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Happy Birthday John....


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thanks folks, from this ornery aging bastard.

sun's coming out. might hit the links with my wife.



You crazy kids have fun. :thumbsup:


(In all seriousness, give ML my best, and have a great day.)


Add: just remembered that it's also my former managing editor's birthday. I'd ask y'all to wish him a happy one, but he hates the Bills, so I won't. :devil:

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again, thanks, all.


with the shuffle on and 62 Drive By Truckers songs loaded on the ipod and a good supply of canadian whisky at hand, i've got the fixings of a good long night of punching at this keyboard to see if anything makes sense. and i'm not holding my breath because this business of writing's an inexact science at best, and chemistry was never my best subject.


it's been a long life and a short one at that, so far, and those who haven't gotten this far along on the path might not understand, because 50's no longer a far-off figure, and it sure doesn't resemble a prime number, if you catch my drift. and Paul Westerberg might have put it best when he penned this lyric: "pacing in a cage and chasing middle age."


the older i get the more that line slays me, because there's truth there. (and i appreciate the fact that someone here thought i was far younger. i haven't acted my age in years, hell, decades, and i don't plan to start now.)


and at least i've got that working for me. i might not be hip to what the kids are listening to these days, or at least most kids, but i haven't stopped looking for the new big thing, and to me, it's the DBTs, as i've noted several times. and relevance is important to me, because i do now understand how The Who might not have realized what they meant when penning their famous lyric: "I hope I die before I get old." because as old as i might be getting, i ain't in a position to give up or start driving a minivan, or live in the cul-de sac suburbs, or go on on a cruise to be stuck on a boat with people i don't like.


and if you don't like those terms, well, too freakin bad because i'm just not wired that way. and if you are, well, that's your problem, eh? :rolleyes:


and the pirate is my favorite symbol, because there's something about the eyepatch that's always caught my attention. though, in retrospect, they ran their own style of cruise ship for degenerates. y'arrh. the irony of it all.


so what do i know. been called a clown and a liberal and wrong. and there's truth in that, too.

there's something to imperfection. and if it takes 47 years to figure that out, then i might just be ahead of the game to get a chance to roll a few more times before crapping out.



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