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Illegal immigrants living in AZ

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Ellis Island Imigrints killed eveybody in their path to citizenship. Bastards.


Yeah after they were recruited into the military and spent thier lives fighting for the country only to be treated like dirt...they put together political machines and took over the city and then defended themselves against "patriots"...

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Obviously I have not...there is not a need until the right people get to the right places to make a run at funding feasible...it's more detailed than what I have given here, but not in any shape to go pitch it to the CC...I have bounced the plan off of some people I know personally...like the president of my former company and an entrepreneur that has been very successful in both real estate and financial services...who unlike some of the self proclaimed successful financial wizards here, gave it a thumbs way up to proceed...I have talked about it with my uncles that are contractors...and my political groups that I network with...I've spoken to a fundraising activist group that wants to be involved when I am ready...but none of these have been formal proposals or anything...like I said, this is a pipedream right now...but it is much closer to reality than people may think because of the way cards are falling in my favor at the moment...


And when things happen the way I think they will happen...I will have a more detailed plan...and no I won't be the only guy designing it...I have a network of individuals that are much more detail oriented and can take my idea and mash it into something I can take to the CC...I have a couple people already on the CC and only need to sway two or so more people...that may or may not include the Mayor depending on how the situation plays out...


A lot of the other details I have given have come from personal experience in certain fields that I have worked in...insurances, financial services, management, remediation, contractor work, construction, and security...mixed with my very idealistic views from book study


Are you for real, or are you another George?


Seriously, is it just a springtime growth of idiots around here? Is this what we get with 10% unemployment? Holy ****, I don't even think Connor would invest in your idea....on the advice of Bill Nye of course.

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Ellis Island Immigrants killed eveybody in their path to citizenship. Bastards.



You're just respondig to incite. Mine was sarcastic, again catch up........

What was neat was they where legal immigrants because they did what the US required. And leaned English. What a novel idea. Adapting to the laws and language of the country you so desperately want to be part of. I guess that's old fashioned thinking.

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Yeah after they were recruited into the military and spent thier lives fighting for the country only to be treated like dirt...they put together political machines and took over the city and then defended themselves against "patriots"...


You saw Gangs of New York, too?


DD Lewis is badass.

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Are you for real, or are you another George?


Seriously, is it just a springtime growth of idiots around here? Is this what we get with 10% unemployment? Holy ****, I don't even think Connor would invest in your idea....on the advice of Bill Nye of course.


No Connor wouldn't invest in his idea but the government will. Why am I not surprised at that.

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I assume he will adjust for inflation. I sorta lost interest after that. Has anyone actually crunched his numbers?

I already hit him him up on the inflation bit, and he never responded to it, oh and I did crunch the numbers and he defaults within the first 12 months. He says it's not a loan, but it is a loan, he just doesn't know it. :rolleyes:

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Obviously I have not...there is not a need until the right people get to the right places to make a run at funding feasible...

No No No! You FIRST write a detailed plan and THEN you present it to whoever you need to present it to. You got it all backwards, listen to me, I've done a few of these (and very successfully I might add), investors like details, without details your plan GOES NOWHERE!!! Unless of course you are pitching your "plan" to a complete imbecile. I'm trying to help you.


Btw, you still havn't responded to the inflation flaw I presented to you in your plan. For that matter you still havn't addressed your loan loss reserves that YOU WILL NEED in order for this to have ANY chance at working.

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No No No! You FIRST write a detailed plan and THEN you present it to whoever you need to present it to.


In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.

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No No No! You FIRST write a detailed plan and THEN you present it to whoever you need to present it to. You got it all backwards, listen to me, I've done a few of these (and very successfully I might add), investors like details, without details your plan GOES NOWHERE!!! Unless of course you are pitching your "plan" to a complete imbecile. I'm trying to help you.


Btw, you still havn't responded to the inflation flaw I presented to you in your plan. For that matter you still havn't addressed your loan loss reserves that YOU WILL NEED in order for this to have ANY chance at working.


People like you do not listen to what I have to say anyway. I'm a fool and a dirtbag.


You say it is a loan. I have explained different. Since it is me setting it up, and you are not here, I can see why you know better than I.


You are right, I missed the inflation question. I am basing payments on average salary increases, not inflation. I know very risky considering our pay doesn't go up wayyyyy down on our edge of town, but I am thinking fair not practical. It is a shame they are two different things in our modern society.

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