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President Obama coming to Buffalo

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The only thing that worries me is that people were dumb enough to elect this hack in the first place. Will they be smart enough to realize how bad his fiscal policies are? I'm not so sure. Especially with the media on their collective knees continuously for him. Will it even be reported how bad he is? Not much of a stretch seeing him reelected when blacks are voting for him just because he's black. Liberal white douche bags and suburban soccer moms doing the same.


It'll be in the hands of voters in Florida, NC, VA, PA, OH, NH, IN, IA and CO. All went for Obama but by smaller margins. California, Illinois and New York are still hopeless for Republicans.

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You just keep believing that. Most people vote with their pocketbooks, and by 2012 the economy will be sufficiently recovered with job growth and the continued rise in the stock market. And all you can do is hope that we don't recover. How's that feel rooting against the home team?



Don't underestimate the race element in the assessment of Obama... his results may have little to do with anything. It really seems to irritate a large segment of white America that a black man was elected president...they never thought it would happen...but it has. Deal with it, bigots! People keep on insisting that those who voted for Obama should be embarrassed, or ashamed...I haven't seen anything so far, to make me feel either way, particularly in light of our political past.

The thing I am ashamed or embarrassed by, is how transparent a large amount of the criticism of Obama is rooted in racism. Just read this thread... you board stalwarts accuse Obama supporters of being "blind lemmings" or "liberal douchebags" (good one Dante!)...yet your criticisms are no more substantial, and often, way off base...

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Gee, for two statements that had "data and analysis," they sure were wrong. There's actually a higher likelihood that Obama will eat babies than there is that the stimulus bill will keep unemployment at 8% because one can still happen and the other, regardless of any data and analysis, didn't even come close.


And please show me the data and analysis -- and real stuff, not some link to a DailyKos poll or Bill Nye video --- that supports the fact that hundreds of thousands of people die each year because they don't have health insurance.



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It really seems to irritate a large segment of white America that a black man was elected president...they never thought it would happen...but it has.

Only in America can a bunch of white people elect a black man president, only to be told they're racists for changing their minds. This is so amazing to me. Because the only people who say this are people who look at Obama and see nothing wrong. So the only logical explanation for people disagreeing with you is that they are not only wrong, but they hate black people. Makes perfect sense.



And only in Conner's world is 45,000 a year equal to hundreds of thousands a year.

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Don't underestimate the race element in the assessment of Obama... his results may have little to do with anything. It really seems to irritate a large segment of white America that a black man was elected president...they never thought it would happen...but it has. Deal with it, bigots! People keep on insisting that those who voted for Obama should be embarrassed, or ashamed...I haven't seen anything so far, to make me feel either way, particularly in light of our political past.

The thing I am ashamed or embarrassed by, is how transparent a large amount of the criticism of Obama is rooted in racism. Just read this thread... you board stalwarts accuse Obama supporters of being "blind lemmings" or "liberal douchebags" (good one Dante!)...yet your criticisms are no more substantial, and often, way off base...


Why is it that you can't see the folly in his policies and have to use race as the reason he's criticized?

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Don't underestimate the race element in the assessment of Obama... his results may have little to do with anything. It really seems to irritate a large segment of white America that a black man was elected president...they never thought it would happen...but it has. Deal with it, bigots! People keep on insisting that those who voted for Obama should be embarrassed, or ashamed...I haven't seen anything so far, to make me feel either way, particularly in light of our political past.

The thing I am ashamed or embarrassed by, is how transparent a large amount of the criticism of Obama is rooted in racism. Just read this thread... you board stalwarts accuse Obama supporters of being "blind lemmings" or "liberal douchebags" (good one Dante!)...yet your criticisms are no more substantial, and often, way off base...

Way to advance the discussion with racial issues. You sir, are a part of the problem. :sick:

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Don't underestimate the race element in the assessment of Obama... his results may have little to do with anything. It really seems to irritate a large segment of white America that a black man was elected president...they never thought it would happen...but it has. Deal with it, bigots! People keep on insisting that those who voted for Obama should be embarrassed, or ashamed...I haven't seen anything so far, to make me feel either way, particularly in light of our political past.

