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Ron Paul Rocks

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Well we will see. I mean I don't think it's far fetched for you to feel that way. I do think there is underlying problems in the ghetto and it isn't the people that live there. I could be wrong.


Everyone rents property in the ghetto, therefore there is no sense of pride. They don't care about the property as much as they would if they owned it themselves and were forced to fix things they broke.


When things start breaking, landlords dont care either. Slumlords and irresponsible renters are two major factors that I am targetting to "put lipstick on a pig." I feel like I'm doing much more than putting a fresh coat of paint on the hood. It isn't exactly shining a turd.


I think it's safe to say that there is a good percentage of people that live in the ghetto not because they have no pride of home ownership, they just have no pride in themselves. I firmly believe that if they did have pride in themselves they would have gotten out of the ghetto and there are many, many very successful people that have done just that. I commend you for wanting to help them but many of them really just don't give a **** about life. Many of them will take your deal but then proceed to treat the home and neighborhood like crap and their own personal garbage dump as they've done for decades. It's the mentality of many of the lower income people.

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I think it's safe to say that there is a good percentage of people that live in the ghetto not because they have no pride of home ownership, they just have no pride in themselves.

And because they simply were never taught any better or any different.

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And because they simply were never taught any better or any different.


I actually agree with both you and Chef on that. I think the majority is not like that in the ghetto, but I don't think it is a landslide majority. I know a good amount of people that live in the ghetto that don't care about the community, but I think if you mobilize the ones that do they can be stronger than those that do not. Like I said, I could be wrong. But I have reason to believe that the ghetto is held captive by the azzholes, and those few give the ghetto a bad name. I think we can revitalize those that want to live in a better world, and we can stand up to those that don't.


I think if you give the good majority that are just irresponsible for the lessons they failed to learn, a viable option to work with what they have, there could be real change.


Just like you said Chef, many come out of the ghetto and "make it". I know two lobbyists, a doctor of pharmacy, a corporate lawyer, and a medic that will be an emergency response worker when he finishes his 20 years in the military all that I grew up with. They left and never came back of course. I am looking to pursuade as many as possible to come back and work within the city, as well as come up with city plans that can retain some of the talented minds that our ghetto chases out every year. If I fall on my face, and the city just don't "take" to the face lift, then I will join the lobbyists at the state house once I finish my degree. Unfortunately that is much more realistic, but I think I owe it to the city to try and use all my resources to change the city for the better before offering my services and education to another city.

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