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Illegal immigrants living in AZ

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I know I cant spell worth a a shhhit but really....................................................................






Download Firefox or if you are stuck on IE, I can point you to a nice spell check for it.

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when you learn to think...I'll learn to write...but I think your ball peen hammer thing will go away if you can cut the bull and see the bottom line


Learn to think? You're the one with a concept sans plan. :rolleyes:

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Let me be clear


At some point you must Lead, Follow, or get out of the way


I am leading

Therefore you must either follow or get out of my way


Where are you leading us Barry?


On second thought don't answer that.

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Have you even written up a detailed business plan?


Obviously I have not...there is not a need until the right people get to the right places to make a run at funding feasible...it's more detailed than what I have given here, but not in any shape to go pitch it to the CC...I have bounced the plan off of some people I know personally...like the president of my former company and an entrepreneur that has been very successful in both real estate and financial services...who unlike some of the self proclaimed successful financial wizards here, gave it a thumbs way up to proceed...I have talked about it with my uncles that are contractors...and my political groups that I network with...I've spoken to a fundraising activist group that wants to be involved when I am ready...but none of these have been formal proposals or anything...like I said, this is a pipedream right now...but it is much closer to reality than people may think because of the way cards are falling in my favor at the moment...


And when things happen the way I think they will happen...I will have a more detailed plan...and no I won't be the only guy designing it...I have a network of individuals that are much more detail oriented and can take my idea and mash it into something I can take to the CC...I have a couple people already on the CC and only need to sway two or so more people...that may or may not include the Mayor depending on how the situation plays out...


A lot of the other details I have given have come from personal experience in certain fields that I have worked in...insurances, financial services, management, remediation, contractor work, construction, and security...mixed with my very idealistic views from book study

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Have you even written up a detailed business plan?


He's specifically said he doesn't need to for a variety of reasons: detailed business plans are for complex businesses, hence evil, whereas his is simple unlike Wall Street's real estate swaps. Details are unimortant. He's going to make so much money that he can absorb any unexpected costs without any problem. Details exploit the working class. We just don't understand his brilliant idea, because we're too focused on planning.

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Obviously I have not...there is not a need until the right people get to the right places to make a run at funding feasible...it's more detailed than what I have given here, but not in any shape to go pitch it to the CC...I have bounced the plan off of some people I know personally...like the president of my former company and an entrepreneur that has been very successful in both real estate and financial services...who unlike some of the self proclaimed successful financial wizards here, gave it a thumbs way up to proceed...I have talked about it with my uncles that are contractors...and my political groups that I network with...I've spoken to a fundraising activist group that wants to be involved when I am ready...but none of these have been formal proposals or anything...like I said, this is a pipedream right now...but it is much closer to reality than people may think because of the way cards are falling in my favor at the moment...


And when things happen the way I think they will happen...I will have a more detailed plan...and no I won't be the only guy designing it...I have a network of individuals that are much more detail oriented and can take my idea and mash it into something I can take to the CC...I have a couple people already on the CC and only need to sway two or so more people...that may or may not include the Mayor depending on how the situation plays out...


A lot of the other details I have given have come from personal experience in certain fields that I have worked in...insurances, financial services, management, remediation, contractor work, construction, and security...mixed with my very idealistic views from book study


Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the people providing the funding will want to see a detailed business plan?

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Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the people providing the funding will want to see a detailed business plan?


Did ya ever stop and READ THE DAMN POST YOU'RE COMMENTING ON...jeezy creezy heheheh






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He's specifically said he doesn't need to for a variety of reasons: detailed business plans are for complex businesses, hence evil, whereas his is simple unlike Wall Street's real estate swaps. Details are unimortant. He's going to make so much money that he can absorb any unexpected costs without any problem. Details exploit the working class. We just don't understand his brilliant idea, because we're too focused on planning.


No...you are mixing two of my posts...not understanding what I said...




Details are not my concern, not because they do not help the plan, but because I know enough to have people around me that can fill in more details and when the time is right....will


OVER complicating things to steal money, as is done on Wall Street consistently IS bull*** and they should be ashamed of themselves...


Not...you must not keep track of your corporation if you are to give benefits to the working class...I never once said that and you're just being a shmoe

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No...you are mixing two of my posts...not understanding what I said...




Details are not my concern, not because they do not help the plan, but because I know enough to have people around me that can fill in more details and when the time is right....will


OVER complicating things to steal money, as is done on Wall Street consistently IS bull*** and they should be ashamed of themselves...


Not...you must not keep track of your corporation if you are to give benefits to the working class...I never once said that and you're just being a shmoe


You missed the fact he mispelled misspelled unimortant unimportant...

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