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Illegal immigrants living in AZ

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Oh, is THAT what I said...I was impatiently waiting for you to put words in my mouth...


But if you have so many great hard working people in your neighborhood why do you need to import illegals? You bring a bunch of Mexicans into your neighborhood to build houses you will get run out of town.

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It's not a completely volunteer workforce...again...I will hire people and experienced crew leaders for renovations...it helps I have family that run a roofing company and do cosmetic work on houses...


It shouldn't take more than three months per cycle...of course that's VERY general because it will differ from house to house...and crew to crew...and if it friggen RAINS OR NOT lol...that's not a question ANYONE could answer accurately...I mean c'mon



So you're not only going to expliot the poor, you're going to exploit your friends and family?


Damn those evil Bankers.......

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But if you have so many great hard working people in your neighborhood why do you need to import illegals? You bring a bunch of Mexicans into your neighborhood to build houses you will get run out of town.


My town is 33% Columbian 47% white 8% black and 12% other hispanic/asian/pacific islander already...I don't need to import immigrants...but we sure as hell welcome them in our city...I wouldn't get run out of town...I'd get elected Mayor

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Someone with a plan could answer it. So three months per cycle what do you mean a cycle?


Really?...okay...well yeah you're right...they come up with sayings like "two weeks" to keep y'all happy, but anyone that has actually used a nail gun knows there are far too many variables to accurately tell you how long it will take to upgrade that many homes with so many different crews....so, we'll be done in "two weeks" brah


and by cycle I mean buying cycles...in the first two years we should have quarterly cycles...buy 20 houses, rebuild 20 houses, sell twenty houses...so, we buy 20 then rebuild, buy twenty more rebuild, sell the first twenty...on and on and on...


Three months is a cycle...our crews should be able to handle 20 homes...who knows if they can...if not...we change on the fly...this is what my uncle is telling me...if three months a crew of 15 can do seven homes...but it's not accurate...it depends on the fifteen guys...depends on how much work the home needs...you can't realllly structure that sort of thing until you look at the damn home and what it needs...this is just estimations that could be WAY off...but wont' matter so much as long as we are not too rigid and we have the versatility to move at the pace that needs to be kept...

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So you're not only going to expliot the poor, you're going to exploit your friends and family?


Damn those evil Bankers.......


Yeah, because exploiting someone is giving them work...and exploiting them is rebuilding the blight in thier community...ohhhhhhhhhhhh I see now...you're right...jobs and rebuilding a city is horrible work...I should be ASHAMED OF MYSELF... :rolleyes:

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Yeah, because exploiting someone is giving them work...and exploiting them is rebuilding the blight in thier community...ohhhhhhhhhhhh I see now...you're right...jobs and rebuilding a city is horrible work...I should be ASHAMED OF MYSELF... :rolleyes:



So is your plan any different than any other evil banker making an investment into a blighted Hood?

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Yes it is different than others investing in a blighted hood...one, as booster pointed out....I am only drawing a salary of about what an investment banker pays for a meal 50k at most....and two, I am trying to rebuild a city that DOESN'T drive the working class out...like other "urban developers"...I want to KEEP our citizens...and drive the investment bankers and slumlords out...

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In at least one way, he only wants 50k a year.



I'll admit I have not read ALL of his posts, but could you direct me to that statement? I find it hard to believe that with those kinds of dollars thats all he's going to make.


Why would you work to spend millions of dollars to make only 50K?

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I'll admit I have not read ALL of his posts, but could you direct me to that statement? I find it hard to believe that with those kinds of dollars thats all he's going to make.


Why would you work to spend millions of dollars to make only 50K?


Because he a man of the people.

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I'll admit I have not read ALL of his posts, but could you direct me to that statement? I find it hard to believe that with those kinds of dollars thats all he's going to make.


Why would you work to spend millions of dollars to make only 50K?


Because of the product...because the town needs to be rebuilt...it's falling apart...I grew up there and it is heartbreaking...I think the citizens have potential, they are just out of work and being shut out...nobody cares about the city or the people...the Mayor is getting indicted for stealing money...the school system is about to be taken over by the state...it's a freaking mess...someone needs to do something...and if I am staying there, which is the place I love...I don't need a whole bunch of money...


Lots of people don't follow why I wont' take much money for myself...but at the end of the day it is fear that if I start dipping my hands into the bigger bucks...it will change my perception...I'm scared of the whole power corrupts things...I have a good vision in my heart and I want it to still be my motivation five years ten years down the road

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Because of the product...because the town needs to be rebuilt...it's falling apart...I grew up there and it is heartbreaking...I think the citizens have potential, they are just out of work and being shut out...nobody cares about the city or the people...the Mayor is getting indicted for stealing money...the school system is about to be taken over by the state...it's a freaking mess...someone needs to do something...and if I am staying there, which is the place I love...I don't need a whole bunch of money...


Lots of people don't follow why I wont' take much money for myself...but at the end of the day it is fear that if I start dipping my hands into the bigger bucks...it will change my perception...I'm scared of the whole power corrupts things...I have a good vision in my heart and I want it to still be my motivation five years ten years down the road



So you're a bleeding heart liberal that cares but still wants to exploit them to make money. Got it!!





You're !@#$ing priceless!!

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I'll admit I have not read ALL of his posts, but could you direct me to that statement? I find it hard to believe that with those kinds of dollars thats all he's going to make.


Why would you work to spend millions of dollars to make only 50K?



Already confirmed, but...


No...all the profits will go into buying more low end property to keep the ball rolling and so we don't have to keep getting funding from outside sources...I will never be a rich man doing this...I will never be a rich man period...that's not my goal...I just want to do something worthwhile...and earn a decent living doing it...I will never draw a crazy salary...not anytime soon, not anytime down the road...I will always live in the urban inner city with my house paid for and low liability costs...I don't have expensive taste and as long as my family and I are able to eat, and pay our bills on time I am a happy guy...I will never draw a salary of more than 50k no matter how large the CDC gets


I assume he will adjust for inflation. I sorta lost interest after that. Has anyone actually crunched his numbers?

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50k :rolleyes:



What? 50K? You think thats a good RTI? Are you really that silly? With what I've read of his " Investment" , even though he says its GOV funded do you really think that its worth 50K a year for the time that needs to be put in to run this scam? Honestly? Have you though this through were obvisoly he hasent......

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Already confirmed, but...




I assume he will adjust for inflation. I sorta lost interest after that. Has anyone actually crunched his numbers?


There really isn't that much detail to "crunch the numbers" off this board...I haven't given real property assessment data and the funds aren't truly secured yet...so they can't really crunch the numbers...and they won't be able to, because posting that kind of detail is too big a price to pay for message board justification...


and to be honest...I've lost interest in talking about it to...lol

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There really isn't that much detail to "crunch the numbers" off this board...I haven't given real property assessment data and the funds aren't truly secured yet...so they can't really crunch the numbers...and they won't be able to, because posting that kind of detail is too big a price to pay for message board justification...


and to be honest...I've lost interest in talking about it to...lol



Pipe dream.

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