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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"


I don't see a piece on Glenn Beck getting killed...


Nevertheless, I just love how you judge the actions of an entire religion based a small percentage of their group that are extremists. It must be tough to go through life so hate-filled.

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There is no "Religion of Peace"....not Islam, not Judiasm, not Christianity. People are either peaceful or not peaceful.


Buddhism's pretty close.


And clearly you've never been touched by the noodly appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


I think it's backward, outdated, unevolved fundamentalist crap.


Fortunately, Jauron was fired, and we have a new coach...




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I don't see a piece on Glenn Beck getting killed...


Nevertheless, I just love how you judge the actions of an entire religion based a small percentage of their group that are extremists. It must be tough to go through life so hate-filled.


Yeah, every day another member of "The Small Percentage" steps up to perform an honor killing in Canada, participates in a stoning in Kabul, bombs a disco in Bali, pumps a 767 into a skyscraper in NYC, hacks a journalists head off in Waziristan, fits his daughter with a vest made of C4 in Tel Aviv, swears jihad against America in Yemen, screams "Death to America" in Tehran, detonates a bomb in a plane over Michigan, carries a sign that reads "Behead those who insult Islam" in London, kills a filmmaker in The Netherlands, attempts to murder a cartoonist in Demark...or a teacher in Sudan.


And on....and on....and on... But hey...its only a "small percentage."

Edited by RkFast
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Yeah, every day another member of "The Small Percentage" steps up to perform an honor killing in Canada, participates in a stoning in Kabul, bombs a disco in Bali, pumps a 767 into a skyscraper in NYC, hacks a journalists head off in Waziristan, fits his daughter with a vest made of C4 in Tel Aviv, swears jihad against America in Yemen, screams "Death to America" in Tehran, detonates a bomb in a plane over Michigan, carries a sign that reads "Behead those who insult Islam" in London, kills a filmmaker in The Netherlands, attempts to murder a cartoonist in Demark...or a teacher in Sudan.


And on....and on....and on... But hey...its only a "small percentage."


It's sad but "small percentages" shape the world. look back through history...


Go ahead and call me politically incorrect I don't care, I will stand up for what I think is right, and this muslim victory monument is travesty if we allow our own freedoms used against us.

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Yeah, every day another member of "The Small Percentage" steps up to perform an honor killing in Canada, participates in a stoning in Kabul, bombs a disco in Bali, pumps a 767 into a skyscraper in NYC, hacks a journalists head off in Waziristan, fits his daughter with a vest made of C4 in Tel Aviv, swears jihad against America in Yemen, screams "Death to America" in Tehran, detonates a bomb in a plane over Michigan, carries a sign that reads "Behead those who insult Islam" in London, kills a filmmaker in The Netherlands, attempts to murder a cartoonist in Demark...or a teacher in Sudan.


And on....and on....and on... But hey...its only a "small percentage."

There are millions of muslims in the world, so it isn't a small percentage, it is miniscule. I don't cringe from muslims or christians, democrats or republicans

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It's sad but "small percentages" shape the world. look back through history...


Go ahead and call me politically incorrect I don't care, I will stand up for what I think is right, and this muslim victory monument is travesty if we allow our own freedoms used against us.

You know, maybe it would be easier if we just don't break away from England. Maybe we shouldn't have all those casulaties- it would be much easier to just allow slavery.


Freedom, liberty and equality for all MEANS for all. It doesn't come free and some will pay with their lives. Maybe you, maybe me. But it is better than the alternative. One you take from one, you take from all

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You know, maybe it would be easier if we just don't break away from England. Maybe we shouldn't have all those casulaties- it would be much easier to just allow slavery.


Freedom, liberty and equality for all MEANS for all. It doesn't come free and some will pay with their lives. Maybe you, maybe me. But it is better than the alternative. One you take from one, you take from all


I was in the military, I am a veteran, I served this country. I believe in freedom, our constitution and the good that our country stands for so much so that I signed a contract with the government to serve in the greatest military in the world to protect those very freedoms many cherrish but some Americans take for granted.


