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Player interviews, I think, depend on the player's on-air personality. If it's someone like Marty Biron or Ruben Brown, cool. OTOH, I'm guessing The Marshawn Lynch Show would be ... difficult.


And we really need to get JW on there talking about music. :flirt:


I think for every Marty, you get 100 snoozefests........Whenever Rome has a player interview, I turn the dial.


So, is JW a music aficionado?

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Guys and girls,


Thanks for the advice. The good news, player interview-wise, is that I'm usually around the locker room enough to know who is worth talking to (like Eric Wood).


Anytime you have an idea, a criticism or even a positive, feel free to email: nickonweck@gmail.com


Thanks again,




Just be grounded in logic. Don't drink the Coolaid but don't go too down on the team for no reason. Also don't go with the old sterotypes about the Bills like Ralph Wilson is cheap, the stadium sucks, and the team is moving. All in all formulate your own Independent opinion and don't fall back into the same old same old about the Bills.


Think out side of the box too.




Yes, get him on the air, Nick!......Now that I think about it - there really is no music talk. There is either music stations or talk stations, but no talk about music...........I'm a huge Springsteen fan, so I get music talk on E Street Radio on XM, but that's about it..............I've really liked it when Bulldog talks about music, and Brad will talk about it a little, but not for really a whole segment (except maybe today's pre-eulogy of Bret Michaels might have went for a whole segment)


My advice is to find meaningful work. You are still, I'm hoping, young enough to break out of the vast waste which is sports talk. Get a degree as a registered nurse. You'll earn good pay and your life will have purpose beyond the mundane insignificance of sports. You can go home after work and unwind with sports talk right here. But don't make a life out of this drivel.

My advice is to find meaningful work. You are still, I'm hoping, young enough to break out of the vast waste which is sports talk. Get a degree as a registered nurse. You'll earn good pay and your life will have purpose beyond the mundane insignificance of sports. You can go home after work and unwind with sports talk right here. But don't make a life out of this drivel.


Hey guys and girls,


Some of you may know me, and some not. My name is Nick Mendola. I used to work at WGR, but recently left to work at WECK. One of my new duties will be hosting a night show when the Yankees aren't on. I'm extremely fired up about this. In fact, I wish I could've made the switch earlier to a Day Two of the draft show.


Anyway, I know you folks have a lot of strong opinions about talk radio. I'm dedicated to doing my show right, so I wanted to ask what you think is missing when it comes to sports radio. The good, the bad, the ugly... give it to me. I'm a big Bills fan but also try hard to be an unbiased reporter (which is near impossible. Probably makes me TOO hard on them, as Steve Tasker once opined about doing color commentary during Bills games).


Finally, if you're interested at all in what inspired my job switch, I've posted an entry at http://www.nickmendola.com


At the site, you can also read my thoughts on all the draft shenanigans. Love some of the picks, worried about some of the others (Very intrigued by Arthur Moats!).


Thanks for the space,

Nick Mendola


great, another media meathead on this board. things are getting crowded. :P




hey, nick.

didn't realize, but way things turned out, i was one of your last guests on 'GR.

hope all's well.

great, another media meathead on this board. things are getting crowded. :P




hey, nick.

didn't realize. way things turned out, i was one of your last guests on 'GR.

hope all's well.

He signed up here before you did, ya know. He just doesn't visit us degenerates quite as often. :lol:


Good God...enough is enough.


Nick, we're all impressed that you decided kiss GR goodbye and roll the dice with your "career" and go to WECK. I really do wish you luck. By your move it sounds like everything I've heard about GR behind the scenes is true: Andy Roth is a total d-bag who has no concept of what good radio is and they pay next to nothing to almost everyone. Good for you for going for it.


The problem is, and it's a big problem, is when you were on GR for the Bills postgame or on the weekends you lacked the personality to drive the show for very long. I think you're an informed guy who can be perceptive but putting you on in the bare bones environment that is WECK will be a challenge to listen to. GR, as horrible as it is, does have the $$$ to spend on the things that you're show will need. Song parodys are just silly time fillers. Just you for 3-4 hours a night will not be nearly enough. I'm not trying to be mean but, hey, you wanted honesty.


Good luck Nick. In some small way I hope that your show existing is a signal that the end of GR as we know it is starting

Good God...enough is enough.


