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President Obama coming to Buffalo

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Well said.


Unless there is a substantial change, he'll be gone after 2012 IMO. He was given a big benefit of a doubt by many voters. His charisma and speaking ability carried him through the campaign and he had a perfect storm in which to run (very unpopular Republican predecessor, weaker speaking opponent and a down turning economy). He'll have to run on his own record in '12 and many that I talk to who suported him see his very thinly veiled plan for economic justice for certain sectors of the economy and that he pioritizes that over fiscal responsibility as we drown in debt.

He was the anti-Bush and the Democrats could have put nearly anyone up to run for president and won. Especially against the ill-conceived team of McCain & Palin. He is articulate and a good speaker. He's intelligent. But I doubt very seriously he will get reelected in 2012. I have to assume he is well intentioned, but those intentions are not playing out for him at this point. I think what he really needs is much better advice than he is presently getting from whoever is giving it.

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He was the anti-Bush and the Democrats could have put nearly anyone up to run for president and won. Especially against the ill-conceived team of McCain & Palin. He is articulate and a good speaker. He's intelligent. But I doubt very seriously he will get reelected in 2012. I have to assume he is well intentioned, but those intentions are not playing out for him at this point. I think what he really needs is much better advice than he is presently getting from whoever is giving it.


Of course, many doubted Bush would get reelected in 2004...then the Democrats ran Kerry/Edwards. :doh:


Anything can happen. No matter how bad anyone thinks Obama might be, the Republicans can easily choose someone who can't beat him.

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He was the anti-Bush and the Democrats could have put nearly anyone up to run for president and won. Especially against the ill-conceived team of McCain & Palin. He is articulate and a good speaker. He's intelligent. But I doubt very seriously he will get reelected in 2012. I have to assume he is well intentioned, but those intentions are not playing out for him at this point. I think what he really needs is much better advice than he is presently getting from whoever is giving it.

Depends on how you define that.


If well-intentioned means:

1. he believes in his intentions to redistribute wealth, or, as he has been quoted, push for redistributive mechanisms in everything he does, is good for the country

2. it actually is good for the country

3. it isn't just paying off his constituency for voting for him

4. his constituency is actually worth a damn, and is where we should be putting our money, because they will provide the best return on the investment


Then, yeah he is well-intentioned. Frankly, I think we have way too much history that proves that 1-4 is laughable. Yeah, giving money to government/union employees is a much better way to get a return on it than giving it to entrepreneurs. Sure it is. :doh:

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Yes, for Obama's sake. Might as well go to the dumbest, most easily fooled audience.



It's Republicans fault there is a lack of good job in Buffalo! <_<



Yeah!!! That Republican County Executive Chris Collins is changing the world with his brilliance and sense of humor. This is why this board is mind numbing. Everything is black and white. Liberal. Conservative. The fact is both parties suck but it's beyond pathetic that people try so hard to root agaisnt the President. If it was McCain or Obama, it completely retarded to believe either guy could clean up the mess of the last 8 years in less than 2 years.


Instead of rooting a guy to fail, how bout you root for the President and America? I could care less who the President is but I'll give them 4 years to prove themselves. All I'm rooting for is America. More people should try it some time.

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Yeah!!! That Republican County Executive Chris Collins is changing the world with his brilliance and sense of humor. This is why this board is mind numbing. Everything is black and white. Liberal. Conservative. The fact is both parties suck but it's beyond pathetic that people try so hard to root agaisnt the President. If it was McCain or Obama, it completely retarded to believe either guy could clean up the mess of the last 8 years in less than 2 years.


Instead of rooting a guy to fail, how bout you root for the President and America? I could care less who the President is but I'll give them 4 years to prove themselves. All I'm rooting for is America. More people should try it some time.

If the Bills hadn't fired Jauron, would you continue to root for him to stay just because he was the coach of our team?


There comes a time when history, education, experience, knowledge, and dare I say, wisdom, tells you that you have to call BS when you see BS. Pursuing a socialist agenda when there is on object lesson in the stupidity of that going in Europe, right now, is just plain dumb. I am all for giving people a chance, a second and even a third chance. I am not for giving dumb ideas a 2nd chance.


It's time to put the state-owned/bailed out shovel down. There is no digging yourself out of a socialist hole. It's long past time for these bad old ideas to die. The problem is: we keep getting told that the reason these ideas fail is not the ideas themselves, its just that lesser people have tried them, and if only the "good people" tried them everything would be great. Is there a better example of arrogant racism?

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Yeah!!! That Republican County Executive Chris Collins is changing the world with his brilliance and sense of humor. This is why this board is mind numbing. Everything is black and white. Liberal. Conservative. The fact is both parties suck but it's beyond pathetic that people try so hard to root agaisnt the President. If it was McCain or Obama, it completely retarded to believe either guy could clean up the mess of the last 8 years in less than 2 years.


Instead of rooting a guy to fail, how bout you root for the President and America? I could care less who the President is but I'll give them 4 years to prove themselves. All I'm rooting for is America. More people should try it some time.



Well put. <_<

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