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Ten days now, since the off-shore rig fire

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The government is blameless because they got in their own way? :rolleyes:


No arguing with Tom.


Although the cause of the explosion was under investigation, many of the more than two dozen lawsuits filed in the wake of the explosion claim it was caused when workers for oil services contractor Halliburton Inc. improperly capped the well — a process known as cementing. Halliburton denied it.


1.6 to 9 million gallons

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Y'know, I haven't been sold on the fact that Obama screwed this up, and that maybe this was his Katrina. But apparently even the left is getting in his face about this, and when the left is bitching about their own, the right can't be far behind.




NY Tiimes. Washington Times. Bill Maher. By the time the press starts showing him kicking it with celebrities at the WH Correspondents' Dinner tonight while birds are covered with oil, who know where this will go.


The thing is, you'd think it would be EASY to get ahead of all this. But no.

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Y'know, I haven't been sold on the fact that Obama screwed this up, and that maybe this was his Katrina. But apparently even the left is getting in his face about this, and when the left is bitching about their own, the right can't be far behind.




NY Tiimes. Washington Times. Bill Maher. By the time the press starts showing him kicking it with celebrities at the WH Correspondents' Dinner tonight while birds are covered with oil, who know where this will go.


The thing is, you'd think it would be EASY to get ahead of all this. But no.

That had to be the tamest most confused sounding applause I've ever heard on a Bill Maher set. They were like "Should we laugh? He's ridiculing Barak Obama". :D

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God, Chris Matthews is such a whore. I mean....Hannity, and Malkin and the likes are whores for the right, but Matthews takes it to a while 'nother level. Hes like some 20 year old groupie chasing after Robert Plant. Except the rooster hes after he wont be able to get anywhere near. !@#$ing creepy.

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Two dozen lawsuits claiming that the well that nobody can even see was improperly capped by the World's Most Popular Boogeyman?



You should check out the home page for the Huffington Post. Here is there headline...for lack of a better term:



Oil Headed Around Florida... Oceanographer: 'It's More Of A Question Of When'


Worse Than The Exxon Valdez: Spill Projected To Be Worst In U.S. History..


Surface Area Of Spill Has Tripled..


Historic Climate Bill In Danger Because Of Offshore Drilling Concession..


Obama Heading To Gulf Coast Sunday


Documents Show BP Downplayed Possibility Of Catastrophic Accident..


Attorneys General Consider Suing BP, Other Firms..


Who Made The Bigger Mess, BP Or Feds?..


PHOTOS: Birds Covered In Oil..


Another Rig Overturns


There's a sale at Penneys!!!! (Okay...I added this one)

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God, Chris Matthews is such a whore. I mean....Hannity, and Malkin and the likes are whores for the right, but Matthews takes it to a while 'nother level. Hes like some 20 year old groupie chasing after Robert Plant. Except the rooster hes after he wont be able to get anywhere near. !@#$ing creepy.


I can't stand that guy either. Every time I hear him talk I want to punch him.

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Where are the conspiracy theorists that know the government had the oil rig blown up to allow President BO to close down even the remotest possibility of expanding off shore drilling?

Hey, Bush "had the levee in the 9th ward blown up and staged 9/11". Could be BO's one-upmanship coming to the fore once again.

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Halliburton's response


This to me screams of a screw-up by them. Just finished recently (almost anyway) and then the rig blows up?


Screams of a press release to me. It's barely even defensive; mostly factual information to the tune of "Yeah, we worked on the well. No, we don't know what happened."

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Screams of a press release to me. It's barely even defensive; mostly factual information to the tune of "Yeah, we worked on the well. No, we don't know what happened."


We shall see. This is a !@#$ up of epic proportions, someone will go down for this in a big way. BP, Halliburton? Mind you, I want someone to go down if this could have been prevented. If it couldn't have been prevented they go scot free. However, if there is no way to prevent this, off-shore drilling dies.

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Let's just say that the relaxation of the regulations on oil drilling that occurred during his presidency did not help anything.


I doubt they had anything to do with this, either.


Though no doubt the congressional hearings will find that it's Halliburton's fault...and Bush's fault...pretty much everyone's fault but Congress'.

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