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Ben Roethlisberger in this week's SI

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Yes, it was. I'd seen is personally, twice.


And I'm happy he outgrew the attitude, too. But he had one when he was young, make no mistake.




You've seen him getting accused of rape? Got it.


Being arrogant, being a jerk, these are in a totally one hundred percent different ballpark with what Roethlisberger looks to have done.

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You've seen him getting accused of rape? Got it.


Being arrogant, being a jerk, these are in a totally one hundred percent different ballpark with what Roethlisberger looks to have done.


Didn't say actions. I specifically said "attitude". And there was a reason I specifically said "attitude": to avoid stupid little bull **** faux criticisms like yours here.

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Maybe if you're a scumbag and like rapists. I think he is a top 5 Qb and could never support him on this team. TO is selfish but it is idiotic to put him in the same vein as Big Ben. TO has been a model citizen off the field.

TO was a model citizen in that he was never accused of a crime. Trashing his teammates is another thing. A Douchebag for a different reason....


So not in same vein as BR.

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he hasnt been charged or convicted of anything. there are assh-les in every facet of life, before him in football, who cares. i would welcome him at the airport if the bills got him!...DONE!.. QB situation resolved. reading some of the "holier than thou" bullsh-t on here , one would think there should be a friggin litmus test on who should be qualified to take part in sports!, lighten up for crissakes or go enter the political arena where you can decide what is best , and pass judgment !, if he bothers you, so be it, wait for someone who is a model citizen and lobby for him to be on the bills, regardless if he can play or not.

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She certainly has not been discredited. Her suit is still in court and she has a good chance of wnning it. I think you said this before, or at least someone with your avatar.



Her suit is not "in court".


She has been discredited---by her own behavior and e-mails after the incident!








According to court documents filed late Friday, Angela Antonetti said the woman who made the rape claim “did not appear to be upset, stressed out or nervous” about her time with Roethlisberger, who was at a 2008 celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe.


Antonetti, the accuser’s co-worker at Harrah’s hotel-casino, said the accuser “appeared happy and boastful” and later said she thought she might be pregnant from the encounter. Antonetti made the remarks in a sworn statement attached to a motion to move the case to Minden, Nev., from Reno.




There's so much more----you should really look into this before you comment further on that case...

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Her suit is not "in court".


She has been discredited---by her own behavior and e-mails after the incident!










There's so much more----you should really look into this before you comment further on that case...

I can't say that the first accuser has much credibility. The second has no track record and no pattern of behavior that says she was lying. The first case is stalled, but it is still in play.


1st case still pending


I wouldn't go as far as to say McNulty has a good chance of winning. The best thing that happened to her case was the second incident. Otherwise, there is no basis to her claim, IMO. Still, Ben has a real problem in the fact that he puts himself in these situations. As of right now, though, I haven't seen anything that would make me think that Ben didn't assault the second girl. The NFL's harsh suspension tells me there's more to the story than we all know. I doubt the NFL would suspend Ben 6 games for encouraging underage drinking only or just having supposed "consensual" sex in a public bathroom.

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She certainly has not been discredited. Her suit is still in court and she has a good chance of wnning it. I think you said this before, or at least someone with your avatar.




Uh...maybe you should learn something about the US legal system. A civil suit has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Why don't you tell us how the criminal investigation and trail is going in this case?


As far as her being completely discredited, get a clue. And see WEO's links above.

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Exactly---and so would every poster on this site if he was to do so in a Bills uniform.



NO I wouldn't


I wouldn't support Vick and I wouldn't support Rape-man


just because your moral compass doesn't point in the proper direction doesn't mean the rest of us would sink down to your level for a silly football game


what a ______ loser

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Exactly---and so would every poster on this site if he was to do so in a Bills uniform.


Speak for yourself, don't project that pathetic douchebaggery onto the rest of us. To some of us football is just a hobby and this board is somewhere to get info and chat about that hobby. If watching a bunch of men you don't know play a game is so important to you that you no longer care about common decency then I feel sorry for you.

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Didn't say actions. I specifically said "attitude". And there was a reason I specifically said "attitude": to avoid stupid little bull **** faux criticisms like yours here.




