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And you do it right as the person is in mid-bite so they can't actually respond, right? It's ok, you can admit it. I think it's actually a brilliant idea. It's one less second of dealing with the stupidity of people.

No, it's not taught to be done mid-bite, thats just how it works out a large % of the time.

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My wife and I went to a place called Ernies in Ft. Lauderdale. We ordered conch chowder, We did not order the cockroach that came in the chowder.

That annoyed me.

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How hard is it to make something PLAIN? In some restaurants you'd think it was the biggest hassle ever. I order my sandwiches plain. Meat-cheese-bun. I usually ask them to hold the pickle as well as I don't want it oozing on my food and I won't eat it anyway. The typical response is "all that is on the side, anyway". The point is I won't eat it, so why bring it out and have to throw it away?


What's the point? I'm the customer. Getting the order correct isn't a hassle...it's the job you are supposed to be doing.



good point. HOWEVER i have a rule that applies to drive-thru in my vehicle that i MAY deduct one item from your meal. if im feeling good. example: hold the pickles for combo #2. lets say we were doing carls jr (sounds funny on purpose), you would have the choice of just one item deducted or nothing. yes my way or highway. and if you piss me off, the order might sound like this. "give me combo #1 with a coke. give me combo #2 FOR MY FRIEND with 2 buns and the meat. nothing else. " thanks.


am i a punk? no not really. by the way i have a lot friends. so they may like to be mistreated!!!! lol!


all kidding aside. through the drive-thru its sometimes hard to communicate as it is, and on top of that all the extra ordering. hell no. not doing it.

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My wife and I went to a place called Ernies in Ft. Lauderdale. We ordered conch chowder, We did not order the cockroach that came in the chowder.

That annoyed me.



Um, yes you did. Can I get you anything else?

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How hard is it to make something PLAIN? In some restaurants you'd think it was the biggest hassle ever. I order my sandwiches plain. Meat-cheese-bun. I usually ask them to hold the pickle as well as I don't want it oozing on my food and I won't eat it anyway. The typical response is "all that is on the side, anyway". The point is I won't eat it, so why bring it out and have to throw it away?


What's the point? I'm the customer. Getting the order correct isn't a hassle...it's the job you are supposed to be doing.


This leads me to another restaurant rule (see #1 and 2 in an earlier post). Ask the customer if he/she wants pickles. If they do, bring them a whole pickle, or a jar with some good pickles. From my experience in the business, most pickles get tossed anyway. The pickle slices they tend to serve usually suck and don't really satiate a real pickle lover. So why not take the pickle money and make it count?


Rule #4. If you are known for great burgers/chicken sandwiches or really any sandwich, why not use a quality bun/bread? Putting a great quality burger on a cheap soft bun is a disgrace. At least give the customer a choice.


Rule #5, (and this doesn't necessarily apply to fast food places or other joints that don't pretend to serve quality food). Serve fresh cut french fries. Why put crappy frozen fries next to a burger you claim to be special? It doesn't make sense.


I agree with everything you say.

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You display an inordinate reaction over a simple, light hearted post added to an equally light hearted topic.


Child - did somebody swipe your mop and bucket today? :)

sorry, but it comes across like you are the typical !@#$ that nobody likes to wait on, I've seen it thousands of times.


It seems like you somehow get your jollies from messing with people in the industry, and I'm sure they don't appreciate it, just like you would not like someone doing the same to you at your place of work. Be civil to service workers, you dont have to reply to a common response with a snide remark or some smart-ass comment like you made before.

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sorry, but it comes across like you are the typical !@#$ that nobody likes to wait on, I've seen it thousands of times.


It seems like you somehow get your jollies from messing with people in the industry, and I'm sure they don't appreciate it, just like you would not like someone doing the same to you at your place of work. Be civil to service workers, you dont have to reply to a common response with a snide remark or some smart-ass comment like you made before.


And I've seen you a thousand times. And not just at eateries.