Nick, we're all impressed that you decided kiss GR goodbye and roll the dice with your "career" and go to WECK. I really do wish you luck. By your move it sounds like everything I've heard about GR behind the scenes is true: Andy Roth is a total d-bag who has no concept of what good radio is and they pay next to nothing to almost everyone. Good for you for going for it.


The problem is, and it's a big problem, is when you were on GR for the Bills postgame or on the weekends you lacked the personality to drive the show for very long. I think you're an informed guy who can be perceptive but putting you on in the bare bones environment that is WECK will be a challenge to listen to. GR, as horrible as it is, does have the $$$ to spend on the things that you're show will need. Song parodys are just silly time fillers. Just you for 3-4 hours a night will not be nearly enough. I'm not trying to be mean but, hey, you wanted honesty.


Good luck Nick. In some small way I hope that your show existing is a signal that the end of GR as we know it is starting




Let me ask what WGR spends money on that I won't have at WECK. Is it the microphone? A telephone? A computer? Zany sound effects? I think I'm all set.


I know people to call to be guests on my show. I also am not doing a one-hour show where I play borderline boring post-game interviews that 97 Rock played an hour beforehand, nor will every show be about an a football game that I already wrote a 1,000-word column on.


I appreciate the well-wishes, and thanks for the compliment. I'm going to make my show the best I can, and I'm pretty sure I have the personality to do it.


Thanks for the challenge,




Give me a reason to start listening to sports talk radio again. I stopped a few years ago. I just can't stand Schopp and the Bulldog. Mike Schoop thinks he is smarter and better than any body else. So be more down to earth and the listeners will connect with you better. The people of Buffalo, Rochester and the surrounding area are mostly hard working honest people who will see through a prima donna.




I loved your work at WGR, in comparison to other personalities, it's obvious you were one of the few from the younger generation, of which I certainly identify with much more than the older guys on the air.


Not that what Bulldog and Howard et al have to say is out of touch, but sometimes I'll be honest, I don't care about your kids, or your wife, or your mortgage, or your housemaking. I don't have a wife, nor kids, nor a house. I'm struggling to get through college right now. While I realize you're further along in that regard than I, I still feel like you can identify with the youth struggle more than any of your older former cohosts.


I get frustrated sometimes that if my opinion doesn't match up with the hosts or talking heads, that its somehow less important or well defended. Like, when EVERY guy on the radio yesterday is railing the Bills' 1st round pick, does that mean because I'm not a professional radio or sport's media personality that I dont' know sports as much, so I can't like the guy? I watch Fox News A LOT, and they do, HONESTLY give both sides of the issue. There is none of that on WGR.


At the end of the day, especially with Hamilton and Sullivan, and sometimes even Schopp, they act as if they've been personally slighted by these organizations. As if giving Jerry Sullivan A DIGITAL (oh, my god, EVERYTHING is digital these days-money, votes, music, EVERYTHING) copy of the press/media guide is some insult to the great writers of a bygone era. Sorry, brah, its 2010, not 1945. Yes, black people can go to school with white people. You can't smoke everywhere you want anymore, sorry dude. Paul Hamilton gets personally insulted when they didn't tell him about the cancelled Hall of Fame ceremony. OK? Who cares? It's less work for you anyway man. They come off as if because I'm not "one of them" we puny everyday listener folk couldn't possibly understand.


Basically I want honesty, not contrived personality. Break the 4th wall. No, of course they didn't personally attack you, Mike. They're giving you GREAT material so people call up your show and listen to you. Don't patronize me. I don't have a masters in broadcasting, but I understand that having a combative personality gets you listeners, and callers, and sequentially, advertising revenue-which all in all, is all they care about.


So Nick, maybe your show can be a forum for honesty, not just what "the sports talk show handbook" says you HAVE to have the guys that just argue with their callers and eachother, just because "its good for radio."


Steve Tripi

Give me a reason to start listening to sports talk radio again. I stopped a few years ago. I just can't stand Schopp and the Bulldog. Mike Schoop thinks he is smarter and better than any body else. So be more down to earth and the listeners will connect with you better. The people of Buffalo, Rochester and the surrounding area are mostly hard working honest people who will see through a prima donna.


I could not agree More!! After every bills game they act like they are the gods to sports radio and I often wonder if they wer at the same game...

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