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Ben Roethlisberger in this week's SI

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It would instantly become the top selling Bills jersey, replacing that of the last D-bag, TO.



Maybe if you're a scumbag and like rapists. I think he is a top 5 Qb and could never support him on this team. TO is selfish but it is idiotic to put him in the same vein as Big Ben. TO has been a model citizen off the field.

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Most overrated QB in NFL history...not an exaggeration



Yes, that's a total exaggeration. Big Ben is a top 5 Qb and plays behind a really bad oline. He makes plays than most QBs can't make in this league. He is a very good QB that before all this crap happen, was well on his way to the HOF. He sounds like a a hole but he is great at what he does.

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Ben R. is obviously a pompous, arrogant dick. I've never been around any professional athletes, but I bet a lot of them play the "do you know who I am?" card. I've heard of it happening here in my hometown with a former MLB pitcher. Ironically enough, the only pro athlete I've really spoken to was Jim Kelly and I walked away from it thinking he might have been the most arrogant !@#$ I'd ever spoken to. I'd bet a million bucks T.O. would be more friendly. But Ben R. is beyond just being a jerk. He's not a good human being. I don't think I could support him if he was wearing a Bills jersey. I'd have an easier time supporting Vick.

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He was convicted of raping someone? Wow, last I heard he had not been charged with anything. I need to read the news more I guess. I missed that one.


I guess he didn't technically rape her. But having bodyguards stop her friends from entering & forcing yourself on a drunk 20 yo in a bathroom stall doesn't seem like a classy individual. Especially after he was accuse of rape in a previous offseason.

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Ben R. is obviously a pompous, arrogant dick. I've never been around any professional athletes, but I bet a lot of them play the "do you know who I am?" card. I've heard of it happening here in my hometown with a former MLB pitcher. Ironically enough, the only pro athlete I've really spoken to was Jim Kelly and I walked away from it thinking he might have been the most arrogant !@#$ I'd ever spoken to. I'd bet a million bucks T.O. would be more friendly. But Ben R. is beyond just being a jerk. He's not a good human being. I don't think I could support him if he was wearing a Bills jersey. I'd have an easier time supporting Vick.



I could never support Vick. Trust me, I'm sick of losing. But there are enough good football players out there that you shouldn't have to compromise your morals to support a dog murderer or a guy who is a borderline rapist.

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Ray Lewis... killed someone and got away with it.


Pacman Jones...


OJ Simpson...killed his wife and her lover and got away with it



There are worse players I can think of...


Lewis did nothing more than interfere with the investigation and try to cover things up (not trivial, not murder either).


Rae Carruth, on the other hand...

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I guess he didn't technically rape her. But having bodyguards stop her friends from entering & forcing yourself on a drunk 20 yo in a bathroom stall doesn't seem like a classy individual. Especially after he was accuse of rape in a previous offseason.

Forced himself? Ugh. A lot of embellishment going on with this story. That night the girl was so wasted she didn't even know if she had sex or not, much less if she was forced.


If you were having consensual sex in a bar bathroom and had body guards there working for you, wouldn't you have them give you some privacy?


If the previous case you are talking about was in Vegas (I believe), the girl had made previous accusations against rich/famous people in an attempt to get paid. The DA said that was another attempt.


I can't argue the classless remark at all. He is by all accounts a spoiled brat scumbag and if he were to get !@#$ed in a bar bathroom by a couple guys when he was wasted I would shed no tears. It hurts me to take the side of a guy like PigBen. But man this guilty by accusation stuff really strikes a nerve with me.

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Ultimate douchebag? I dunno. He'd have to be in the discussion, but would be way behind names like Ty Cobb, Al Campanis, Adolph Rupp, TMEP, and Leonard Little in my opinion.


You mean the Ty Cobb who once lept into the stands to beat up a parapelegic fan who had been heckling him? The same Ty Cobb who would lay down a bunt forcing the pitcher to cover first and then slide in and spike him? Or the Ty Cobb who in his old age would down a 40 ouncer of Johhny Walker a day and walk around town with a luger in one hand and carrying a brown bag containing 1 million dollars of negotiable securities in the other? Ah, the lives of the great.


I think Ty had a lot more of an edge to him than Ben does. Sort of like comparing Ronnie Lott tough with Donte tough.

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A douchebag...with 2 superbowl rings. And by the way, after he throws his 1st TD pass in Pittsburgh, the fans will give him a standing ovation.


You guys don't know too many steelers fans do you? Been working here on a job and haven't met one fan who wants him there still regardless of the SB rings. They may cheer but it will not be for him.



Then again it is pittsburgh, douchebags root for douchebags

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Forced himself? Ugh. A lot of embellishment going on with this story. That night the girl was so wasted she didn't even know if she had sex or not, much less if she was forced.


If you were having consensual sex in a bar bathroom and had body guards there working for you, wouldn't you have them give you some privacy?


If the previous case you are talking about was in Vegas (I believe), the girl had made previous accusations against rich/famous people in an attempt to get paid. The DA said that was another attempt.


I can't argue the classless remark at all. He is by all accounts a spoiled brat scumbag and if he were to get !@#$ed in a bar bathroom by a couple guys when he was wasted I would shed no tears. It hurts me to take the side of a guy like PigBen. But man this guilty by accusation stuff really strikes a nerve with me.


Whether or not Rothlesberger is a rapist is an open question.


That he is a complete knucklehead...not so much.

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Forced himself? Ugh. A lot of embellishment going on with this story. That night the girl was so wasted she didn't even know if she had sex or not, much less if she was forced.


If you were having consensual sex in a bar bathroom and had body guards there working for you, wouldn't you have them give you some privacy?


If the previous case you are talking about was in Vegas (I believe), the girl had made previous accusations against rich/famous people in an attempt to get paid. The DA said that was another attempt.


I can't argue the classless remark at all. He is by all accounts a spoiled brat scumbag and if he were to get !@#$ed in a bar bathroom by a couple guys when he was wasted I would shed no tears. It hurts me to take the side of a guy like PigBen. But man this guilty by accusation stuff really strikes a nerve with me.

I'd say the fact that two women have accused him is pretty damning. I don't see many other NFL players getting accused of rape multiple times, and God only knows what goes on in their day to day lives. I was in Ben's corner after the first incident in Tahoe, but this one, I'm not so sure. If you read her actual statement, instead of the interpretations of what happened that were being reported, it was pretty clear she thought she was raped, and she knew sex had occured.


Accuser's statement

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Sounds like a young, spoiled kid who's spent most of his life hearing how he's The **** and makes millions of dollars playing a game.


Jim Kelly's attitude was just as bad when he was that age.





No it wasn't. Don't be ridiculous.

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I'd say the fact that two women have accused him is pretty damning.


Except that the first one was completely discredited as a lying gold digger. She even bragged about it to her friends.


Again, the guy may be a Grade-1 scumbag but so far no evidence to support labeling him a rapist.

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Except that the first one was completely discredited as a lying gold digger. She even bragged about it to her friends.






She certainly has not been discredited. Her suit is still in court and she has a good chance of wnning it. I think you said this before, or at least someone with your avatar.



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