I am one of the most genial people that you would ever come across. But you seem to think that I should cower down, shut up and pay up when faced with a person in the "industry", regardless of whether or not they crap on me (many of which are gum cracking, part-timers who are working at this or that joint, who can't be bothered to write down an order, forget the toast, and so on).


I could tell you a story about how a good waiter deports himself - but it would be a waste of time; I'm pretty sure you are emblematic of many "in the industry."


Let's recap your latest post (forgetting your previous snippy annotation of a previous post of mine, Clever of you to include it in a quote so I couldn't respond item by item):


-you are the typical !@#$.

-smart-ass comment.

-you somehow get your jollies from messing with people in the industry.


Reconsider your view of the paying customers.

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And I've seen you a thousand times. And not just at eateries.


I am one of the most genial people that you would ever come across. But you seem to think that I should cower down, shut up and pay up when faced with a person in the "industry", regardless of whether or not they crap on me (many of which are gum cracking, part-timers who are working at this or that joint, who can't be bothered to write down an order, forget the toast, and so on).


I could tell you a story about how a good waiter deports himself - but it would be a waste of time; I'm pretty sure you are emblematic of many "in the industry."

No you shouldn't "cower down", but doesn't mean you have the right to act like a jack-ass either, if you ask for something, and the person responds "no problem", why give them a hard time, its a typical response to say no problem, what you are doin comes across like some self-important jackass.


as i said previously, bad service is one thing, but for people like you, apparently, that make those type of comments, towards someone who is trying to do their job, its aggravating, esp since its clear that you think up these things and lie in wait to use them in public settings, again, grow up, if some one is treating you with civility, don't be a jerk in return.



I know how to treat people, its not something you get from day one.


btw, please enlighten me as to what is "emblematic" of "many in the industry", are you trying to imply something, cause if you are, why dont you come out and say it, stop being a coward and say what you mean.

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No you shouldn't "cower down", but doesn't mean you have the right to act like a jack-ass either, if you ask for something, and the person responds "no problem", why give them a hard time, its a typical response to say no problem, what you are doin comes across like some self-important jackass.


as i said previously, bad service is one thing, but for people like you, apparently, that make those type of comments, towards someone who is trying to do their job, its aggravating, esp since its clear that you think up these things and lie in wait to use them in public settings, again, grow up, if some one is treating you with civility, don't be a jerk in return.



I know how to treat people, its not something you get from day one.


btw, please enlighten me as to what is "emblematic" of "many in the industry", are you trying to imply something, cause if you are, why dont you come out and say it, stop being a coward and say what you mean.


Ah..now you see fit to call me a coward. Will your childish, petulant outbursts never end? :nana:


But since you asked - you are full of yourself. You, as many in your "industry" fail to understand, is that you are selling a product. That product pays you. You seem incapable of understanding that simple concept, as well as the simple concept of keeping your mouth shut. I'm sorry if a paying customer simply wants their food, and doesn't especially care to pet the server on their blessed head, or enter into a conversation. Here's a tip: The wait staff people that get the biggest tips and make the most money are the ones who deliver the purchased product and cut the chit-chat.


Here's your latest, uncivil postings :


-stop being a coward and say what you mean

-what you are doin comes across like some self-important jackass.

-but for people like you, apparently,


Please post again. It's pretty obvious that you can't control your words, and it's been fun to chat. Here - but not at your employer's place.


I'm giving you life lessons, son. Pay attention! :D

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My wife and I went to a place called Ernies in Ft. Lauderdale. We ordered conch chowder, We did not order the cockroach that came in the chowder.

That annoyed me.


Thats why its called Dirty Ernies, I made the mistake of ordering wings there one day and they came out medium rare. haven't been back since.

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Ah..now you see fit to call me a coward. Will your childish, petulant outbursts never end? :nana:


But since you asked - you are full of yourself. You, as many in your "industry" fail to understand, is that you are selling a product. That product pays you. You seem incapable of understanding that simple concept, as well as the simple concept of keeping your mouth shut. I'm sorry if a paying customer simply wants their food, and doesn't especially care to pet the server on their blessed head, or enter into a conversation. Here's a tip: The wait staff people that get the biggest tips and make the most money are the ones who deliver the purchased product and cut the chit-chat.


