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Yep, Suzy said it last night...

Greg de'Ville

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I'm glad you told me that.  The sight of her face MAKES ME hit the mute button ASAP.  Is she on TV to attract the elusive bull dyke demographic?  She can't be of interest to men (male men that is), she is the reason many men have turned gay  and I know she repulses my wife. 



She excited Joe " Willy " ( pardon the pun & vodka )

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Guest Paul Maguire

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

I wanna tell you somethin'

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She excited Joe " Willy " ( pardon the pun & vodka )




That is correct he wanted to kiss her. Then he saw the tape and publicly admitted he needs professional help. Maybe he didn't need help after all. Maybe he thought ... Hey, I'm Braodway Joe, perhaps one kiss from me can chase the husky out of this dog. It didn't work though and now he has a great "why I stopped drinking" story to share.

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That is correct he wanted to kiss her.  Then he saw the tape and publicly admitted he needs professional help.  Maybe he didn't need help after all.  Maybe he thought ... Hey, I'm Braodway Joe, perhaps one kiss from me can chase the husky out of this dog.  It didn't work though and now he has a great "why I stopped drinking" story to share.


Apparently, Suzi is about a fifth on Joe's "I wanna kiss you" vodka scale.

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Apparently ESPN is claiming it was a Teleprompter malfunction. :huh:


I couldn't believe it myself when I heard it.  Anybody else get annoyed by her attempts to "masculinize" her voice with that "faux gravel?"



Ya hit the nail right on the head... I can't stand her. And she emphasizes about every third word in a sentence. Horrible to listen to! She's gotta be doin somebody at ESPN to have a job. :blink:

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I'm glad you told me that.  The sight of her face MAKES ME hit the mute button ASAP.  Is she on TV to attract the elusive bull dyke demographic?  She can't be of interest to men (male men that is), she is the reason many men have turned gay  and I know she repulses my wife.  The network should move her to reporting on semi-pro women's softball.



I agree with Campy here. Suzie, while not LA 10 material, is very attractive in her own way even with short hair. And as Campy said, the fact that she is a REAL announcer who's earned an appropriate degree AND knows her facts AND is a good interviewer makes her that much more attractive to me than some of the bland air-headed bimbos you will see on MNF tonight.

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I'm glad you told me that.  The sight of her face MAKES ME hit the mute button ASAP.  Is she on TV to attract the elusive bull dyke demographic?  She can't be of interest to men (male men that is), she is the reason many men have turned gay  and I know she repulses my wife.  The network should move her to reporting on semi-pro women's softball.



I could have sworn that I saw an engagement ring on her left hand a few years back on 'Edge NFL Matchup'...then, suddenly, it was no more. I've wondered in recent years whether she really is a dyke...not that there's anything wrong with that. :w00t:

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you guys are kidding me right? That ESPN team in the booth is the worst. And that's saying something.


Mike Patrick sounds like a girl, not in pitch, but some of his comments. They also try to make EVERY routine tackle sound like Stratton's HIT.


Joe Thiesman is anoying as hell, and makes some of the dumbest football comments ever hear.


Paul M. is a broken record. He's the only guy I ever heard say "BAM!" when a screen pass touches a guy's hands.


I'm sick of them. Here's my plan:


Replace Thiesmann with Ron Jawarski.....the smartest football mind ESPN has.


Replace MacQuire with Fred Willard (the guy from Best In Show). Tell me that wouldn't be a hoot every Sunday night.


Replace Mike Patrick with.......um....anybody!!!! he sux real bad.

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I have figured this out.


The NFL has cheerleaders but don't expect to see them much while a game is being played. They are almost non-existent.


Then the sideline women they have reporting are horrible. They look like someone's ex-wife, they sound butch and only know what they are reading off of the teleprompter.


Why why why ???


Because the NFL is all about men. They can't show the cheerleaders or have hot chicks on the sidelines because it would get men thinking sexy thoughts. This would be an invitation to have the guys change the channel to the Spice Network, Playboy or whatever.


The way it is it keeps men focused on the game and they also don't lose the potential female viewers because the chicks are too hot and make the ones watching at home feel too fat.


I think it is on purpose to keep their ratings UP and lil Elvis DOWN. Suzy could kill a h*rd on at 500 yards. Note: Melissa Stark is a set of lost car keys waiting to happen.

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Theisman comes across as condescending from time-to-time, but he does know a thing or two about the game.  I like Maguire too (you can call me a Buffalo homer, I probably am).  He comes up with stuff out of left field that makes me laugh out loud, and the bonus is that he'll tell Theisman to stick it.  Mike Patrick is a very underrated (IMO) play-by-play guy.  He knows how to call a game, whether it's a close one ot a blowout.


And I love Suzy Kolber, she seems cool.  I think I fell for her when I watched her host the Matchup Show.  What a cutie, AND she knows football!  :lol:


It seems I'm in the minority, but I like espn's Sunday Night Coverage.




Whadaya know? You said something that makes sense! :D


Mike Patrick is my favortie play by play guy on all the networks. It used to be Dick Enberg, but he's losing it a'la Pat summerall.

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I'm glad you told me that.  The sight of her face MAKES ME hit the mute button ASAP.  Is she on TV to attract the elusive bull dyke demographic?  She can't be of interest to men (male men that is), she is the reason many men have turned gay  and I know she repulses my wife.  The network should move her to reporting on semi-pro women's softball.




agree totally...she's cute, but WAY too butch..


she's definitely joe namath's type, though.

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