I'm not following the point your trying to make. If you think I don't like freedom your mistaken. If you are trying to tell me I'm racist, I'm not.

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I was in the military, I am a veteran, I served this country. I believe in freedom, our constitution and the good that our country stands for so much so that I signed a contract with the government to serve in the greatest military in the world to protect those very freedoms many cherrish but some Americans take for granted.


I'm not following the point your trying to make. If you think I don't like freedom your mistaken. If you are trying to tell me I'm racist, I'm not.

His point is that "our own freedoms" are the freedoms of all citizens of the United States, whether you like their religion or not.

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I was in the military, I am a veteran, I served this country. I believe in freedom, our constitution and the good that our country stands for so much so that I signed a contract with the government to serve in the greatest military in the world to protect those very freedoms many cherrish but some Americans take for granted.


I'm not following the point your trying to make. If you think I don't like freedom your mistaken. If you are trying to tell me I'm racist, I'm not.

I was generalizing a bit- not directing anything at you. I thank you for your service.


What I am saying is that if we deny these Americans their rights, even to protect ourselves, we set a precedent of taking right away that is guaranteed to be used again.


As far is Imam Rauf's opinions, which were brought up earlier in this thread- he has a right to have those opinions, and it doesn't make him a threat. Heck, Al Quaeda, which is the real threat wants him dead from what I understand. We should be cautious about terrorists, not Muslims.

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I, in no way, am phobic about Muslims. The God I serve tells me to treat all people with the same esteem if at all possible. I am not afraid of them nor do I harbor anger towards them in general. September 11, 2001 is forever engraved in my mind not because of the purpose of their attack, but for the lives lost and the families affected by the loss of thousands within a 2 hr period. I feel a heaviness everytime I watch a slidshow or an old video of those moments. Nothing can happen to me without God allowing it so it is a matter of walking in faith and not by sight. Everything has a purpose. Everything, no matter good or bad, has a purpose. With that being said, I am against putting a mosque @ "Ground Zero". It is a slap in the face of the people's families who lost their lives that day IMO. To build a mosque at a site where Americans died at the hands of so called "martyrs" in the name of the Muslim faith, where people will practice the faith of those who generated that attack, and with so much opposition to the idea in that area is wrong. I don't care what official in our "government" is for it, whether it's the President or just someone else along the political chain.


Sorry, should've spell checked


I'm against McDonald's opening up new chains anywhere near a hospital because people die of heart disease in America everyday and putting a McDonald's there would be real insensitive to those that lost their loved ones because of the harmful food that Mickey D's sell.



Oh willfull ignorance, my ass.


When the Irish and Italians came to America they faced similar discrimination and "phobias" that was founded on NOTHING. You can certainly call that ignorance. The influx of Muslims, however is coming against a prism of 9/11, "Londonistan", people being jailed for incorrectly naming teddy bears, heads hacked off, people stoned to death, fatwas calling for the murder of apostates and anyone who puts a bad word about Islam into text, women in bondage. What people see is a complete intolerant and psuedo-facist, brutal, sexist ideology of conquest. THAT is the "religion of peace" that the "willfully ignorant" have thrust upon them day after day. THAT is the Islam most know becuase that is the Islam people see with their own two eyes. Dont act as if those who may indeed be "phobic" about Islam are pulling it out of nowhere. Such a statement is WILDLY disingenuous.



Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"



Yeah, every day another member of "The Small Percentage" steps up to perform an honor killing in Canada, participates in a stoning in Kabul, bombs a disco in Bali, pumps a 767 into a skyscraper in NYC, hacks a journalists head off in Waziristan, fits his daughter with a vest made of C4 in Tel Aviv, swears jihad against America in Yemen, screams "Death to America" in Tehran, detonates a bomb in a plane over Michigan, carries a sign that reads "Behead those who insult Islam" in London, kills a filmmaker in The Netherlands, attempts to murder a cartoonist in Demark...or a teacher in Sudan.