OK, well, then my next stupid little criticism, and gosh, you're so macho, swearing like that, is that nobody cares about attitude like this if unconnected to rape charges.


It was clearly the rape charges that make Roethlisberger worth talking about beyond throwing TD passes


We never heard any of this till now. Why? Because who cares? Kelly was obnoxious. Who cares? As long as he wasn't out performing antisocial acts, and he wasn't.

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Most overrated QB in NFL history...not an exaggeration



I don't know about that...he may be a douchebag, but more than once over the last two or three years, I found myself thinking that Roethlisberger would be the perfect QB for the Bills...not necessarily the best QB in the NFL, just the best for the Bills. But yeah, off the field, he appears to be a douche...

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Uh...maybe you should learn something about the US legal system. A civil suit has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Why don't you tell us how the criminal investigation and trail is going in this case?


As far as her being completely discredited, get a clue. And see WEO's links above.





Uh...maybe you should learn something about the US legal system. A civil suit has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Why don't you tell us how the criminal investigation and trail is going in this case?


As far as her being completely discredited, get a clue. And see WEO's links above.



Uh, where did I say that a civil suit has anything to do with guilt or innocence? Uh ... I didn't. What I did was comment on your ridiculous claim that "Except that the first one was completely discredited as a lying gold digger. She even bragged about it to her friends." What she did was say stuff which is very very much in line with what the sort of stuff that a person would say when trying to handle something horrible that happened in here life, joking it away.


Having worked with victims, I can tell you that they handle this kind of thing in many different ways, ranging from not being able to leave the house for years to suddenly becoming much more wildly and desperately outgoing, trying to ignore, forget, or even call desperate attention to the incident. And the people I worked with didn't have famous accusers and the geometrically increased pressure and notice that creates. You can't judge people by things like what she did. Not even close.


Perhaps, for people like you, it would be much more seemly if victims of crimes went into a nunnery for five years or so afterwards. But that's not the way it works, I can tell you that from personal experience. Crimes like this unhinge people in many many ways, minor and major and probably the majority of victims end up saying stupid things in the aftermath.


"Completely discredited?" Bull.


And OJ was only found guilty in the civil suit. Guess his accusers have been "completely discredited" too, hunh?


Her suit is still working it's way through the court system. She's got a chance of winning it.






Her suit is not "in court".


She has been discredited---by her own behavior and e-mails after the incident!










There's so much more----you should really look into this before you comment further on that case...



That's the proof from the two of you? A joke she made? Man, you have what I would call a "unique" view of the word discredited. She said something that proves nothing either way, and she was smeared with it by the attorney of the accused. Nothing here, not even the slightest hint of discrediting. Will it work against her in court? Possibly. Does it completely discredit her? Not even close.


Is Roethisberger guilty of these two crimes? I don't know. But I know there's nothing here, nothing, that "completely discredits" this woman. Nothing. Not even close.

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Well, actually, if you believe it ...


Jim Kelly being sued by woman for assault



Don't know what happened, but the only version of events given there is that she walked up to a party she wasn't involved in in a restauraunt, criticized his play and poured a glass of wine over his head? Then Kelly pushed her to the floor? Well, you're right, that's unacceptable, but not even in the same league as the Roethlisberger incidents.


As you say, "if you believe it ..." Not in the same league even if you do, though. But interesting.

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Don't know what happened, but the only version of events given there is that she walked up to a party she wasn't involved in in a restauraunt, criticized his play and poured a glass of wine over his head? Then Kelly pushed her to the floor? Well, you're right, that's unacceptable, but not even in the same league as the Roethlisberger incidents.


As you say, "if you believe it ..." Not in the same league even if you do, though. But interesting.

Well that was Kelly's lawyers take on the events. Hers was obviously different. But if you believe PigBen is a rapist just because the girl said so the next day, then you would have to say Kelly was guilty of the assault as well. Granted, there were probably lots of witnesses not related to Kelly that could set the record straight in his case, but you get my point about accused meaning guilty. Sometimes people try to scam this way to make some bucks or for some other reason.

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