The thing I am ashamed or embarrassed by, is how transparent a large amount of the criticism of Obama is rooted in racism. Just read this thread... you board stalwarts accuse Obama supporters of being "blind lemmings" or "liberal douchebags" (good one Dante!)...yet your criticisms are no more substantial, and often, way off base...

I have no issue with Obama because of his color. Read my posts I dislike him because he is a leftist shrew. I don't know that much about politics but I really used to be intrigued by J.C. Watts who is black. My only worry with him was that I thought he may be too religious. Again, I have no problem with religion on its own, I'm just not sure I want that heavily influencing decisions effecting everyone in the country. But I would vote for him before Obama or McCain. So I don't think my comments are way off base. Obama is clearly a leftist which he has demonstrated pile driving healthcare up our ass. I disagree with him philosophically because I'm a conservative. I don't disagree with him because he's black. The people who are closer to being racist are the blacks who voted for him just because he is black. They are racist against whites because they never would have considered voting for John McCain because he is white.

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Only in America can a bunch of white people elect a black man president, only to be told they're racists for changing their minds. This is so amazing to me. Because the only people who say this are people who look at Obama and see nothing wrong. So the only logical explanation for people disagreeing with you is that they are not only wrong, but they hate black people. Makes perfect sense.


Yeah, LA, I have read your posts for years, I have my doubts that you (or most who live on the PPP board) would have voted for Obama.


If you did vote for him, have a little patience, the man has been in office for 17 months....this thread, and nearly every thread about Obama contains numerous references to "the black president", or "they have their president".... why I rarely come to the dark underbelly of the Stadium Wall... I like most of you a lot more, until I read how you really feel. There are obviously problems with the Obama administration, but no more so than any other presidency. The attacks on his policies, that are made over and over again, are purely subjective... nobody knows how any of this will turn out...what I do know, we have a president who is very intelligent, and shows an adults capacity to deal with grown-up problems. Give the man a chance..

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Yeah, LA, I have read your posts for years, I have my doubts that you (or most who live on the PPP board) would have voted for Obama.


If you did vote for him, have a little patience, the man has been in office for 17 months....this thread, and nearly every thread about Obama contains numerous references to "the black president", or "they have their president".... why I rarely come to the dark underbelly of the Stadium Wall... I like most of you a lot more, until I read how you really feel. There are obviously problems with the Obama administration, but no more so than any other presidency. The attacks on his policies, that are made over and over again, are purely subjective... nobody knows how any of this will turn out...what I do know, we have a president who is very intelligent, and shows an adults capacity to deal with grown-up problems. Give the man a chance..

The real problem is: the Presidency is about the policies, not the man.


Just because Obama hasn't been President before, does not mean we haven't seen these policies before. One has little to do with the other. We have seen these policies before(Jimmy Carter), and therefore we DO know how they are they are going to turn out. And not just here, we are seeing how these policies play out in Greece, right friggin now.


I have no problem with giving Obama, the man, a chance. Specifically, a chance to learn from his obvious mistakes and pull a Bill Clinton in 1994. I do have a problem with giving Obama's current policies a chance, ever, and under all circumstances. Any rational, honest person who has been educated properly in economics and history has the same problem = these policies have been proven to be, to quote Rahm Emmanuel, "f@cking retarded", and we don't need to repeat the mistakes we should have already learned from the first time around.

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Yeah, LA, I have read your posts for years, I have my doubts that you (or most who live on the PPP board) would have voted for Obama.


If you did vote for him, have a little patience, the man has been in office for 17 months....this thread, and nearly every thread about Obama contains numerous references to "the black president", or "they have their president".... why I rarely come to the dark underbelly of the Stadium Wall... I like most of you a lot more, until I read how you really feel. There are obviously problems with the Obama administration, but no more so than any other presidency. The attacks on his policies, that are made over and over again, are purely subjective... nobody knows how any of this will turn out...what I do know, we have a president who is very intelligent, and shows an adults capacity to deal with grown-up problems. Give the man a chance..

If you don't think that the health care bill alone is by far the most screwed up law to be passed on lies and deception, nothing I say will change your mind. Everything from the way it was handled, to the embarrassing CBO scoring, right up to the very moment they made it mandatory for Americans to buy a product from a private company SIMPLY because you were born here makes this, without question, one of the most disgusting government laws in my lifetime. And that doesn't even begin to address the way it costs a trillion dollars that we absolutely, positively DO NOT HAVE.


