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Meanwhile across The Pond

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One of the interesting angles about Cameron becoming PM is the question of how Obama will interact with another political boy wonder, one who is younger than he is.


(Not that his relationship with the older established world leaders has been impressive.)

I suppose he'll simply continue to treat the British with disdain and contempt like he has been. It's the easiest thing to do - won't require him to change his approach to anything.

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I suppose he'll simply continue to treat the British with disdain and contempt like he has been. It's the easiest thing to do - won't require him to change his approach to anything.


Unlike Bush, who treated the British with nothing but the utmost respect ("Yo, Blair") :thumbsup:

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And you posted this why? :thumbsup:


? I thought my point was obvious. US Presidents routinely treat the British with disdain and contempt (and why should they do anything else when the British government does everything it's told to and blathers on about the "special relationship" like some lovestruck teenager) . If (and I'm not sure that he is) Obama is doing this is it's no different to what has gone on before.

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? I thought my point was obvious. US Presidents routinely treat the British with disdain and contempt (and why should they do anything else when the British government does everything it's told to and blathers on about the "special relationship" like some lovestruck teenager) . If (and I'm not sure that he is) Obama is doing this is it's no different to what has gone on before.


Your point would have been more obvious had you said "Unlike all US Presidents....."

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Your point would have been more obvious had you said "Unlike all US Presidents....."


I'm not enough of a student of American history to make that claim. I chose Bush as the most recent and obvious example.

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? I thought my point was obvious. US Presidents routinely treat the British with disdain and contempt (and why should they do anything else when the British government does everything it's told to and blathers on about the "special relationship" like some lovestruck teenager) . If (and I'm not sure that he is) Obama is doing this is it's no different to what has gone on before.

US aid in the Falklands War was pretty vital. And this was given despite the fact that Argentina was an American friend and the US did not really want to piss off friendly S American nations.

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US aid in the Falklands War was pretty vital. And this was given despite the fact that Argentina was an American friend and the US did not really want to piss off friendly S American nations.


True. That's a fair point.

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Well I'll be damned. Brown up and quit.


"As leader of my party, I must accept that that is a judgment on me," Brown said, offering to step down before the party conference in September.


But as he got in his car, he was still wired up to a Sky News microphone which picked up comments he then made rebuking his advisers.


He said: "That party was a disaster. Whose idea was that? Ridiculous. !@#$ this noise."

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Well I'll be damned. Brown up and quit.

No Choice. Several reasons:


1. Judged as a uselss tosser by the electorate.

2. Even if he could form a coalition with the lib dems he would still form a minority government. To get a majority gov't he would have to include all sorts of minor parties, including ones which want to split the UK (Scots, Irish, Welch parties)

3. Despite the difficulty in forming a govt he was not willing to offer as much as the Conservatives to the LKib Dems

4. See point 1.


((To be fair he and Blair did do some good things, but their policies have made the UK far weaker economically than it needed to be, especially during the current economic crisis)).

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((To be fair he and Blair did do some good things, but their policies have made the UK far weaker economically than it needed to be, especially during the current economic crisis)).

Well, then it's a good thing the US isn't modeling its policies after European countries during the current economic crisis. :)

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Well, then it's a good thing the US isn't modeling its policies after European countries during the current economic crisis. :thumbsup:

Most of the problems are things which happened prior to the crisis. His actions subsequently? Who knows. The jury is still out on tht but I think he is probably getting a pass.


(As an example: he switched the oversight of banks from the Bank of England to the FSA (Financial Services Authority). The former knew what they were doing, the latter not. Rather bizarrely any pay rises to FSA people overseeing the banks were mostly dependent on reports from the banks! Like that was not going to be a recipe for disaster.)

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Looks like the Conservative Cameron is the new PM.


This should be interesting.


Very interesting. The Tories and Lib Dems are hardly natural allies (the Lib Dems are actually to the left of Labour in a few of their policies). Be suprised if the coalition lasts the full term.

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That was uncalled for. Demeans Britain's Heroic civilians and military in the two wars, and is a stupid, coarse remark.


True. They're not cheese-eating surrender monkeys, but without us, they would have lost to Hitler and the U-boats. Same thing in WWI. They live on an island and could NOT have fed their population.


Ever hear of lend-lease?


And by the way, chicot has no problem being coarse toward us, so all's fair.

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