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WHat if...??? (2007 remix)


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RBs are not worth high first round picks. Even Peterson hasnt helped the Vikings as much as Willis has helped the 9ers.



What are you talking about? The Vikes have made the playoffs twice while the 49ers haven't made it once since the 2007 draft. Damn facts. :lol:

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ok.. after reading these loads of negative posts, i got to thinking. im fairly positive when it comes to the bills, or any sports team I like.. every team makes mistakes... some more than others... some have to 'reach' to make progress, which it seems the bills have done there fair share of...


so... here's what im getting at. in 2007 (i believe was the year) we drafted Beast Mode. I recall, clear as day, the Bills were heavily expected (much to my delight) to move up the draft board to grab none other than a man we now know as "All Day" Adrian Peterson... well, as we know, we didnt... we let one of the most explosive (and yet, fumble prone) RBs of the last many decades slip away....


with the potential of CJ Spiller to replicate and perhaps even surpass what AP has done, why wouldnt we go for it?


Ill tell you this... Id rather take my chances on a heisman candidate, explosive playmaker over a pair of QBs that slipped down the draft charts faster than a stripper down a greased pole.


While I look back at 2007s draft and think "man, I wish...", I can now honestly say "man, im glad we did it in 2010"


sorry for kicking it back to '07, but I love me the RB position... and Im glad we got ourselves a potential "All Day" in the making.

I agree, I like the Spiller pick. If you have the chance to pick one of the most dynamic players in the draft or the 4th or 5th best at a position of need you take the dynamo. The dynamo pick will last ten years, the position of need will get addressed sooner or later (well maybe). I am sick of watching boring football. I don't care if we lose quit boring me to death. I get physically sick watching a team that has no spark, no attack, no concept of what it is trying to do. At least with Spiller you know one thing -- get him a lane and he is gone. It will be exciting to watch.

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