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obama knows when you have earned enough money

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Video: skip forward as he's say's it at approx. 19:30




Was this mentioned on the media last night at all? Wonder why?

WOW I can not believe he said that.


That must have been ad lib. It's one thing for me and you to say that kind of stuff as private citizens but a US president saying that, bumps it up to the governmental policy level. Very dangerous talk even if he did back track on it a bit.


If he's not socialist or communist, then he sure has those tendencies doesn't he?

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I think it's that whole arrogance of power thing-- Obama, Bush, Clinton, whomever. "I must know what's best for the masses because I'm in a position of authority." I believe that Nancy and Harry chant that statement every night just before praying that Tea Partyers and Repubs kill each other in one massive power seeking frenzy.

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What exactly is wrong with what he said?


Every single word?


I think that no matter the political persuasion of the POTUS who's come before the Great One, the private property rule was always in effect. In other words, even if he may find the superwealthy distasteful (other than fleecing them for campaign donations) he should keep that opinion to himself, because it is their personal property, and only they should determine when enough is enough.


Perhaps another reminder is needed that he's not a blogger on Kos, or a talking head on MSNBC, or a junior Senator from Illinois, but the friggin PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


I don't know how many times it needs to be shouted?

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Every single word?


I think that no matter the political persuasion of the POTUS who's come before the Great One, the private property rule was always in effect. In other words, even if he may find the superwealthy distasteful (other than fleecing them for campaign donations) he should keep that opinion to himself, because it is their personal property, and only they should determine when enough is enough.


Perhaps another reminder is needed that he's not a blogger on Kos, or a talking head on MSNBC, or a junior Senator from Illinois, but the friggin PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


I don't know how many times it needs to be shouted?


Especially since he is one of the wealthier politicians :thumbsup:

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What exactly is wrong with what he said?


Your false outrage is not helping to fix any of the problems this country faces right now.

You'd have to be a statist of Chris Matthews proportions to find nothing wrong with a statement like this being spoken by the President of the United States.

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What exactly is wrong with what he said?


Your false outrage is not helping to fix any of the problems this country faces right now.

False or otherwise it certainly would help the country if it helped get this loser out of office

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