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Now you're either trying to pick fights, or the misunderstanding here is a two-way street.


I thought, when I originally read your post, that you were saying that all of those men were young-earth creationists. That was my "problem" with it. I couldn't care less about the rest of it, but I just wanted to make it clear that the way you used quotation marks in that post confused me, and may have confused others. OK?


Your first mistake was trying to make something clear from his posts.

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False claims of morality do not make something any more or less true. I prefer people who review facts, accepts and acknowledge them, and then work from those facts, regardless of emotional factors.


Secondly there is a lot of inaccurate information in there. You may want to go back and check your sources. Hilter was without doubt a catholic, there is a lot of speculation and evidence that says it is likely Lincoln was an atheist. Jefferson hated the Bible and made his own version where he stripped out the miracles and supernatural stories.


How come you didn't mention the Pope on your list? Child rape and molestation is not moral enough for you?


Hitler was not a known catholic. He was a darwinist loony toon. Evidence shows that he spoke as though he MAY have believed in a God in some form, but that human science superceded God. Hitler was brought up Jewish wasn't he?


Also, Abraham Lincoln was NOT AN ATHIEST...YOU reallly need to do some reading. He was careful about what he said in some of his writings about the topic, but in his personal life he was VERY religious.


Jefferson was anti-catholic and still very religious. Who writes an "honest" version of the bible when athiests could care less about the bible at all? gimme a break.


I'll completely give you the Pope, the Catholic church has been guilty of so many criminal charges that it deserves an entirely different discussion on its own.


I aswell endorse people that look at the facts and build on them. I do however believe God, virtue, philosophy, and idealism have truths and facts within them.


"It is said that the Persians, in thier constitution, had public schools in which virtue was taught as a liberal art or science; and it is certainly of more consequence to a man, that he has learnt to govern his passions in spite of temptation, to be just in his dealings, to be temperate in his pleasures, to support himself with fortitude under his misfortunes, to behave with prudence in all his affairs and every circumstance of life;" Benjamin Franklin


The problem now, whether caused by the Catholic church's obvious destructive actions, or the Evolutionists discreditting of creationists, is that there is no more middle ground. Once God is brought up in conversation, academics that believe they know everything, completely trash the person's credability based on the fact that he or she beleives in God. This gives everyone a dim view of virtue, philosophy, ideals, and morals. This is why our society will continue to work backwards.


Who is to blame is irrelevant. The point is that we turn our backs to all freedom of thought and inspiration when we turn our minds from God, philosophy, and virtue.

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False claims of morality do not make something any more or less true. I prefer people who review facts, accepts and acknowledge them, and then work from those facts, regardless of emotional factors.


Secondly there is a lot of inaccurate information in there. You may want to go back and check your sources. Hilter was without doubt a catholic, there is a lot of speculation and evidence that says it is likely Lincoln was an atheist. Jefferson hated the Bible and made his own version where he stripped out the miracles and supernatural stories.


How come you didn't mention the Pope on your list? Child rape and molestation is not moral enough for you?



So are you going to answer the questions or are you going to run and hide as usual:





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Hitler was not a known catholic. He was a darwinist loony toon. Evidence shows that he spoke as though he MAY have believed in a God in some form, but that human science superceded God. Hitler was brought up Jewish wasn't he?


Also, Abraham Lincoln was NOT AN ATHIEST...YOU reallly need to do some reading. He was careful about what he said in some of his writings about the topic, but in his personal life he was VERY religious.


Jefferson was anti-catholic and still very religious. Who writes an "honest" version of the bible when athiests could care less about the bible at all? gimme a break.


I'll completely give you the Pope, the Catholic church has been guilty of so many criminal charges that it deserves an entirely different discussion on its own.


I aswell endorse people that look at the facts and build on them. I do however believe God, virtue, philosophy, and idealism have truths and facts within them.


"It is said that the Persians, in thier constitution, had public schools in which virtue was taught as a liberal art or science; and it is certainly of more consequence to a man, that he has learnt to govern his passions in spite of temptation, to be just in his dealings, to be temperate in his pleasures, to support himself with fortitude under his misfortunes, to behave with prudence in all his affairs and every circumstance of life;" Benjamin Franklin


The problem now, whether caused by the Catholic church's obvious destructive actions, or the Evolutionists discreditting of creationists, is that there is no more middle ground. Once God is brought up in conversation, academics that believe they know everything, completely trash the person's credability based on the fact that he or she beleives in God. This gives everyone a dim view of virtue, philosophy, ideals, and morals. This is why our society will continue to work backwards.


Who is to blame is irrelevant. The point is that we turn our backs to all freedom of thought and inspiration when we turn our minds from God, philosophy, and virtue.


I could go through this and nitpick and give my effort to demonstrate you are wrong at every turn, but it doesn't matter. Morality has no relation to evolution. Evolution is a factual occurrence regardless of if Stalin was a good or bad man. The theory of evolution is predictive and confirmed by DNA and observance. Evolution has been observed in many species, and even cross species evolution has been observed. Predictive controlled and reproducible experiments in the evolution has been done. You can do this at home and watch evolution after X amount of generations. Evolution can be done in a controlled experiment in your own home.


Someone thinking that the earth is less that 7000 years old is offensive to the field of geology. It's does not even take faith to believe in young earth creationism, it takes outright denial of factual information regarding (among other things) rock formation and other geological occurrences.

