boyst Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty" thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online I would sign him based on that alone. I would love to see Goodell have to explain his punishment to the NFL! The NFLPA is already launching itself upon the Miami front office for the Dez Bryant ordeal. This guy has been convicted and done his time. He is obviously still minding to his regulations of being a Sex Offender, because he is still free to walk the streets. He is deserving of a second chance. This differs from Big Ben because Ben has not been convicted, nor had to do any time. Both of these players, though, will and have suffered in the eye of public opinion. Goodell has no reason to keep this kid down. I do not want to believe that, as well, but the world is not fair. If the kid was smart, which he is not (he transferred due to academic reasons), he can fall back on his major (which is probably leisure studies of central antartic sheep herders).
davefan66 Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty" thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online You had me until the penalty part. Sorry, no way Goodell, a lawyer, would EVER send that out in a memo. You think the poop-storm would be bad if Washington was signed? Imagine if the press got a hold of that memo, Sharpton would be so far up Goodell's butt he'd know what he had for breakfast a year ago. Washington will probably get a shot at the NFL someday. He'll probably need to go to the CFL for a few years, do well and not get in any trouble. Then he'll just be signed by some club when all this dies down.
High Mark Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 All you need to do is buy an NFL franchise then....... Im trying....
Thurman#1 Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 I read that article when someone here posted it weeks ago. It further erodes your argument---if you read it closely, you would NEVER have used it to respond to my post. In fact the only fact is contained in the first sentence. That's a complete load of crap. No wonder you didn't bother with specifics to back up your argument. There aren't any. "Due to the nature of the crime and Washington’s status as a juvenile, records specifically related to the crime itself could not be obtained in requests made to both the Texas Department of Public Safety and the New Orleans Police Department. But if this had been "sexual assault," Washington’s report on the sex-offender registry would have listed a different offense. " Guess that's not a fact, hunh? The ONLY claim published in that "fact filled" article that the sex was "consensual" was according to his college coaches and two NFL scouts, who spoke to him about the incident. in fact, the only credible claim can come from the victim--his sister and as your reference CLEARLY states: "The sister does not wish to speak publicly on the case" (regardless of what their relationship is today). His coach and a few scouts tell us all about the events and that's enough for you?? Look, I never said the guy made it up----just that is ridiculous for you, me, or coaches and scouts (who have vested interests in this kid's success as a football player) to claim we know that this was "passionate, consensual" incest. We only know what the perp has told us. You can believe him or not--but you can't state it as fact. That was kind of my point. You should really read your references before you post them in your defense. And this talk of "blackballing" is nonsense. So far, all 32 teams have clearly concluded that he just isn't that good a prospect to counter the bad publicity. They are free to come to that conclusion indepently. To claim otherwise is nuts. Your basic argument here is that you probably know much more about what went on here, having read an article or two on the internet, than does a coach who has spent years working with him, or his sister, who maintains a good non-sexual relationship with him. In other words, despite the fact that nobody involved with the case in any way, from the police on down, has given the slightest inkling or mention of the fact that might not have been non-consensual, despite all that, and despite the fact that your entire knowledge of this comes from the internet, you're guessing that it may have been non-consensual. That's pathetic. Facts? How's this, from the article: "For Washington to enter Thomsen’s program, he had to pass through five levels of clearance, which the school considers protocol any time an at-risk student seeks admittance. He first needed approval from Thomsen, then the athletic director, the dean of student affairs, the chief of police and finally the president of the school. “The biggest concern I had was, ‘Is he going to be a threat to the community?’” Thomsen said. "After a thorough investigation, the school agreed to accept him. 'Even the chief of police thought Tony was a low risk,' Thomsen said. " So they were required to talk to the chief of police, who said he thought Tony was a low risk. And you figure that that probably means that this was non-consensual, and you won't believe otherwise until we can prove it even though the records were sealed. You know, you're right, I can't prove it. I also can't prove that he, or you, have never committed a murder. But until someone in a position of authority gives at least a slight indication of it, I'm willing to believe it. Just because we can't prove it is no reason whatsoever that you, who can't find the slightest bit of an indication that it's true, should be putting it out there as a possibility. We don't only know what the perp has told us. We know that the chief of police has told Abilene Christian, we know that nobody involved has introduced the slightest doubt, and we know that if it had been assault, his listing on the sex offenders database would have been different. You're clearly the one who didn't read the article. Where is the slightest indication that it was NOT consensual? Until you find something not based on message board doubters, your argument is simply malicious speculation.
