists to train at this or yet another mosque as many allege. Making him move should make us safer... :doh:


The whole bit about a victory mosque has been debunked (Cordoba part at least).


Move it, show you are a bigger man. Our whole country has failed to prove itself. Not a shot at anyone, as I truly do understand why you feel the way you do.

He's not a terrorist or a radical, but he is self-absorbed. And anyone who truly believes his stated intention of trying to extend an olive branch out to the western world is extremely naive.


I read an article today from Dana Milbank, a reasonable thinking liberal columnist for the Washington Post had a good piece out on this subject today. All you nincompoops who have opined on this subject may want to go on and read the rest of the article.




The imam behind the New York mosque enjoys his megaphone


It's difficult to think of somebody who has done more harm to the causes he purports to represent than Feisal Abdul Rauf -- the so-called Ground Zero Imam.



He claims he wishes to improve the standing of Muslims in the United States, to build understanding between religions, and to enhance the reputation of America in the Muslim world. But in the weeks since he -- unintentionally, he says -- set off an international conflagration over his plans to build an Islamic center near the scene of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in New York, he has set back all three of his goals.


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He's not a terrorist or a radical, but he is self-absorbed. And anyone who truly believes his stated intention of trying to extend an olive branch out to the western world is extremely naive.


I read an article today from Dana Milbank, a reasonable thinking liberal columnist for the Washington Post had a good piece out on this subject today. All you nincompoops who have opined on this subject may want to go on and read the rest of the article.




The imam behind the New York mosque enjoys his megaphone

I believes he thinks it will further his cause to make it look as if he is extending an olive branch. I think it is a shame that that perception exists.


My question is this- is there already a mosque at the location, and he is looking to add a rec center, or is he first looking to build the mosque. I have heard both, but have heard the first more. Either way, they are looking for a player of prayer, near the site of a great tragedy, and you would think people would understand that.


It is ok to be fearful- people don't need to get so defensive about being afraid of something. You just can't let that fear guide your decisions.

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He's not a terrorist or a radical, but he is self-absorbed. And anyone who truly believes his stated intention of trying to extend an olive branch out to the western world is extremely naive.


I read an article today from Dana Milbank, a reasonable thinking liberal columnist for the Washington Post had a good piece out on this subject today. All you nincompoops who have opined on this subject may want to go on and read the rest of the article.




The imam behind the New York mosque enjoys his megaphone


Meant to reply today, but was super busy. I will buy that he might be infatuated with the attention. I genuinely think he could get more positive attention to his cause if he simply moved the mosque. Mind you, he shouldn't have to.


Adam, from what I have read there is a mosque there already, but the minaret makes all the difference now. Well, that and the super secret terrorist training center they plan to build. :o

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I believes he thinks it will further his cause to make it look as if he is extending an olive branch. I think it is a shame that that perception exists.


My question is this- is there already a mosque at the location, and he is looking to add a rec center, or is he first looking to build the mosque. I have heard both, but have heard the first more. Either way, they are looking for a player of prayer, near the site of a great tragedy, and you would think people would understand that.


It is ok to be fearful- people don't need to get so defensive about being afraid of something. You just can't let that fear guide your decisions.


Right now, it's a mosque that's housed (since 2006) in two adjacent old buildings that used to be a Burlington Coat Factory site. The buildings look like crap. The developers want to tear down the old buildings & put up a new cultural center.


That's where the hubbub is. Nothing but an old fashioned NY real estate dispute that someone decided to elevate for political or publicity gain.


The more this drags on, the harder it will become for the developers to raise the cash. Rauf was going to tap Saudi gov't money, but now they don't want to touch it. He won't be able to raise $100mil from his congregation, so the developers will milk this to strike a deal to sell the site and move elsewhere.

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How do people say with a straight face that Islamophobia is unfounded?


Please clarify unfounded.


Do you mean that Islamophobia doesn't exist, or do you mean that it's ok to characterize the entire set of believers of a religion based on actions of a number of extremists or based on a preconceived notion of that religion?


I wonder if that has been applied to another religion in anyone's memory?

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