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GOP purges yet another moderate

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A guy who was up in his race by 30 points literally hugs Obama, welcomes stimulus and immediately finds himself down 30 points to a no-name.


You keep telling yourself this has to do with the tea party movement. Do it loudly, too. And if possible, pick up the volume as we get closer to November. This has nothing to do with aligning himself with Obama. Nope. Nothing at all. This is all about the tea party, ain't that right, Levi? :thumbsup::D :D

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I recall watching a debate between Rubio and Crist on FNS a couple weeks ago. Crist flat out said that he wouldn't run as an Independant


Plus watching the two debate, you knew Rubio was the better candidate. Regardless of political leanings, just watching them you knew which one was the empty suit.


Wallace would ask Crist a question and Crist would start talking the script. Rubio sat there taking notes.

Wallace would ask Rubio a question and Rubio would answer the question and then go back to his notes and respond to what Crist had said. Meanwhile Crist just sat there waiting for his turn to start back on script


Rubio acted like he was running for office

Crist acted like he was just waiting to be sworn in

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I recall watching a debate between Rubio and Crist on FNS a couple weeks ago. Crist flat out said that he wouldn't run as an Independant...

And twice promised in that debate that if he lost, he'd throw his support behind Rubio.


He's toast, and going independent is the only thing. At least until November.

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Further evidence that the republican party has moved into a solid corner with the teabagger crowd.



Crist the Republican has no chance against Rubio the Republican. Game, set, match. His only choice is to run as an Independent, if he wants to run. But he ain't no Joe Lieberman. He doesn't stand a even a hint of a chance as an Independent and anyone supporting him financially must have money to burn.

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And twice promised in that debate that if he lost, he'd throw his support behind Rubio.


He's toast, and going independent is the only thing. At least until November.

Crist going independent is a waste of everyone's time and money. He just lost the Republican machinery & support & $$ and all that goes with it. Might as well put The Burger King in as an independent.

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Crist going independent is a waste of everyone's time and money. He just lost the Republican machinery & support & $$ and all that goes with it. Might as well put The Burger King in as an independent.

I was at the Huffington Post this morning (it's important to start the day with a laugh, and you can't beat the comments section), and there was a Crist ad. Pretty funny, especially if he can drain even ten bucks form those liberal dolts.

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Crist going independent is a waste of everyone's time and money. He just lost the Republican machinery & support & $$ and all that goes with it. Might as well put The Burger King in as an independent.



If he is effective enough and splits the vote so the Dem gets in he will have to go the route of Spector in the future. Purely gutless and self-serving. That to me would be a heavy cross to bear.

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I was at the Huffington Post this morning (it's important to start the day with a laugh, and you can't beat the comments section), and there was a Crist ad. Pretty funny, especially if he can drain even ten bucks form those liberal dolts.

Anyone who contributes to Crist's campaign is a dolt. Liberal, conservative or otherwise.

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If he is effective enough and splits the vote so the Dem gets in he will have to go the route of Spector in the future. Purely gutless and self-serving. That to me would be a heavy cross to bear.

Crist clearly doesn't care. Self-serving is an accurate term for him.

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