Here's your latest, uncivil postings :


-stop being a coward and say what you mean

-what you are doin comes across like some self-important jackass.

-but for people like you, apparently,


Please post again. It's pretty obvious that you can't control your words, and it's been fun to chat. Here - but not at your employer's place.


I'm giving you life lessons, son. Pay attention! :D

Service is part of the product, you dont have to pat anybody one the head, or chit chat, frankly, the server 9 times out of 10 could care less about you or anything you have to say, our job is to be cordial while providing a service. You are a means to an end. what you don't seem to get is why anyone would be put off by a stranger being a jerk to them when they offer a simple response to a request.


Do you get that? is that getting through?


we are not "full of ourselves", is it unreasonable to expect a certain level of decency or respect? I don't think so


I know for a fact I never intentionally disrespected any customer I ever came across, if you have some complex where you feel people are disrespecting you then that is your issue, but to assume a group of people are inherently full of themselves because they dislike being treated like second class citizens, or slaves in some cases, is ignorant.


I hope you learned something from this lesson, servers are people just like you,


"Do onto others as you would have them do onto you"


maybe you should take that into consideration

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Service is part of the product, you dont have to pat anybody one the head, or chit chat, frankly, the server 9 times out of 10 could care less about you or anything you have to say, our job is to be cordial while providing a service. You are a means to an end. what you don't seem to get is why anyone would be put off by a stranger being a jerk to them when they offer a simple response to a request.


Do you get that? is that getting through?


we are not "full of ourselves", is it unreasonable to expect a certain level of decency or respect? I don't think so


I know for a fact I never intentionally disrespected any customer I ever came across, if you have some complex where you feel people are disrespecting you then that is your issue, but to assume a group of people are inherently full of themselves because they dislike being treated like second class citizens, or slaves in some cases, is ignorant.


I hope you learned something from this lesson, servers are people just like you,


"Do onto others as you would have them do onto you"


maybe you should take that into consideration


You are getting close to good deportment.


Only one invective in your latest post:


-if you have some complex where you feel people are disrespecting you then that is your issue, but to assume a group of people are inherently full of themselves because they dislike being treated like second class citizens, or slaves in some cases, is ignorant.


Re-read these many posts. Ponder them. I've got you thinking - now run with it. That's what we old folks do for you young folks, even though you fight us. Old story there, eh?


I wish you prosperity.

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You are getting close to good deportment.


Only one invective in your latest post:


-if you have some complex where you feel people are disrespecting you then that is your issue, but to assume a group of people are inherently full of themselves because they dislike being treated like second class citizens, or slaves in some cases, is ignorant.


Re-read these many posts. Ponder them. I've got you thinking - now run with it. That's what we old folks do for you young folks, even though you fight us. Old story there, eh?


I wish you prosperity.


Stuck, to be fair to Carolina Bill...the whole reason he was being indignant toward you is because of the comment you made about enjoying giving waiters attitude when they respond with "No problem". I assume you were joking about this, but if it's true then it's unnecessary and more than a little rude. He's correct about that, at the very least.

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Stuck, to be fair to Carolina Bill...the whole reason he was being indignant toward you is because of the comment you made about enjoying giving waiters attitude when they respond with "No problem". I assume you were joking about this, but if it's true then it's unnecessary and more than a little rude. He's correct about that, at the very least.


To be unfair, you've cherry-picked one phrase amongst my posts.


I realize that the phrase "No Problem" is common speech.


But understand what it implies. Namely, that the server is saying that "Oh, OK customer - I absolve you - the paying customer, of any feelings you may have about upsetting me."


It is completely backwards. It's rude, presumptuous, and has no place in proper service. A proper response to a request by a customer is "Yes, Sir, or Yes Ma'am, I'll take care of it." Not a flippant "no problem!" utterance.

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