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Verizon HTC Incredible

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I am counting the months (3) before I can upgrade my VZ crap phone (LG Dare). I've always wanted an iPhone but AT&T doesn't cover my town. I checked out the Moto Droid and wasn't that impressed with with its feel, etc. My buddy works for VZ in Utah and said that I should check out the new HTC Incredible. So I did today and he was so right. What an amazing phone. Feels every bit like an iPhone, runs Android 2.1, has a 1ghz processor, has 8GB internal memory with a slot for up to 32GB more, and get this...it runs flash video!


I know the iPhone 4G is coming and the VZ guy told me it's a done deal that VZ will have it, but this HTC phone really impressed me. Plus even though Apple has more apps, Android is catching up fast. I have 3 months to mull it over but I think I have my next phone.



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i have the htc droid for verizon....love the phone, can't wait til they upgrade to 2.1, hope it helps the battery issues, but no complaints other than that...the apps available are really cool....


I am counting the months (3) before I can upgrade my VZ crap phone (LG Dare). I've always wanted an iPhone but AT&T doesn't cover my town. I checked out the Moto Droid and wasn't that impressed with with its feel, etc. My buddy works for VZ in Utah and said that I should check out the new HTC Incredible. So I did today and he was so right. What an amazing phone. Feels every bit like an iPhone, runs Android 2.1, has a 1ghz processor, has 8GB internal memory with a slot for up to 32GB more, and get this...it runs flash video!


I know the iPhone 4G is coming and the VZ guy told me it's a done deal that VZ will have it, but this HTC phone really impressed me. Plus even though Apple has more apps, Android is catching up fast. I have 3 months to mull it over but I think I have next phone.



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Not knocking the incredible, but now that I've had the droid, I will always need a real keyboard. I use it 95% of the time.

See I'm used to the iPhone virtual keyboard and the HTC works the same. It anticipates what your are spelling, and even corrects misspells. I like that I can type with just one thumb. Different strokes.



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See I'm used to the iPhone virtual keyboard and the HTC works the same. It anticipates what your are spelling, and even corrects misspells. I like that I can type with just one thumb. Different strokes.




Absolutely just a matter of personal preference. Cnet just did a prize fight with with the incredible vs the iPhone 3GS. Incredible won.

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I'm kind of in the same boat at this point. I think I'm going to wait to see what happens with Apple and if they don't come to VZ I'm just going to pull the trigger and get the Incredible.

VZ guy says Xmas is the likely launch date for the iPhone so you have some time.



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Looking to get a new phone over the summer as well. The only preference I have is that I need a real keyboard. Just hate typing with a virtual one. Does the Droid or HTC have a physical keyboard? I know the I-Phone doesn't which is why I steer clear of that phone (Also have Verizon which won't get it till X-mas). Right now I have a Voyager which I am satisfied with but I am looking to upgrade to a better phone with a physical keyboard.

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I have the HTC Droid Eris and absolutely love it. And I'm totally good with the virtual keyboard. The apps are great, all the functionality is awesome...its an amazing "phone." :doh:

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My G1 one seem so old compared to most new phones now. Can't wait for my contract on this to run out. So many choices now and upcoming. I'm used to the Android platform now so it would make sense to go that way. Either the Nexus or something similar to the Incredible(whatever version that T Mobile decides to sell). I also believe the Windows Phone 7 will be interesting because a lot of it will be based on Zune software which is nice. Not sure when my contract with the G1 expires though. Some time later this year.

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Looking to get a new phone over the summer as well. The only preference I have is that I need a real keyboard. Just hate typing with a virtual one. Does the Droid or HTC have a physical keyboard? I know the I-Phone doesn't which is why I steer clear of that phone (Also have Verizon which won't get it till X-mas). Right now I have a Voyager which I am satisfied with but I am looking to upgrade to a better phone with a physical keyboard.

The Droid has a slide-out real keyboard. The Incredible does not. Also the Palm Pre has a real keyboard, but it doesn't run Google Android. The Eris is a pretty good phone, and the Incredible seems like the next step in the HTC line.



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