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I will be honest, I don't know the ins and outs enough to comment. However, living in a country that provides universal health care, I fully support our way of doing things. Everybody in my family has received exceptional care and I have no complaints. Keep in mind we provide coverage for 33 million people though, not 330 million.


That actually shows surprising wisdom, not extrapolating the Canadian health care system directly to the US.


This is NOT the way to get me to abuse you.

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One thing that is different between canada and the US as well is that we made this move in the 50s, whereas you are taking a gigantic, existing system and trying to change it. Good luck.


We can do what we want because we are America. We can do everything and anything. Well except copy systems that already works. If we didn't invent it, it sucks. If we did invent it, it's the best ever whether it works or not. If you don't feel that way, you are obviously a Canadian.

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I will be honest, I don't know the ins and outs enough to comment. However, living in a country that provides universal health care, I fully support our way of doing things. Everybody in my family has received exceptional care and I have no complaints. Keep in mind we provide coverage for 33 million people though, not 330 million.

And most of the 33 million are frozen.

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I will be honest, I don't know the ins and outs enough to comment. However, living in a country that provides universal health care, I fully support our way of doing things. Everybody in my family has received exceptional care and I have no complaints. Keep in mind we provide coverage for 33 million people though, not 330 million.

Liberals: See how rational he sounds? That is because he started with: the whole truth, and then made his point from there. Watch and learn :doh:. This is the exact opposite of saying idiot things like "There is no terrorist threat", and therefore it is: effective. I know real effectiveness is a new and difficult concept for most liberals, but you can see the results above. :wallbash:

I am not about to enter an argument for the sake of argument.

Well then you are going to have a difficult time here, pal. 3.5 anyone?

We can do what we want because we are America. We can do everything and anything. Well except copy systems that already works. If we didn't invent it, it sucks. If we did invent it, it's the best ever whether it works or not. If you don't feel that way, you are obviously a Canadian.

Hehe, right, so, I guess everything from the cotton gin to the iPhone, pretty much everything we use today, wasn't invented here? Look, I get the sentiment, and, as an open source guy clearly I am willing to work with good ideas regardless of their origin, but, you have to be kidding me with this. Again: learn from Marauder's post above and start with the truth = we pretty much can do whatever we put our minds to, and, we have a long track record to back that statement up. Personally, I have never felt, or allowed the sentiment around me, that there is something we cannot do if we work hard enough....except for gay sex of course :beer:

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Then why are you here? :doh:


Could someone forward the PPP for Dummies to the newbie please.


As opposed to "Cooking for Morons"? Unlike many here, I enter arguments on topics I know and understand. I could give two sh**s about the American Health Reform Bill and therefore have no need to enter debate about it.

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As opposed to "Cooking for Morons"? Unlike many here, I enter arguments on topics I know and understand. I could give two sh**s about the American Health Reform Bill and therefore have no need to enter debate about it.


Nice sense of humor there. You'll fit right in. :doh:

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Wow... PPP really is another side of TBD that I never saw...


And I would like a copy of PPP for Dummies please :doh:


PPP For Dummies:

1) Godwin's Law

2) You're not an idiot until you prove you're an idiot. That may, however, only require one post.

3) You will at some point, however, be an idiot. And a hypocrite. And you will take abuse for it. Live with it.

4) Despite what you learned in kindergarten, you're not special.

5) Do as I say, not as I do. I'm special, you're not. Again...live with it.

5a) I'm smarter than you, and I win all arguments. You'll get used to it.

6) Most people have certain domain knowledge (with a few exceptions - conner springs to mind). You are not required to accept what they say at face value, you may argue with them, but #7 applies.

7) Wikipedia is not a !@#$ing source. Ever.

8) All news media is biased

9) Freedom of speech: the right to be heard does not convey the right to be taken seriously. You have the right to express your opinion. We have the right to ridicule you if it's facile, shallow, and ignorant.

10) Ad hominem attacks are not only allowed, but encouraged.

11) We know ExiledInIllinois is crazy, and usually incoherent. We tolerate him like a nutty uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.

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PPP For Dummies:

1) Godwin's Law

2) You're not an idiot until you prove you're an idiot. That may, however, only require one post.

3) You will at some point, however, be an idiot. And a hypocrite. And you will take abuse for it. Live with it.

4) Despite what you learned in kindergarten, you're not special.

5) Do as I say, not as I do. I'm special, you're not. Again...live with it.

5a) I'm smarter than you, and I win all arguments. You'll get used to it.

6) Most people have certain domain knowledge (with a few exceptions - conner springs to mind). You are not required to accept what they say at face value, you may argue with them, but #7 applies.

7) Wikipedia is not a !@#$ing source. Ever.

8) All news media is biased

9) Freedom of speech: the right to be heard does not convey the right to be taken seriously. You have the right to express your opinion. We have the right to ridicule you if it's facile, shallow, and ignorant.

10) Ad hominem attacks are not only allowed, but encouraged.

11) We know ExiledInIllinois is crazy, and usually incoherent. We tolerate him like a nutty uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.

12) Some of us take the time, and the space, to fully explain why you are an idiot. Others will simply save time by calling you an idiot directly. However, others will call you an idiot because they can't argue with what you are saying, or, they are too lazy to read what you wrote. It's important to learn the difference.

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12) Some of us take the time, and the space, to fully explain why you are an idiot. Others will simply save time by calling you an idiot directly. However, others will call you an idiot because they can't argue with what you are saying, or, they are too lazy to read what you wrote. It's important to learn the difference.



You're an idiot (Sorry...I was too lazy to read what you wrote).

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