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Predictive controlled and reproducible experiments in the evolution has been done. You can do this at home and watch evolution after X amount of generations. Evolution can be done in a controlled experiment in your own home.


And it won't take that many generations to develop and surpass a conner level of intelligence

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I could go through this and nitpick and give my effort to demonstrate you are wrong at every turn, but it doesn't matter. Morality has no relation to evolution. Evolution is a factual occurrence regardless of if Stalin was a good or bad man. The theory of evolution is predictive and confirmed by DNA and observance. Evolution has been observed in many species, and even cross species evolution has been observed. Predictive controlled and reproducible experiments in the evolution has been done. You can do this at home and watch evolution after X amount of generations. Evolution can be done in a controlled experiment in your own home.


Someone thinking that the earth is less that 7000 years old is offensive to the field of geology. It's does not even take faith to believe in young earth creationism, it takes outright denial of factual information regarding (among other things) rock formation and other geological occurrences.


Hold up, buddy, I never said I was a creationist. I was just pointing out that the science of evolution being the motivating factor in POLITICS has been far more destructive than the socialists and marxists commies wish to recognize. I was not saying that evolution is bull. I personally believe in evolution as a scientific rule that cannot be argued intelligently, however I also believe it fails to explain creation very solidly. It can only go back so far before it stops making sense as a theory. I don't believe the world is friggen 7,000 years old for cripes sakes.


I was comparing belief systems and leadership and intelligence. There are plenty of intelligent people that believe in God. There were plenty of great leaders that believe in God. To dismiss someone because they believe in God is ridiculously ignorant, maybe just as ignorant as believing the world is 7000 years old.

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Hold up, buddy, I never said I was a creationist. I was just pointing out that the science of evolution being the motivating factor in POLITICS has been far more destructive than the socialists and marxists commies wish to recognize. I was not saying that evolution is bull. I personally believe in evolution as a scientific rule that cannot be argued intelligently, however I also believe it fails to explain creation very solidly. It can only go back so far before it stops making sense as a theory. I don't believe the world is friggen 7,000 years old for cripes sakes.


I was comparing belief systems and leadership and intelligence. There are plenty of intelligent people that believe in God. There were plenty of great leaders that believe in God. To dismiss someone because they believe in God is ridiculously ignorant, maybe just as ignorant as believing the world is 7000 years old.


I would disagree. I think once your free yourself from the shackles of bronze age mythology, you can think more clearly. But that is ideology, and hard to argue one way or another.


Don't get me wrong though, I like Ron Paul. If I ever got the chance I'd strongly consider voting for him.

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This is the first time I have actually seen you make sense.

I guess hell has frozen over!


It's the exact same argument I've used on this board a million times. Replace geologist with climatologist, and evolution with global warming, and you have my past arguments for anthropomorphic global warming.

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It's the exact same argument I've used on this board a million times. Replace geologist with climatologist, and evolution with global warming, and you have my past arguments for anthropomorphic global warming.


I guess hell didn't freeze over after all.


Still the King. Celtic Soulja hasn't unseated you yet.

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I would disagree. I think once your free yourself from the shackles of bronze age mythology, you can think more clearly. But that is ideology, and hard to argue one way or another.


Don't get me wrong though, I like Ron Paul. If I ever got the chance I'd strongly consider voting for him.


I understand where you are coming from. I don't hold it against someone that clings to religion, but I don't think it is clean anymore. I think there are many truths held within the search for God, but the way the organized churches exploit the people can be sickening. I do not agree that God is an ancient myth we should let go of, but I do not believe we are currently looking in the right place for God either.

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I guess hell didn't freeze over after all.


Still the King. Celtic Soulja hasn't unseated you yet.


Give me time, I've only been here a few weeks geez. I can see how people who care about the world are looked at on this board, so I don't know much about this guy, but I am SURE I can fall further from the grasp of the wicked in due time. :rolleyes: heheheehe..

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Give me time, I've only been here a few weeks geez. I can see how people who care about the world are looked at on this board, so I don't know much about this guy, but I am SURE I can fall further from the grasp of the wicked in due time. :nana: heheheehe..


Sorry man, but the ghetto ain't the real world.

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It might not be YOUR real world Chef, but I assure you that it is the real world for some.


Your putting lipstick on a pig. I give it two years and the place will once again return to the filthy pit is is now.

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It's the exact same argument I've used on this board a million times. Replace geologist with climatologist, and evolution with global warming, and you have my past arguments for anthropomorphic global warming.


"Anthropogenic", not "anthropomorphic".


And you're still an idiot. Your one sane post in this thread notwithstanding.

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Your putting lipstick on a pig. I give it two years and the place will once again return to the filthy pit is is now.


Well we will see. I mean I don't think it's far fetched for you to feel that way. I do think there is underlying problems in the ghetto and it isn't the people that live there. I could be wrong.


Everyone rents property in the ghetto, therefore there is no sense of pride. They don't care about the property as much as they would if they owned it themselves and were forced to fix things they broke.


When things start breaking, landlords dont care either. Slumlords and irresponsible renters are two major factors that I am targetting to "put lipstick on a pig." I feel like I'm doing much more than putting a fresh coat of paint on the hood. It isn't exactly shining a turd.

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