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Chiding Tom and Magox :0)

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I am just wondering if you think it would work in my neighbourhood in Canada? I would be interested in running the same type of business, I just don't know what the market value of an igloo is?


I think a better business plan in that situation is extortion. "Pay me, or I turn on this space heater!"

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I am just wondering if you think it would work in my neighbourhood in Canada? I would be interested in running the same type of business, I just don't know what the market value of an igloo is?


Are you buying all the igloos in the neighborhood?

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Are you buying all the igloos in the neighborhood?



Most of them, but I think they will be going "on the cheap" as they are damaged. You see, a while back the sun actually came out for a couple of hours and did some pretty serious melting. A couple of the rich people had protected their igloos with sunscreen, so those ones are ok.

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Okay...first let me see if I can remember all these "valid" compliants


Chef: yes the property taxes I already posted are 10.43 per thousand and the CDC will pay the taxes out of the 500/month so it's not added onto the payment it was already figured in


Anchorage: Palin, woman with a gun in alaska, not the reason I said it though........came on with a bonehead comment...kinda like Palin's ENTIRE book


Magox: For the record I feel the same...you're an elitist, but you do tons of research so I was hoping for some constructive criticism or some actual beefs that are prudent...because it's fun to argue about things...again, you're an elitist, but what's worse is that you're an elitist here that plays high and mighty on a message board, but wouldn't even approach a crew like mine in the real world...so who is full of ****?


DC Tom: I should not have said scam, what I should have said is that the numbers does not make it prudent for me to get home insurance...I'm not investing enough money into the property to get insurance on the property and since the client owns it, it is thier option to pay for insurance and not mine...the banks don't pay for property insurance when they sell it to you do they? no, you pay for it...I would do the same I was doing for the taxes but it would be too expensive for me and not worth it for the over all price I spent on the house...is it risky? yeah, but you have to keep it all in perspective...I am going into a town that is a small town without real issues of flooding...they just had a major flood and they is not going to be another for a long long time...only 0.004 percent of houses in the U.S. burn down yearly and if you multply that over twenty years that is still too small a number to be worth the 5,000,000 it would cost to insure all the properties over the 20 years...so no, insurance isn't a scam....it's just not worth it for me to pay for it....


DC Tom and KD: again about the "WC" insurance you guys keep saying I'm spending 120k on...it's not WC insurance...it is insurance to make a remediation team attractive so that I can take on state remediation projects for the CDC to earn money after our houses are rehabbed...I could probably get WC insurance at first until our houses were remediated and fixed, but I know, as you guys do not a remediation team used by the state that is 8-10 people in size can earn 3 million a year in profit remediating sites....but you guys obviously already knew that...the 120k is an investment...it's the minimum amount of insrance for hazmat remediation the state will allow for state projects...again this was going to a vague outline...but you guys keep calling out some details to "justify" certain costs...so it's getting more detailed...I still refuse to post the entire business plan and refuse to tell anyone names or locations of where this is being done...but there it is...look it up for a remediation team...that's not just taking out asbestos, I'm talking hazmat remediation...cleaning groundwater, remediating soil...we have a poluted river and we are an old mill town, there used to be plastic fabrication plants along with old companies that used to dump thier crap in the back yard screwing up the environment...it was all legal to dump before the 80s so...there is a ton of crap to clean up hazmat style...I am going to make more money for the city and CDC with a remediation team...thus the 120k for insurance...but good call, you'll probably call it WC insurance a few more times before it's all over because you guys dont listen or simply don't get it...

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Most of them, but I think they will be going "on the cheap" as they are damaged. You see, a while back the sun actually came out for a couple of hours and did some pretty serious melting. A couple of the rich people had protected their igloos with sunscreen, so those ones are ok.


Two words to discourage you from this plan.


Global Warming.

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Anchorage: Palin, woman with a gun in alaska, not the reason I said it though........came on with a bonehead comment...kinda like Palin's ENTIRE book


You read Sarah Palin's entire book? That really doesn't bode well for your image.

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Okay...first let me see if I can remember all these "valid" compliants


Chef: yes the property taxes I already posted are 10.43 per thousand and the CDC will pay the taxes out of the 500/month so it's not added onto the payment it was already figured in


Anchorage: Palin, woman with a gun in alaska, not the reason I said it though........came on with a bonehead comment...kinda like Palin's ENTIRE book


Magox: For the record I feel the same...you're an elitist, but you do tons of research so I was hoping for some constructive criticism or some actual beefs that are prudent...because it's fun to argue about things...again, you're an elitist, but what's worse is that you're an elitist here that plays high and mighty on a message board, but wouldn't even approach a crew like mine in the real world...so who is full of ****?


DC Tom: I should not have said scam, what I should have said is that the numbers does not make it prudent for me to get home insurance...I'm not investing enough money into the property to get insurance on the property and since the client owns it, it is thier option to pay for insurance and not mine...the banks don't pay for property insurance when they sell it to you do they? no, you pay for it...I would do the same I was doing for the taxes but it would be too expensive for me and not worth it for the over all price I spent on the house...is it risky? yeah, but you have to keep it all in perspective...I am going into a town that is a small town without real issues of flooding...they just had a major flood and they is not going to be another for a long long time...only 0.004 percent of houses in the U.S. burn down yearly and if you multply that over twenty years that is still too small a number to be worth the 5,000,000 it would cost to insure all the properties over the 20 years...so no, insurance isn't a scam....it's just not worth it for me to pay for it....


