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Has Dennis Green lost his mind?!?!


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First, after having his team start to experience some success with Josh McCown at QB, Dennis Green inexplicibly switches to Shaun King. To no ones surprise (expect perhaps Mr. Green), the Cardinals lose the two starts King is given. Now, this Sunday, Green is giving the ball to...John Navarre!?!?!?




WTF Denny?!? Not that I give two rats asses about the Cardinals, but sometimes you just have to shake your head and wonder what these guys are thinking.

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First, after having his team start to experience some success with Josh McCown at QB, Dennis Green inexplicibly switches to Shaun King.  To no ones surprise (expect perhaps Mr. Green), the Cardinals lose the two starts King is given.  Now, this Sunday, Green is giving the ball to...John Navarre!?!?!?




WTF Denny?!?  Not that I give two rats asses about the Cardinals, but sometimes you just have to shake your head and wonder what these guys are thinking.



And everyone wanted him in Buffalo during the offseason...


(for the record, I was firmly in the anti-Green camp; it was bad enough having to listen to the guy in Minnesota)



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IIRC, Green seldom settled on a qb throughout his coaching career. Maybe he learned that by working with the Viking organization - I think that Culpepper is the only vike qb to start a 3rd season since Warren Moon. The Cards are going nowhere - I suppose he's just going through auditions...

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Well he benched McCown the Saturday before the game against the Panthers...Obviously something happened there...McCown got all the reps in practice then Saturday something happened that got McCown benched....



What happened is unknown...i guess we will find out when McCown gets cut this offseason...

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It has not been lost on Cards fans and media that they also passed up Big Ben in the draft.  Larry F.  is good but a franchise QB is much harder to come by.



The announcers of the Jets - Cards game touched on that point a number of times.

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What seems to be the problem? Green's got a team that ain't gonna challenge for a playoff spot. His QBs, apparently have not been producing. This is his "free pass" rebuilding season, so he should do what he thinks is best. If anyone knows QBs... he should... he's had success with just about anyone he plugged in in Minnesota... including Jeff George, and Sean Salisbury... two of the NFLs most renowned losers. Since his team is going nowhere, why not experiment.... start the 2005 preseason now. When he goes to Mr. Bidwell after the season and says... "Bill, we need a QB". He will have prima facia eveidence that he's right... he doesn't have a QB.... and just maybe the Cards enter the Drew Brees Derby.


I don't see why anyone should have a problem with a coach, who is in the beginning stages of totally rebuilding the team and starting from square one. He can make any moves he wants. Next year is a different story... the bar will be raised a notch higher and in his third year, a lot higher...

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What seems to be the problem?  Green's got a team that ain't gonna challenge for a playoff spot.  His QBs, apparently have not been producing.  This is his "free pass" rebuilding season, so he should do what he thinks is best.  If anyone knows QBs... he should... he's had success with just about anyone he plugged in in Minnesota... including Jeff George, and Sean Salisbury... two of the NFLs most renowned losers. Since his team is going nowhere, why not experiment.... start the 2005 preseason now.  When he goes to Mr. Bidwell after the season and says... "Bill, we need a QB".  He will have prima facia eveidence that he's right... he doesn't have a QB.... and just maybe the Cards enter the Drew Brees Derby.


I don't see why anyone should have a problem with a coach, who is in the beginning stages of totally rebuilding the team and starting from square one.  He can make any moves he wants.  Next year is a different story... the bar will be raised a notch higher and in his third year, a lot higher...



Well the Cards aren't out of the playoffs. If the Rams lose tonight, they're 1 game back. So they are challenging for a playoff spot, whether they like it or not.


Second, getting ready for 2005 with Shaun King? Who prepares for 2005 with Shaun King?


Third, Green had a shot at Roethlisberger and Rivers in the draft this year, he took Larry Fitzgerald instead, which meant that he had confidence in McCown. Less than 10 games later, McCown is benched? It makes Green look bad.


Fourth, Arizona has an NFL team?!?! Since when?

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Didn't someone start a rumor he was seen at the Buffalo airport with George Seifert, both interviewing for the Bills job ? :blink:


Yup, the Bills also were looking at Tom Coughlin, Fassel... checking Jim Hasletts availability... Good God. I'll take Mularkey over ANY of those guys.

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Second, getting ready for 2005 with Shaun King? Who prepares for 2005 with Shaun King?


Third, Green had a shot at Roethlisberger and Rivers in the draft this year, he took Larry Fitzgerald instead, which meant that he had confidence in McCown.  Less than 10 games later, McCown is benched?  It makes Green look bad.




King got a raw deal in Tampa Bay. While the Bucs did eventually win a Super Bowl with Brad Johnson who's to say King couldn't have done the same. That said I think King is a career NFL Backup One thing to remember though King was far more successful at Tulane then Losman was.


That said Dennis Green might not look so foolish if he can manage to get a veteran QB this offseason. I'm pretty sure Arizona a team that has the cap room that could afford to trade for Drew Brees this offseason. They may even pursue someone like Quincy Carter, as part of Green's success was more with the long passing game vs the short.

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My problem with Dennis Green started a few years ago when Randy Moss said, "I play when I want to play."


Right then and there Denny should have said, "No, Randy. You play when I want you to play. So you just let me know when you want to play and I'll think about whether I want you to play."


Instead he did nothing, no doubt thinking it would save his job. In the end it cost him his job anyway.

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Instead he did nothing, no doubt thinking it would save his job.  In the end it cost him his job anyway.


What cost Green his job was a lack of defense. As good as the Vikings offense has/is they don't have the defense to put them over the top. Even with "The Great" Ted Cottrell the Vikings defense this season ranks 27th this season. This with 9 of their 11 starters being selected in either the 1st or 2nd Round of the draft.

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