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Hispanics and Leftists riot in Phoenix

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The feds don't realize that they are creating an atmoshphere of racism and a significant race divide between latinos and non-latinos. There is and has been a rising animosity toward latino illegals due their disrespect of our laws and that millions are here for the wrong reason. The animosity is very well founded. We wouldn't have the animosity if the border was secure (years ago) and those that are here were here lawfully. Everyday we don't resolve it increases the racial divide IMO and there will be a high societal price.



While we fight amongst ourselves, the incumbants of both parties rob us blind. Convenient distractions.

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The feds don't realize that they are creating an atmoshphere of racism and a significant race divide between latinos and non-latinos. There is and has been a rising animosity toward latino illegals due their disrespect of our laws and that millions are here for the wrong reason. The animosity is very well founded. We wouldn't have the animosity if the border was secure (years ago) and those that are here were here lawfully. Everyday we don't resolve it increases the racial divide IMO and there will be a high societal price.


I'll ask the same question I've been asking for years. How much of this massive Hispanic crime wave is related to the US War On Drugs™, vs the migrant workers?

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I'll ask the same question I've been asking for years. How much of this massive Hispanic crime wave is related to the US War On Drugs™, vs the migrant workers?


Don't know and not sure why it makes a difference. The Federal Government has ignored the issue for decades and now we have Pelosi saying "we can't send 12 million people home". Nice Job Nancy.

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Don't know and not sure why it makes a difference. The Federal Government has ignored the issue for decades and now we have Pelosi saying "we can't send 12 million people home". Nice Job Nancy.


It makes a huge difference, because the only common thread between the two is that they happen to be of Hispanic origin. So while the right like sto demonize the migrant workers, they conveniently ignore the laws that the right has supported over the last 40 years that have created the violent drug culture.

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Honestly I am not a fan of illegal immigration but if you really want to stop illegal immigration it goes far beyond attacking the immigrants themselves or the border its self. You have to really go after those who hire illegal immigrants. Why did Eastern Europeans, Italians, and the Irish come here during the early 20th century? Jobs it all comes down to were the work is. If you really want to cut down on illegals go after their employers.


How many Mexicans would cross the border illegally if it was really hard to find work in America? Not many in fact more would likely wait the extra years to become legal and work for minimum wage (Hundreds of thousands immigrate legally each year imagine if you gave them a competitive advantage and incentive to do it the right way).


Its such a one sided argument to go after the immigrants themselves because as long as there is work they will find a way to get into the country.

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