And on....and on....and on... But hey...its only a "small percentage."


How about those innocent protesters from other countries getting crushed by bulldozers by Israelis? I guess all Jews are evil as well, huh?<_<



You're just as bad as those A-holes. The only difference is, they got balls.

Edited by b.harami98
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Anybody see the Jon Stewart bit and the Fox News to Saudi connection (tied into the Fox News outrage over the mosque)?


Too funny...:lol:


I do side with the building of the mosque... Yet, I think all of Islam should bare some guilt for what happened (911)... Just as many thought that the German people should be put on trial for what happened in Nazi Germany.


I know I am going to get flamed for this... So flame away

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Anybody see the Jon Stewart bit and the Fox News to Saudi connection (tied into the Fox News outrage over the mosque)?


Too funny...:lol:


I do side with the building of the mosque... Yet, I think all of Islam should bare some guilt for what happened (911)... Just as many thought that the German people should be put on trial for what happened in Nazi Germany.


I know I am going to get flamed for this... So flame away

Why should people that had no connection to 911 feel any guilt whatsoever? Such is an insinuation that Islam=terrorist, which just has no basis in fact.


The thought that the Germans should be on trial for what the Nazis did is laughable and that is a historical fact. The Germans risked their lives many times in attempts to assassinate Adolph Hitler and that is well documented. They went well above and beyond the call of duty to end that regime.

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Why should people that had no connection to 911 feel any guilt whatsoever? Such is an insinuation that Islam=terrorist, which just has no basis in fact.


The thought that the Germans should be on trial for what the Nazis did is laughable and that is a historical fact. The Germans risked their lives many times in attempts to assassinate Adolph Hitler and that is well documented. They went well above and beyond the call of duty to end that regime.


There is basis to what I said (not what you think I insinuated). I do agree it can get counter-productive.

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I'm against McDonald's opening up new chains anywhere near a hospital because people die of heart disease in America everyday and putting a McDonald's there would be real insensitive to those that lost their loved ones because of the harmful food that Mickey D's sell.


This analogy doesn't make sense....


If someone wants to eat at McDonalds and destroy their body that is their choice and they are harming themselves not hurting innocent people, no innocent people are killed because the hamburlgers honor was insulted.


If someone is minding their own business shopping in a mall and a suicide bomber walks in and blows up in the name of Allah killing everyone in the store, that person is a victim of someone else's violence.


comparning mcdonalds bad health personal choices to terrorism just shows how many people don't get it. how can you even make that comparison?

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I'm against McDonald's opening up new chains anywhere near a hospital because people die of heart disease in America everyday and putting a McDonald's there would be real insensitive to those that lost their loved ones because of the harmful food that Mickey D's sell.











How about those innocent protesters from other countries getting crushed by bulldozers by Israelis? I guess all Jews are evil as well, huh?<_<




You're just as bad as those A-holes. The only difference is, they got balls.



Another man's opinion.



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I'm against McDonald's opening up new chains anywhere near a hospital because people die of heart disease in America everyday and putting a McDonald's there would be real insensitive to those that lost their loved ones because of the harmful food that Mickey D's sell.











How about those innocent protesters from other countries getting crushed by bulldozers by Israelis? I guess all Jews are evil as well, huh?<_<




You're just as bad as those A-holes. The only difference is, they got balls.


Actually, you ass...Muslims DO thinks "ALL JEWS" are bad and evil. They DO NOT use this "its only a small percentage" line of tripe like want to be used to excuse the deplorable behavior of Muslim people all over the globe.