Thurman#1 Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty" thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online "does not possess the proper moral fiber"? Like Goodell or hate him, he's a much much better writer than that. You aren't. And we should defiinitely take this seriously from a guy with an avatar like yours. No way.
buffaloaggie Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 what a bunch of skeptics, geeez Stevie Wonder is skeptical about your source
BuffaloBillsMagic1 Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 I like this post. I also find it interesting that the NFL has (seemingly) decided to draw a line in the sand over this. Really? Over Tony Washington? All the other thugs in this league, who commit crimes while playing for a team are ok...but this kid (who made beyond a gross error in judgement at 16) is an untouchable? I don't get it really. Not to mention, he has served his time on this matter (which many of you brought up about Michael Vick), but yet this kid is beyond human trash? I just don't get it. Is this registered sex ofender thing a lifetime thing or does it expire at some point? Does he have to inform other states or Canada if he goes there to play? Seems to me if he was a minor that there has to be some sort of expiration date on this tag of being a "sex offender".
Mr. WEO Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 That's a complete load of crap. No wonder you didn't bother with specifics to back up your argument. There aren't any. "Due to the nature of the crime and Washington’s status as a juvenile, records specifically related to the crime itself could not be obtained in requests made to both the Texas Department of Public Safety and the New Orleans Police Department. But if this had been "sexual assault," Washington’s report on the sex-offender registry would have listed a different offense. " Guess that's not a fact, hunh? Your basic argument here is that you probably know much more about what went on here, having read an article or two on the internet, than does a coach who has spent years working with him, or his sister, who maintains a good non-sexual relationship with him. In other words, despite the fact that nobody involved with the case in any way, from the police on down, has given the slightest inkling or mention of the fact that might not have been non-consensual, despite all that, and despite the fact that your entire knowledge of this comes from the internet, you're guessing that it may have been non-consensual. That's pathetic. Facts? How's this, from the article: "For Washington to enter Thomsen’s program, he had to pass through five levels of clearance, which the school considers protocol any time an at-risk student seeks admittance. He first needed approval from Thomsen, then the athletic director, the dean of student affairs, the chief of police and finally the president of the school. “The biggest concern I had was, ‘Is he going to be a threat to the community?’” Thomsen said. "After a thorough investigation, the school agreed to accept him. 'Even the chief of police thought Tony was a low risk,' Thomsen said. " So they were required to talk to the chief of police, who said he thought Tony was a low risk. And you figure that that probably means that this was non-consensual, and you won't believe otherwise until we can prove it even though the records were sealed. You know, you're right, I can't prove it. I also can't prove that he, or you, have never committed a murder. But until someone in a position of authority gives at least a slight indication of it, I'm willing to believe it. Just because we can't prove it is no reason whatsoever that you, who can't find the slightest bit of an indication that it's true, should be putting it out there as a possibility. We don't only know what the perp has told us. We know that the chief of police has told Abilene Christian, we know that nobody involved has introduced the slightest doubt, and we know that if it had been assault, his listing on the sex offenders database would have been different. You're clearly the one who didn't read the article. Where is the slightest indication that it was NOT consensual? Until you find something not based on message board doubters, your argument is simply malicious speculation. My point, which you still are either pretending to miss or just can't follow is that ALL information in that article is predicated on the perpetrator's own statement to everyone involved. His claims are the only one's considered. I'm just suggesting to you the possibility that this huge man may have forced himself upon his sister in a nonconsensual way. No coach, police chief or other knows---nor do you. Not one of those people in your reference ever spoke to the victim. . As for the coach or coaches you refer to, NONE knew the kid for "years working with him". They both had just met this huge athlete and thought how they had to have him on their team. So, yeah, believe it or not, I am "guessing that it may have been non-consensual". You are incapable of considering the possibility??? It is not hard for me (very hard for you) to think of several reason's why his sister would not want her brother to be imprisoned. You can't. What were Big BEns' accuser's first answers to the questions "did he rape you" and "did you have sex with him"? I'll help you: "no" and "I don't think so". Stories change based on the thought process of the victim and what she is willing to endure. You would also likely find it impossible to believe that women stay in relationships after being abused by men also--crazy speculation, huh? Again, everything flows forth from what the guy has told everyone---it doesn't matter how many people he tells it to. They will believe it or not based on what's in it for them.