So what's the plan if a renter/buyer has a house fire?


DC Tom and KD: again about the "WC" insurance you guys keep saying I'm spending 120k on...it's not WC insurance...it is insurance to make a remediation team attractive so that I can take on state remediation projects for the CDC to earn money after our houses are rehabbed...I could probably get WC insurance at first until our houses were remediated and fixed, but I know, as you guys do not a remediation team used by the state that is 8-10 people in size can earn 3 million a year in profit remediating sites....but you guys obviously already knew that...the 120k is an investment...it's the minimum amount of insrance for hazmat remediation the state will allow for state projects...again this was going to a vague outline...but you guys keep calling out some details to "justify" certain costs...so it's getting more detailed...I still refuse to post the entire business plan and refuse to tell anyone names or locations of where this is being done...but there it is...look it up for a remediation team...that's not just taking out asbestos, I'm talking hazmat remediation...cleaning groundwater, remediating soil...we have a poluted river and we are an old mill town, there used to be plastic fabrication plants along with old companies that used to dump thier crap in the back yard screwing up the environment...it was all legal to dump before the 80s so...there is a ton of crap to clean up hazmat style...I am going to make more money for the city and CDC with a remediation team...thus the 120k for insurance...but good call, you'll probably call it WC insurance a few more times before it's all over because you guys dont listen or simply don't get it...
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So what's the plan if a renter/buyer has a house fire?


Do I really need to address that? I mean c'mon....I just said if they want insurance they can get it...if they don't, they lose it and I'll find em another place...I'll keep the lot or whatever, depending on how bad the fire was assess the loss...move on...it is not common enough to worry about it...if it happens...which I'll probably only deal with it once...I will move the person...debate whether we fix or rebuild on the lot...it's not a big deal...fires are rare enough where I shouldn'[t spend 5,000,000 on insurance over the twenty years to save me from one fire...if the clients wants protection....go for it...not my responsibility...

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So what's the plan if a renter/buyer has a house fire?


I can't wait until the coldest night of the year (I have no idea where these homes are) and he gets 85 calls from people whose pipes have frozen. Who is going to manage these places?


BTW has it been determined whose name is on the deed?

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Do I really need to address that? I mean c'mon....I just said if they want insurance they can get it...if they don't, they lose it and I'll find em another place...I'll keep the lot or whatever, depending on how bad the fire was assess the loss...move on...it is not common enough to worry about it...if it happens...which I'll probably only deal with it once...I will move the person...debate whether we fix or rebuild on the lot...it's not a big deal...fires are rare enough where I shouldn'[t spend 5,000,000 on insurance over the twenty years to save me from one fire...if the clients wants protection....go for it...not my responsibility...


If you're the owner, it damned well may be your responsibility.


If, on the other hand, your "renter" is the owner...the house burns down, and you have no coverage on your note. Less than no coverage, in fact, since you've already said you'd give them back everything they paid.


You really haven't thought this through very well.

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If you're the owner, it damned well may be your responsibility.


If, on the other hand, your "renter" is the owner...the house burns down, and you have no coverage on your note. Less than no coverage, in fact, since you've already said you'd give them back everything they paid.


You really haven't thought this through very well.


Not for damages dude....wow...see this is what I'm talking about...go back through ALLLLLL the posts and quote me saying "if the house burns down I will pay them everything they paid in"....that's a complete fallacy...you are making things up now just to make me look bad...and you don't have to do that...most of these people disagree with me and are on your side already dude...so why reach like that?


No, I said if they have to move out for financial reasons...they get what they paid in....if they are the owners...which they are....it is thier responsibility, not mine, to insure the property...however, I will not have them owe me the house price like the banks would do...which is why they mandate you have insurance because they don't want to lose thier money they put in...me?...not so much...I will take the loss just like they will...I'm not going to have them pay for a home they can't live in...even if I take the loss, no big deal....the bigger deal is finding a new home for that family to get into and then doing what we have to to fix or rebuild on the property...

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I don't know if he has kids but if he does I can just hear this:


Kid: Daddy, you work very hard

CS: Yes, dear, yes I do.

Kid: And daddy you own 100 houses right?

CS: Yes, dear, yes I do

Kid: Daddy, can I ask you a question

CS: Of course dear

Kid: Daddy.........why the !@#$ are we living in the ghetto???

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Not for damages dude....wow...see this is what I'm talking about...go back through ALLLLLL the posts and quote me saying "if the house burns down I will pay them everything they paid in"....that's a complete fallacy...you are making things up now just to make me look bad...and you don't have to do that...most of these people disagree with me and are on your side already dude...so why reach like that?


No, I said if they have to move out for financial reasons...they get what they paid in....if they are the owners...which they are....it is thier responsibility, not mine, to insure the property...however, I will not have them owe me the house price like the banks would do...which is why they mandate you have insurance because they don't want to lose thier money they put in...me?...not so much...I will take the loss just like they will...I'm not going to have them pay for a home they can't live in...even if I take the loss, no big deal....the bigger deal is finding a new home for that family to get into and then doing what we have to to fix or rebuild on the property...




Banks don't require the homeowner pay back the price of the house in the event of a loss. They require they pay the principal of the MORTGAGE back. Banks don't deal in home prices, they deal in mortgage principal.


You really have no clue how the industry works.

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