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Are Tom Jackson's Eyes Swelling Shut?

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I once liked Mel, but it seems he misses on about all the players. Am ok with Gruden. Seems like Berman is antsy. All in all I think the way ESPN has been doing the draft, in this new formula, SUCKS. How about more commercials and less player coverage. Yeah that is the ticket. These kids work all their lives for this dream and ESPN, which is on cable or satellite, wants to shove commercials down our throats. Talk about a money racket. :thumbsup::w00t::thumbsup:

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i still like TJ...i wish it was just Berman, TJ and Mel doing the draft


No get Mel off the screen the only thing I enjoyed about him was when the Broncos took Tebow I though he was going to explode right there. Gruden was pretty good on that Clausen call like how he called Mel Clausen's agent

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I thought he was just tired last night, but I noticed the same sleepy look tonight that I had never seen before. Are they puffy? Either that, or like NFL RBs . . . he woke up old


It may be rage induced due to Steve Young interrupting him all night.

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I thought he was just tired last night, but I noticed the same sleepy look tonight that I had never seen before. Are they puffy? Either that, or like NFL RBs . . . he woke up old

As a former Bronco , he is pissed that they wasted a 1st round choice on tebow because he will not play this year or the next. He feels the coach is wrecking the team since he got there getting rid of Cutler and Brandon Marshall and replacing them with basically people not as good

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