CarolinaBill Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 "does not possess the proper moral fiber"? Like Goodell or hate him, he's a much much better writer than that. You aren't. And we should defiinitely take this seriously from a guy with an avatar like yours. No way. Calm down, just havin some fun, of course nothing is official, doesn't mean its not the truth. Also, I've been advocating for signing washington, so what does my awesome Big Ben Rape-O's avatar have to do with anything?
DaveinElma Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty" thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online Is that legal?
CarolinaBill Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Is that legal? No probably not. It was just a joke, but I do believe goodell has verbally told teams to stay away from washington, of course I have no hard evidence, just a hunch.
BillsCelticsAngelsBama Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 No probably not. It was just a joke, but I do believe goodell has verbally told teams to stay away from washington, of course I have no hard evidence, just a hunch. It was not meant to be a joke... though only the conspiracy theorists believed you. You should probably get a new name and get a fresh start because you have no cred here. Or try a new team. Cowboys or Dolphins fans may believe your amateur "hey look at me, I'm a somebody" b.s. Take Care
JohnC Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 No probably not. It was just a joke, but I do believe goodell has verbally told teams to stay away from washington, of course I have no hard evidence, just a hunch. You are irresponsible.
CarolinaBill Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 It was not meant to be a joke... though only the conspiracy theorists believed you. You should probably get a new name and get a fresh start because you have no cred here. Or try a new team. Cowboys or Dolphins fans may believe your amateur "hey look at me, I'm a somebody" b.s. Take Care Tell ya what, I'm gonna keep my name, still be a Bills fan and just ignore everything you said. How's that sound? As I said my response was a simple joke, just a different twist on the situation since the subject has already been discussed at length. So thanks for the advice, but ummmmm, no Alright now, bye bye then, Take care
DasNootz Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Tell ya what, I'm gonna keep my name, still be a Bills fan and just ignore everything you said. How's that sound? As I said my response was a simple joke, just a different twist on the situation since the subject has already been discussed at length. So thanks for the advice, but ummmmm, no Alright now, bye bye then, Take care Looks like we missed the boat on Andrew Tyshovnytsky, OG/OT. I guess he signed with Indy.
Bring Back Kelly Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Looks like we missed the boat on Andrew Tyshovnytsky, OG/OT. I guess he signed with Indy. FU*C########
BillsCelticsAngelsBama Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Tell ya what, I'm gonna keep my name, still be a Bills fan and just ignore everything you said. How's that sound? As I said my response was a simple joke, just a different twist on the situation since the subject has already been discussed at length. So thanks for the advice, but ummmmm, no Alright now, bye bye then, Take care Thanks but the only joke is you
dpberr Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 I'd offer that perhaps there is something with the logistics of having an NFL player who so happens to be a registered sex offender that is making NFL teams exceptionally wary. Crossing state lines, questions of residency, etc. may be a nightmare that NFL Security and team security doesn't want to deal with over the course of the season.
CarolinaBill Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Thanks but the only joke is you why don't you just drop the attitude and calm down, dont take things so personally. Anybody that takes the anonymous words of a faceless message board poster is a fool. I was just trying to lighten it up, for christs sake it must be a miserable existence you lead. I can't imagine whats its like to be like you and some others here, miserable losers that get off on telling people how wrong they are, get a !@#$in life, douchebag, and leave me alone. also, did you notice how I did not defend my source when you and other said it was BS, it was clearly not serious.
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