But you still miss my original point which is....people hare "Islamophobic" and distrustful of Muslims for pretty damn good reasons. ALL the instances I provided....ALL OF THEM....are REAL EVENTS THAT TOOK PLACE. They are events carried out IN THE NAME OF ISLAM and events people in this Country see WITH THEIR OWN EYES. So people have formed their opinions on the so-called "Religion of Peace" becuase of what they see. And worse, what they DONT see. That is, Muslims INCLUDING Rauf, himself repudiating Hamas. Turning their back on terror. And even the ones that do, its ALWAYS half-hearted. Its ALWAYS "yes, terrorism is bad, BUT..." You NEVER hear an outright repudiation of terrorism and of extremists and you NEVER hear a leader in the Muslim community try to do REAL outreach and try to TEACH Americans what supposedly Islam is all about.



But I guess doing such things would take "balls" wouldnt it?

Edited by RkFast
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Actually, you ass...Muslims DO thinks "ALL JEWS" are bad and evil. They DO NOT use this "its only a small percentage" line of tripe like want to be used to excuse the deplorable behavior of Muslim people all over the globe.


But you still miss my original point which is....people hare "Islamophobic" and distrustful of Muslims for pretty damn good reasons. ALL the instances I provided....ALL OF THEM....are REAL EVENTS THAT TOOK PLACE. They are events carried out IN THE NAME OF ISLAM and events people in this Country see WITH THEIR OWN EYES. So people have formed their opinions on the so-called "Religion of Peace" becuase of what they see. And worse, what they DONT see. That is, Muslims INCLUDING Rauf, himself repudiating Hamas. Turning their back on terror. And even the ones that do, its ALWAYS half-hearted. Its ALWAYS "yes, terrorism is bad, BUT..." You NEVER hear an outright repudiation of terrorism and of extremists and you NEVER hear a leader in the Muslim community try to do REAL outreach and try to TEACH Americans what supposedly Islam is all about.



But I guess doing such things would take "balls" wouldnt it?


So ALL Muslims hate Jews...gotcha...


Do you really want to list the crimes of so-called "Christians" and paint an entire religion as crazy and violent?


As for NEVER hearing about Muslims decrying extremist acts and reaching out to mend bridges is because it's not 'sexy' for the media to cover such stories with any objectiveness. There are plenty of prominent Muslim leaders that have spoken out against terrorism, just type it into Google and have yourself a field day of information. But that would be too easy and counterproductive to the hissy fit you're throwing here.

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So ALL Muslims hate Jews...gotcha...


Do you really want to list the crimes of so-called "Christians" and paint an entire religion as crazy and violent?


As for NEVER hearing about Muslims decrying extremist acts and reaching out to mend bridges is because it's not 'sexy' for the media to cover such stories with any objectiveness. There are plenty of prominent Muslim leaders that have spoken out against terrorism, just type it into Google and have yourself a field day of information. But that would be too easy and counterproductive to the hissy fit you're throwing here.


Do you believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization?

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I'm against McDonald's opening up new chains anywhere near a hospital because people die of heart disease in America everyday and putting a McDonald's there would be real insensitive to those that lost their loved ones because of the harmful food that Mickey D's sell.


Sadly there are liberals who want to use government force to ban fast food chains and/or tax them out of existence. It's really disgusting. A bunch of self-righteous a-holes who can't be satisfied with their own pathetic lives making a desparate grasp at some sort of meaning adopt some b.s. cause that does nothing but inconvenience people, destroy jobs, and take away happiness and freedom from people who thought they lived in a free country.


The worst part is they think they're doing their fellow man a service. They think they've tapped in to some enlightened state of thought that the rest of us, the knuckle dragging neanderthals that we are, are either too stupid or morally depraved to "get". I'm curious to hear what that crowds' take on the mosque is.


I'd be willing to wager it's !@#$ me and my right to eat whoppers and get my daughter her beloved chicken nuggets, but God forbid anyone offend a bunch of religious nuts who have failed to evolve from a primitive obsession with their favorite invisible man in the sky.


*disclaimer - I don't think we should stop them from building the mosque. I just don't like it.

Edited by Rob's House
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