He did THIS garbage in a year, and I'm supposed to give him more of a chance?



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Yeah, LA, I have read your posts for years, I have my doubts that you (or most who live on the PPP board) would have voted for Obama.


If you did vote for him, have a little patience, the man has been in office for 17 months....this thread, and nearly every thread about Obama contains numerous references to "the black president", or "they have their president".... why I rarely come to the dark underbelly of the Stadium Wall... I like most of you a lot more, until I read how you really feel. There are obviously problems with the Obama administration, but no more so than any other presidency. The attacks on his policies, that are made over and over again, are purely subjective... nobody knows how any of this will turn out...what I do know, we have a president who is very intelligent, and shows an adults capacity to deal with grown-up problems. Give the man a chance..


There is nothing subjective in the measure of what he has spent and on what it has been spent. Congress is carrying out his agenda and he has signed off on all of it. The numbers tell the story.


There is nothing subjective in judging his response to the Arizona immigration law. He knew about it before it was signed. He criticized it before and after it was signed and has failed through the entire issue to recognize that people want the border secured. He's failed to recognize that this is a federal law already. His response has only been to have the justice department review the Arizona law with the thought of repealing it. He's ignoring the issue of border security and deliberately so. He doesn't need Congress to address it. He's doing nothing to solve it.


I could go on and on all day and night.

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The real problem is: the Presidency is about the policies, not the man.


Just because Obama hasn't been President before, does not mean we haven't seen these policies before. One has little to do with the other. We have seen these policies before(Jimmy Carter), and therefore we DO know how they are they are going to turn out. And not just here, we are seeing how these policies play out in Greece, right friggin now.


I have no problem with giving Obama, the man, a chance. Specifically, a chance to learn from his obvious mistakes and pull a Bill Clinton in 1994. I do have a problem with giving Obama's current policies a chance, ever, and under all circumstances. Any rational, honest person who has been educated properly in economics and history has the same problem = these policies have been proven to be, to quote Rahm Emmanuel, "f@cking retarded", and we don't need to repeat the mistakes we should have already learned from the first time around.

Clinton would have never won a second term if not for Oklahoma city. He was on the ropes at the time, looking at sweeping GOP victory's in the house and Senate. The bombing gave the general public a perception that anyone on the"right" was a mad bomber. It was not any thing Clinton did.

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Clinton would have never won a second term if not for Oklahoma city. He was on the ropes at the time, looking at sweeping GOP victory's in the house and Senate. The bombing gave the general public a perception that anyone on the"right" was a mad bomber. It was not any thing Clinton did.

No way that's fully accurate. I will give you Bob Dole being...Bob Dole, and to a lesser extent, the bombing. But still, it's widely accepted that Clinton's hiring of Dick Morris and his policy of "triangulation" got Clinton re-elected.


Basically, Clinton stole a Republican idea and then said "What? You can't be against me on this" about 20 times. Amazingly, those policies did well, the country did well, and whamo, re-election. Funny what happens when you do things that work, and remove things that don't....hopefully Obama learns his lesson. If not, the country is going to go through hell until 2012 and then, the inevitable Republican overreaction right after.

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If you don't think that the health care bill alone is by far the most screwed up law to be passed on lies and deception, nothing I say will change your mind. Everything from the way it was handled, to the embarrassing CBO scoring, right up to the very moment they made it mandatory for Americans to buy a product from a private company SIMPLY because you were born here makes this, without question, one of the most disgusting government laws in my lifetime. And that doesn't even begin to address the way it costs a trillion dollars that we absolutely, positively DO NOT HAVE.


He did THIS garbage in a year, and I'm supposed to give him more of a chance?





No, he doesnt care about the Health care Bill. He'd rather call people who diagree with it racists. :)


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Blah, blah, blah. Just because this point is accurate doesn't mean that people aren't wider awake now and ready to stop the madness. Obama and the progressive left made ONE big, stupid, greedy mistake: they thought everyone would keep sleeping, so they put spending and power grabs on steroids. And they did it in the middle of recession, like complete and utter incompetents.


