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Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Nix is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Nix and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.



Welcome. Glad to hear we are growing some fans up north. I went to the Buffalo-Dallas Monday Night game several years ago. There were hundreds of Canadians there routing for Dallas. Many of them started fights and were abusive to our fans and our city. I could not believe it because I have been to hundreds of Sabres games (mostly in the 70's) and I never saw this behavior from Canadians before? Could be the new generation of young fans?


By the way, Nix is the GM. Chan Gailey is the coach.


Go Bills!

By the way, Nix is the GM. Chan Gailey is the coach.


Go Bills!


What I love most about this is, I preface my statement with how I research, analyze and then then screw that to pieces.

I honestly knew who was coach and who was GM... and in the heat of writing (while at work) I mixed them up.


as for the Canadians at the bills v dallas game... im surprised, but not... we have plenty of idiots here that can't just have a good time.. but need to resort to drunken stupidity... I myself love to partake in copious amounts of booze, but it usually ends with me hugging a southernly neighbour and settling our differences over an overpriced glass of beer.


to be honest, I dont know many Cowboys fans here... Im just north of Buffalo... Maybe theres a flock of them somewhere around... keeping away from the rest of society. where they belong haha!

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

Great post. All I'd add is that the damage Spiller can potentially inflict on every single play will make opposing defenses nervous and tentative, and keep D coordinators up all night. And because Spiller is also a great receiver, I can imagine scenarios where Lynch, Jackson and Spiller are all on the field at the same time. Spiller can also block very well.


Just having Spiller on the field will make the O-line better as the D has to consider too many options to just focus on stuffing the line or blowing through to the QB. Of course, a lot depends on the offensive scheme. But with Gailey running the show, I believe the O takes a quantum leap forward this year.

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.


Great post! :P


I too come from Canada and fully support the Buffalo Bills. I also share your optimism and excitement. We're on the up and up and with two more good drafts, we can be a playoff contender.


hahaha oh you americans and your ballet fetish.


I'd argue but I live but a 5min drive from the downer... seductions... penthouse... I could go on...

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

DOOOOMED! Your thoughtful optimistic posts are unwelcome here! DOOOOOMED! We passed on Tebow and Claussen don't you know? Kidding...Thanks for the post, it was one of the better ones I've seen here in a while.


also... think of all those heartbreaking last minute losses we've endured....

I just get this dirty gut feeling that a guy like Spiller gives us more potential to:

a) rush it in from ANY distance


b) get us close enough for a make-able FG.


and the upgrade in D:

a) keeps the opponent OUT of our end


b) out of probable FG range.


we gotta see this upside in these kids... lets not doom them from the get-go!


A lot of people on this forum and in Buffalo tend to mix Toronto and the rest of Canada. Please don't. I would say there are more Bills fans in Canada that you could ever have thought. I come from Quebec a city that lost its hockey team for

the same reasons the Bills could leave Buffalo one day ( small market, lack of revenues other than sales of tickets) and we could hear players whining about the cold weather and snow... In addition we had greedy owners which I won't call Mr. Wilson since he kept the Bills in Buffalo for half a century and they will remain there as long as he lives. But when he

goes someone will have to stand up and that will be a turning point in the Bills' franchise. Having lived the Nordiques relocation to Denver I fully understand the football situation in Buffalo.


I fully agree with Soulfly 3 about the excitement being brought back. We lacked excitement over the last years especially

under Jauron. The last draft came like a breath of fresh air after a few ordinary seasons. I have no intention to attend a Bill game in Toronto even if it would take roughly one hour by plane no customs. I prefer to make it to the Ralph usually

around Thanksgiving with connections in Detroit or Newark. That's the real place to live the NFL experience. In the meantime let's hope the team shows real improvement on the field as would deserve its loyal fans.


I am a Bills fan on the west coast of Canada. The Seahawks would be the equivalent to the Bills for east coasters. I do not like the Seahawks. I have only seen one game and that was when the Bills kicked their ass.

I am a Bills fan and am looking forward to watching as many games as I can on the telly. I do not have to be a Bills fan but I am because I thought Jim Kelly was the toughest QB I have ever seen.

Things might not turn around this year but they are heading in the right direction. Spiller was a great pick and hopefully he becomes one of the best running backs in the league.

hahaha oh you americans and your ballet fetish.


I'd argue but I live but a 5min drive from the downer... seductions... penthouse... I could go on...


10 min. for me. I live in Fonthill, bro haha

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

Proof that Molson's promotes good mental health! It's good to read a positive post for a change. Welcome to the asylum!

Greetings Bills Fans,


Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

Nice read. And I also share your optimism. Had some great conversations with some of your fellow canadians in the parking lot at the ralph!


I had to laugh at a poster before me who said "welcome to the asylum". he's not kidding you know.

Welcome....here's to US-Canadian relations, as I love all things Canadian....


Labatts, eh :doh:


Canadian Bacon, eh :w00t:


John Candy, eh <_<


and most of all


The Canadian Ballet!!!! Oooooooh yeahhhh!! :)


You forgot a couple . RUSH and Kim Mitchell ! but good job


If the Bills ever did relocate I'd rather see them go to Canada than anywhere else outside of Western NY.

As for the draft - Spiller was a good, safe pick. Had they gone for Clausen most Bills fans would've been happier, yet look how far he fell. Many people forget how we've struggled with injuries over the last few years and still have been two or three games out of playoff contention. If we can stay healthy, play good defense, then our offense should be good enough to let us play with most teams.

The one thing that bothers me thus far this offseason is how Nix has repeatedly said how many holes we have and how they couldn't fill them all - almost as if he doesn't expect us to compete, or as if it would be an excuse not to compete.

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