So I ask you, in turn,...were YOU providing the outcry when Bush was doubling debt? WERE YOU? If not, then STFU. If you were, then why in the living !@#$ aren't you doing it now? Because he's making Bush look like a freaking spendthrift.


But no. Obama is YOUR guy, so it's okay. Or Bush did it, so it's okay now. Anything but stepping up to the truth.


Those of us who didn't step up to the truth during the Bush years and earlier are doing it now, and we're not afraid to blame Bush and everyone else, including ourselves for being asleep. To hell with Bush, to hell with Obama, and to hell with spending. Are you with us, or are you okay now that it's YOUR guy doing the spending.


It cuts both ways if you're not too lazy to think about it. But I've read enough of your tripe to know you don't have the nutsack to own up to anything but casting blame on others. Is it any wonder you love Obama so much.


Putting aside the curious confession that you've checked out my nutsack...


Yes I complained when Bush raised spending with a needless and unjustified invasion of Iraq AND cut taxes, therefore significantly increasing the debt while lowering revenue. But once we were in Iraq, that black hole of spending (not included in the yearly budgets) had to be paid for to provide our troops with the support they needed, yet Bush and the Republicans continued the unprecedented policy of lowering taxes in a time of war. And those are facts that you conservatives just can't walk away from.


Obama didn't start the Iraq war, and even voted against it, but like the bank failures and recession, he now has to clean up the mess started by others, and that unfortunately means spending more than we or he would like, but what is necessary. And the result is slow but steady progress, with increased job growth, more people restarting their job searches because of renewed hope in job growth, and a continued rise in the stock market and our investments in it. More jobs means more tax revenue, and more tax revenue means less debt.

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Putting aside the curious confession that you've checked out my nutsack...


Yes I complained when Bush raised spending with a needless and unjustified invasion of Iraq AND cut taxes, therefore significantly increasing the debt while lowering revenue. But once we were in Iraq, that black hole of spending (not included in the yearly budgets) had to be paid for to provide our troops with the support they needed, yet Bush and the Republicans continued the unprecedented policy of lowering taxes in a time of war. And those are facts that you conservatives just can't walk away from.


Obama didn't start the Iraq war, and even voted against it, but like the bank failures and recession, he now has to clean up the mess started by others, and that unfortunately means spending more than we or he would like, but what is necessary. And the result is slow but steady progress, with increased job growth, more people restarting their job searches because of renewed hope in job growth, and a continued rise in the stock market and our investments in it. More jobs means more tax revenue, and more tax revenue means less debt.



So you agree that spending MORE, is the only way out of debt? Please be clear on this, please.

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So you agree that spending MORE, is the only way out of debt? Please be clear on this, please.


Spending more in the short term is the only way out of a recession, and prevented a depression. That's how it's been done historically. Once the economy recovers, spending on social support programs decrease because more people are employed and don't need the gov't assistance, and tax revenues increase, which both contribute to reducing deficits, and eventually debt.

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Spending more in the short term is the only way out of a recession, and prevented a depression. That's how it's been done historically. Once the economy recovers, spending on social support programs decrease because more people are employed and don't need the gov't assistance, and tax revenues increase, which both contribute to reducing deficits, and eventually debt.


Is that how you run your houshold Joe? Short term? When will it end? 12 trillion? 25 trillion? Throwing your stones at Bush is warrented, but endorsing obama and his party's spending free for all is just plain lunicy. And yet you suck the tit of this policy?


I've seen your movie before. Wake up Joe. Wake up. Please.

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The President’s visit is at the request of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. She sang Western New York’s praises in her statement announcing the visit: “From a world-class manufacturing tradition (that ended in 1960) to cutting edge businesses (Mighty Taco) and universities, to people who know the true meaning of hard work, Western New York can help lead America’s economic recovery.



:) Hey, the calendar says May, 1885.

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The President’s visit is at the request of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. She sang Western New York’s praises in her statement announcing the visit: “From a world-class manufacturing tradition (that ended in 1960) to cutting edge businesses (Mighty Taco) and universities, to people who know the true meaning of hard work, Western New York can help lead America’s economic recovery.



:sick: Hey, the calendar says May, 1885.


Hey, the gas produced by eating too much Mighty Taco could power hundreds of vehicles!



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